This section simply lists what appear to be good prices on potentially useful software and hardware. No guarantee or endorsement is intended. The LEU assumes no responsibility for actions taken on the basis of this information. Buy at your own risk.
Great Deals at MacWarehouse
MacWarehouse is a well regarded mail order dealership and has been in business for quite some time. My own experiences with the company have been positive. MacWarehouse is an Apple authorized dealer for certain Apple items (all the ones they sell) and they offer next day FedEx shipping for $3 . Order number: 1-800-255-6227.
HP DeskWriter 550C
HP's high quality color and black & white inkjet printer sells for $399.
Apple Duo 230 4/80
This PowerBook sells for $999.
PowerBook 145B Plus Pack
This plus pack consists of a PowerBook 145 with an internal Global Village Powerport/Bronze fax modem as well as a software pack. $1299.
44MB SyQuest Drive
A 44MB removable drive. The first cartridge sells for $29.95, the rest at the normal price of around $70-75 (depending on quantity purchased).
Power User 105 Extended Keyboard
An extended keyboard that is very similar to the Apple Extended keyboard. $69.95.
Claris FileMaker Pro
Get Claris' data management software for $99 (offer expires 12/31/94). This is $300 less than the suggested retail.
FoxPro 2.6
Microsoft's database software. $99.
Microtek Scanners
The Scanmaker IIg (1,4,8-bit grayscale) sells for $399 and the Scanmaker II (24-bit color) sells for $549.
Telport Gold II from Global Village
14,400 bps speed fax/modem. $139.95.
WriteNow 4.0
A powerful, but compact and inexpensive, word processor. $59.95.
Virtus VR
A good intro to 3D. $65.
A utility for creating animated, rendered logos as well as objects. $109.95.
HyperCard 2.2
The classic authoring software for everyone. $99.99.
Connectix's nifty grayscale computer camera. Plugs into a serial port. $99.95.
CA-Cricket Presents III, CA-Cricket Draw II, and CA-Cricket Graph III. Each program sells for $99.
Wordperfect Student Essentials
A bundle consisting of Word Perfect 3.1 as wells as other useful software. For students and educators only. $89.
RAM Doubler
Double your RAM. Really. $55.
VST ThinPack Complete
A high capacity external battery for the 100 series PowerBooks. $119. Includes software.
Metrowerks CodeWarrior Bronze
Programming language for 68K Macs. $99.
An excellent grading program. Makes my life as an overworked university professor much easier. $55.
Pax Imperia
Great space strategy game. $39.95.
Space Madness
A cool space combat game. $29.
The ChessMaster 3000
A high quality chess game. $25.95.
Super Maze Wars-2 Pack
Network combat game. $19.95.
Harpoon Classic CD
A great naval wargame. $29.95.
Spectre VR
Network combat game. $39.
Pathways into Darkness
3D Adventure in the domain of an alien demon. $39.95.
3D alien battling in a colony vessel. $39.95.
Desktop Publishing Bundle (CD-ROM)
Consists of: Corel Gallery, Corel Professional Photo Sampler, Softkey PhotoLibrary, MediaClips Worldview, Key ClipMasterPro, Softkey ClipArt Library, KeyFontsPro. All for $69.95.
Great Deals at Mac's Place
Mac's Place is a quality mail order business. My experiences with Mac's Place have been positive. They offer next day shipping for $3. They are an authorized Apple Reseller. Order: 1-800-913-0009. -MCL
Dabbler and Kurta Graphics Tablet
A bundle cosnisting of Dabbler and a pressure sensitive graphics tablet. $169.95.
RAM Doubler
Double your RAM. Really. $54.
Pathways into Darkness
3D Adventure in the domain of an alien demon. $39.95.
3D alien battling in a colony vessel. $39.95.
Spectre VR
Network combat game. $34.95.
SpaceWord Ho! 4.0
Conquer the galaxy. $36.95.
Strategic Conquest 4.0
Conquer the world. $36.95.
Vistapro on CD-ROM
Create 24-Bit photorealistic landscapes.
TextBridge OCR
OCR from Xerox. $74.95.
HyperCard 2.2
The classic authoring kit. $99.95.
FoxPro 2.6
Microsoft's database software. $89.95.
FileMaker Pro 2.1
Claris' database software. $89.95
Adesso Extended Keyboard
Extended keyboard. $76.95.
HP DeskWriter 540
HP newest high quality InkJet printer. Prints in color and black&white. $299.95.
Great Deals at the MacZone
The MacZone is a quality mail order house. My dealings with them have been satisfactory. They offer $3 next day shipping and are an authorized Apple Reseller.
Call: 1-800-248-0800. -MCL
Microtek ScanMaker II
24 bit flatbed scanner includes Ray Dream Designer 3.0, Adobe Photoshop LE, and OmniPage Direct OCR. $499.98.
Macintosh Performa 410
This factory remanufactured Mac ships with 4MB RAM, a 80MB hard drive, keyboard and mouse, and 90 day warranty from Apple. SimCity Classic and Wealth Builder 2.0 are free for the asking if you buy a 410. $499.
RAM Doubler
Double your RAM. $57.98.
Performantz 14.4 External Fax/Modem
Fast fax modem with V.42bis and V.42 error correction. $99.95.
Sony CPD-1320 14" Color Monitor
DayStar 50MHz Universal PowerCache
Quality accelerator. $299.98.
HyperCard 2.2
Classic authoring software, $99.98.
Wordperfect Student Essentials
A bundle consisting of Word Perfect 3.1 as wells as other useful software. For students and educators only. $84.
CA Cricket Draw III, CA Cricket Presents III, and CA Cricket Graph III. Each sells for $93.98.
The Print Shop Deluxe
The latest version of Print Shop. $48.98.
Monster Bundle 2
A bundle consisting of Holiday Lemmings, F/A-18 Hornet, Sim City Classic, Crystal Caliburn Pinball, Wolfenstein 3D-Limited Edition, Prince of Persia, and Pathways into Darkness. $99.98. CD.