Dennis T. Cheung: Columnist, Associate Editor, and Writer.
Mark Clark: Author of the LEU Viewer.
Joshua B. Colglazier, Internet subscription service.
David W. Eldred: Official Western Washington BBS distributor.
Ed Gurowitz: Offical Compuserve Distributor of LEU.
Jim Hines: Columnist, Cover Design, Official Internet Distributor of the LEU.
Paul Kassell: Official LEU Distributor for Scotland.
Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere: Editor, Columnist, and Writer.
Randy Simon: Official Genie Distributor of LEU
Fred Showker: Columnist
Mark Wall & Green Mountain Software: producers of DOCMaker
Jim Alley: Contributor
Legal Stuff
The Low-End User is to be distributed freely, but is copyrighted. It may be distributed povided: 1) no fee is charged for it beyond the cost of the distribution (such as downloading fees or the price of a disk, envelope and stamp), 2) It is distributed as is, 3) no material contained within it is used without the author’s permission. Those submitting material to the Low-End User retain the full right to their material and any material may only be used in accord with the wishes of the author.
Contacting Low-End User via Email
•LEU? Where?
It seems that some of you out there are not sure where to reliably obtain the Low-End User Magazine. The best source for LEU's is America Online. Just do KEYWORD: File Search and type in LEU. LEU is also available on GEnie, the Internet, and Compuserve, local BBSs and other places. Please distribute this magazine as far and as wide as possible! There's not a better source of information than from a friend. Thanks to Joshua, we now have an internet mailing list. Check out the Internet Subscription chapter for the details.
AOL: Macintosh Hardware Forum
Compuserve: On Cserve, LEU is on the Mac Community Club Forum (GO MACCLUB) in the Library under magazines.
Internet: Primary archive is, in the "per" directory. It is also available at a variety of other sites.