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- /*
- BGame.c
- Game running code for Breakout Demo
- Copyright 1994 by Al Evans. All rights reserved.
- 2/24/94
- */
- #include "BGame.h"
- #include "Motion.h"
- short gBOBrickCount;
- short gBOBallCount;
- short gBOBallSpeed;
- long gBOScore;
- Str255 gBOScoreStr;
- GrafElPtr MakeABrick(GEWorldPtr world, OSType id)
- {
- GrafElPtr aBrick;
- aBrick = FindElementByID(world, id);
- if (aBrick == nil) {
- aBrick = NewBasicPICT(world, id, brickPlane, rBrick, transparent, 0, 0);
- }
- return aBrick;
- }
- //Setup
- Boolean LoadBreakoutGame(GEWorldPtr world)
- {
- GrafElPtr thisElement;
- MParamPtr ballMotion;
- RGBColor scoreColor;
- short scoreFNum;
- //Get background
- thisElement = NewTiledGraphic(world, bkgID, bkgPlane, rBkg, srcCopy, world->animationRect);
- if (thisElement == nil) return false;
- //Get paddle
- thisElement = NewBasicPICT(world, paddleID, paddlePlane, rPaddle, transparent, 0, world->animationRect.bottom - 16);
- if (thisElement == nil) return false;
- //Set paddle's autochange proc
- SetAutoChange(world, paddleID, DoPaddle, nil, 33);
- //Get ball
- thisElement = NewBasicPICT(world, ballID, ballPlane, rBall, transparent, 0, 0);
- if (thisElement == nil) return false;
- //Hide it for now
- ShowElement(world, ballID, false);
- //Set ball's autochange and collision procs
- ballMotion = (MParamPtr) NewPtrClear(sizeof(MotionParams));
- InitMotion(ballMotion, 0, 125);
- ballMotion->limitRect = world->animationRect;
- SetAutoChange(world, ballID, DoBall, (Ptr) ballMotion, 17);
- SetCollision(world, ballID, DoBallHit, brickPlane); //brickPlane == paddlePlane
- //Get a brick just to make sure it's available
- thisElement = MakeABrick(world, firstBrickID);
- if (thisElement == nil) return false;
- //Hide it
- ShowElement(world, firstBrickID, false);
- //Make the scoreboard
- scoreColor.red = 240 << 8;
- scoreColor.green = 240 << 8;
- scoreColor.blue = 46 << 8;
- GetFNum("\pChicago", &scoreFNum);
- thisElement = NewTextGraphic(world, scoreID, scorePlane, 20, 10, srcOr,
- scoreFNum, bold, 12, scoreColor, gBOScoreStr);
- if (thisElement == nil) return false;
- SetAutoChange(world, scoreID, DoScore, nil, 200); //Update score 5 times/second
- return true;
- }
- void MakeNewBricks(GEWorldPtr world)
- {
- GrafElPtr thisBrick;
- OSType currBrickID = firstBrickID;
- short rowCount, colCount;
- gBOBrickCount = 0;
- for (rowCount = 0; rowCount < 5; rowCount++)
- for (colCount = 0; colCount < 10; colCount++) {
- thisBrick = MakeABrick(world, currBrickID);
- if (thisBrick == nil) return; //Oops
- MoveElementTo(world, currBrickID, 2 + colCount * 34, 36 + rowCount * 18);
- ShowElement(world, currBrickID, true);
- currBrickID++;
- gBOBrickCount++;
- }
- }
- void StartNewBall(GEWorldPtr world)
- {
- GrafElPtr ball;
- MParamPtr ballMotion;
- ball = FindElementByID(world, ballID);
- if (ball == nil) return; //Oops again
- MoveElementTo(world, ballID, 0, 200);
- ShowElement(world, ballID, true);
- ballMotion = (MParamPtr) ball->changeData;
- ballMotion->currMotion.v = gBOBallSpeed;
- ballMotion->currMotion.h = gBOBallSpeed - 2;
- }
- void NewBreakoutGame(GEWorldPtr world)
- {
- gBOScore = 0;
