LEU now has an email subscription service. There is no charge for this service. By choosing to subscribe to the email subscription service, you will be helping to conserve precious computer resources. Downloading the LEU from an archive site takes MUCH longer than reading your own email. In addition, you will get the issue as soon as it comes out, rather than having to check to see if the archive site has it yet or not. I would encourage all regular LEU readers to subscribe.
Subscriptions are mailed out with a day or two of their posting to the Internet.
In addition, subscribers will be placed on a mailing list which LEU can to
inform subscribers of changes in format, frequency of publication, need for
volunteer assistance, etc. This email list will NOT be given out to any outside
group, it is maintained in password-protected security.
All email regarding the subscription service should be sent to:
using one of the following Subject headings, as appropriate:
To subscribe
Subject: LEU subscribe
To unsubscribe
Subject: LEU unsubscribe
To change email address
Subject: LEU change
For administrative questions/comments or back issues: