RSRC will be copied (Type “^1”) into “^2” on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will NOT be copied (Type “^1”), into the file “^2” on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will NOT be copied (Type “^1”), because the target file “^2” needs to exist on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will NOT be copied (Type “^1”), into the file “^2”, because the target resource was protected on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will be updated (Type “^1”) in the file “^2” on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will NOT be updated (Type “^1”), in the file “^2”, because the Installer is keeping the existing resource on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will NOT be updated (Type “^1”), because the target file “^2” contains a resource that is locked on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will NOT be updated (Type “^1”), in the file “^2”, because it didn't exist on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will NOT be updated (Type “^1”), because the target resource was locked in the file “^2” on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will be removed (Type “^1”) from the file “^2” on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will NOT be removed (Type “^1”), from the file “^2” on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will NOT be removed (Type “^1”), from the file “^2”, because it doesn't exist on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will NOT be removed (Type “^1”), from the file “^2”, because the resource is protected on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).
RSRC will NOT be removed (Type “^1”), because the file “^2” is Locked on the disk “^3”. (inra#=^0).