- gBOScoreStr[0] = 0;
- gBOBallCount = 4;
- gBOBallSpeed = 4;
- MakeNewBricks(world);
- StartNewBall(world);
- }
- //Return position of mouse in GEWorld coordinates
- short GetPlayerMove(GEWorldPtr world)
- {
- GrafPtr savePort;
- Point saveFocus;
- Point mousePt;
- short move;
- GetPort(&savePort);
- SetPort(world->gEWPort);
- GetGEWorldFocus(world, &saveFocus);
- FocusOnGEWorld(world);
- GetMouse(&mousePt);
- move = mousePt.h;
- SetGEWorldFocus(world, saveFocus);
- SetPort(savePort);
- return move;
- }
- pascal void DoPaddle(GEWorldPtr world, GrafElPtr paddle)
- {
- short paddleX;
- short limit = world->animationRect.right - (paddle->animationRect.right - paddle->animationRect.left);
- paddleX = GetPlayerMove(world);
- if (paddleX < 0) paddleX = 0;
- if (paddleX > limit) paddleX = limit;
- PtrMoveElementTo(world, paddle, paddleX, paddle->animationRect.top, false);
- }
- pascal void DoBall(GEWorldPtr world, GrafElPtr ball)
- {
- MParamPtr motion = (MParamPtr) ball->changeData;
- switch (CheckLimits(&ball->animationRect, &motion->limitRect)) {
- case up:
- if (motion->currMotion.v < 0)
- motion->currMotion.v = -motion->currMotion.v;
- break;
- case left:
- if (motion->currMotion.h < 0)
- motion->currMotion.h = -motion->currMotion.h;
- break;
- case down:
- ShowElement(world, ball->objectID, false);
- //Do something gamey here
- if (--gBOBallCount > 0)
- StartNewBall(world);
- break;
- case right:
- if (motion->currMotion.h > 0)
- motion->currMotion.h = -motion->currMotion.h;
- break;
- }
- PtrMoveElement(world, ball, motion->currMotion.h, motion->currMotion.v);
- }
- pascal void DoBallHit(GEWorldPtr world, GrafElPtr ball, GEDirection dir, CollisionPhase phase, GrafElPtr objHit)
- {
- MParamPtr motion = (MParamPtr) ball->changeData;
- short hBump;
- if (phase == collisionBegin) {
- if (objHit->objectID == paddleID) { //Ball hit the paddle
- hBump = ball->animationRect.left - objHit->animationRect.left + 6;
- hBump = hBump - 20;
- hBump = hBump / 4;
- motion->currMotion.h += hBump;
- }
- else { //Ball hit a brick
- ShowElement(world, objHit->objectID, false);
- gBOScore += 50;
- --gBOBrickCount;
- if (gBOBrickCount == 0) {
- gBOBallSpeed++;
- MakeNewBricks(world);
- StartNewBall(world);
- }
- }
- //Either way, bounce ball
- switch (dir) {
- case left:
- case upLeft:
- case downLeft:
- if (motion->currMotion.h < 0)
- motion->currMotion.h = -motion->currMotion.h;
- if (dir != left)
- motion->currMotion.v = -motion->currMotion.v;
- break;
- case right:
- case upRight:
- case downRight:
- if (motion->currMotion.h > 0)
- motion->currMotion.h = -motion->currMotion.h;
- if (dir != right)
- motion->currMotion.v = -motion->currMotion.v;
- break;
- case up:
- if (motion->currMotion.v < 0)
- motion->currMotion.v = -motion->currMotion.v;
- break;
- case down:
- if (motion->currMotion.v > 0)
- motion->currMotion.v = -motion->currMotion.v;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- pascal void DoScore(GEWorldPtr world, GrafElPtr scoreBoard)
- {
- static long scoreShown = 0;
- if (gBOScore != scoreShown) {
- scoreShown = gBOScore;
- NumToString(scoreShown, gBOScoreStr);
- SetTextGraphicText(world, scoreBoard->objectID, gBOScoreStr);
- }
- }