Are you experiencing bugs or problems? If so, send a report to the LEU. Please send as many details as possible (your system, what went wrong, what you were doing when it went wrong, and so forth).
Due care is taken in reporting problems and bugs. However, be sure to keep in mind that the LEU does not have extensive testing facilities and relies primarily on user reports and staff experiences. If a bug or problem report appears to be inaccurate, please contact the LEU.
America Online Problems
Over the past couple of months various users (including myself) have reported having problems with America Online. These problems have been in four main areas: 1) Connecting- some users have been unable to establish a viable connection on some occasions. 2)Staying connected: some users have reported losing their connections to AOL for no apparent reason (no modem or line failures, etc.). 3) Freezes: some users have reported experiencing program freezes with AOL software, requiring a restart. 4) Host Failing to Respond: Some users have reported watching the little beach ball spin round and round and round and then being informed that the host has failed to respond for some reason. It is suspected that the increase in AOL traffic and data traffic in general are playing a large role in the problems. -MCL
RAMDoubler and American Heritage Dictionary
I recently discovered that RD 1.5, when used with large amounts of ram (12 megs in my case) interferes with the American Heritage Dictionary. It won't open, period. The company says they'll get a fix out soon, but it's been a month since I called and I haven't seen it yet. I'm a writer, so this is a problem. The only solution is cutting out RD