Mac Net Journal can be downloaded from a number of sites on the Internet, from commercial servers, and from local bulletin boards.
Commercial Servers:
America On Line
Compuserve - Use "Go Downtech"
Eworld - Use shortcut "Shareware", the library path is Software Central / Electronic Publications / Additional Publications
Anonymous FTP
Anonymous FTP to in directory /pub/. If you cannot find the latest issue of Mac Net Journal at this site, try anonymous ftp to:
(these seem to be the most responsive ftp mirrors for info-mac)
Gopher server
Access Info-Mac (Sumex-Aim) gopher server then access the directory for periodicals
Reminder: Screaming Eagle and Gateway Proteus are First Class Servers, so use First Class Client 2.51, available via Info-Mac and Umich in their communication directories.
Also remember that where ever you are, there is probably a local First Class BBS already in place. Mac Net Journal has been know to pop up on many of these servers. If you need a phone number for a local First Class BBS, just email the editors and let us know what country you are in and, if you're in America, give us your area code.