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Lisp/Scheme | 1994-05-28 | 9.7 KB | 322 lines | [TEXT/xlsp] |
- ; To play against the computer:
- ; (meplay #pits-per-side #pebbles-per-pit #search-depth #computer-plays-first)
- ;
- ; To have the computer play against itself:
- ; (play #pits-per-side #pebbles-per-pit #search-depth)
- ; The playing arena:
- ; 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
- ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
- ; Pick up the pile of stones in a pit and seed them counterclockwise,
- ; except for the oponents kalah hole.
- ; If the last pebble lands in your own empty hole, pick up that pebble
- ; and the one oposite of the opponents hole, and put them in ones kalah hole
- ; If the last pebble lands in your own kalah hole, play again
- ; If as a result of your move, you have no more pebbles, then your oponent
- ; takes all of his pebbles.
- ; The first player to get at greater than 50% of the pebbles wins.
- (defun makelist (length contents)
- (if (zerop length)
- 'nil
- (cons contents (makelist (1- length) contents))))
- (defconstant *maxvalue* 1000)
- (defconstant *minvalue* (- *maxvalue*))
- (defconstant *firsta* 0)
- (defvar *enda*)
- (defvar *endb*)
- (defvar *moves*)
- (defvar *firstb*)
- (defvar *halfall*)
- (defvar *board*)
- (defvar *lasta*)
- (defvar *lastb*)
- (defmacro copy (list) `(append ,list 'nil))
- (defmacro empty (position hole) ; empty out the given hole
- `(setf (nth ,hole ,position) 0))
- (defmacro kalaholefn (whoseturn) ; the scoring hole for the given player
- `(if ,whoseturn *endb* *enda*))
- (defmacro opposholefn (hole) ; calculate the opposing hole
- `(- *lastb* ,hole))
- (defmacro ownsidep (hole whoseturn)
- `(if ,whoseturn (> ,hole *enda*) (< ,hole *firstb*)))
- (defmacro prinb (x) `(dotimes (i ,x) (princ #\space)))
- (defun search (startpos depth whoseturn)
- (if (zerop depth)
- (list startpos (evaluate startpos whoseturn))
- (let (bestval nextval bestpos succlist)
- (setq succlist (successorsfn startpos whoseturn))
- (when (> depth 1) (setq succlist (reorder succlist whoseturn)))
- (setq
- beta *maxvalue*
- bestval *minvalue*
- bestpos (car succlist))
- (dolist (this succlist)
- (when (wincheck this whoseturn)
- (return-from search (list this *maxvalue*)))
- (setq nextval (- (alphabeta this
- (- beta)
- (- bestval)
- (1- depth)
- (not whoseturn))))
- (when (> nextval bestval)
- (setq bestval nextval)
- (setq bestpos this)))
- (list bestpos bestval)))) ; return value
- (defun alphabeta (position alpha beta depth whoseturn)
- (if (zerop depth)
- (evaluate position whoseturn)
- (let (bestval nextval succlist)
- (setq succlist (successorsfn position whoseturn))
- (when (> depth 1) (setq succlist (reorder succlist whoseturn)))
- (setq bestval alpha)
- (dolist (this succlist)
- (when (wincheck this whoseturn)
- (return-from alphabeta *maxvalue*))
- (setq nextval (- (alphabeta this
- (- beta)
- (- bestval)
- (1- depth)
- (not whoseturn))))
- (when (> nextval bestval) (setq bestval nextval))
- (when (<= beta bestval) (return-from alphabeta bestval)))
- bestval)))
- (defun successorsfn (position whoseturn
- &aux
- (picuphole (1- (if whoseturn *firstb* *firsta*)))
- succlist
- succ
- stones
- disthole
- lasthole)
- (dotimes (dummy *enda*)
- (when (not (zerop (nth (setq picuphole (1+ picuphole)) position)))
- (setq succ (copy position))
- (setf (nth *moves* succ)
- (cons (1+ dummy) (nth *moves* succ)))
- (setq stones (nth picuphole succ)) ; stones in this pit
- (empty succ picuphole)
- (setq disthole picuphole)
- (dotimes (dummy2 stones) ; drop in successive holes except
- ; opponents kalah hole
- (setq disthole (nextdistholefn disthole whoseturn))
- (dropin succ disthole 1))
- (setq lasthole disthole)
- (cond ((allownzerok succ whoseturn) ; all played out
- (opptakesallfn succ whoseturn))
- ((eq lasthole (kalaholefn whoseturn)) ; last in kalah
- (setq succ (successorsfn succ whoseturn)))
- ((and (eq (nth lasthole succ) 1) ; last into own empty
- (> (nth (opposholefn lasthole) succ) 0)
- (ownsidep lasthole whoseturn))
- (dropin succ
- (kalaholefn whoseturn)
- (1+ (nth (opposholefn lasthole) succ)))
- (empty succ lasthole)
- (empty succ (opposholefn lasthole))
- (when (allownzerok succ whoseturn)
- (opptakesallfn succ whoseturn))))
- (setq succlist (nconc (preparelisfn succ) succlist))))
- (if (null succlist)
- (progn (setq succ (copy position))
- (opptakesallfn succ whoseturn)
- (list succ))
- succlist))
- (defun dropin (position hole number)
- (setf (nth hole position)
- (+ number
- (nth hole position))))
- (defun nextdistholefn (disthole whoseturn)
- (cond ((and whoseturn (eql disthole *lasta*)) *firstb*) ; skip own pile
- ((and (not whoseturn) (eql disthole *lastb*)) *firsta*)
- ((< disthole *endb*) (1+ disthole))
- (t *firsta*)))
- (defun preparelisfn (x)
- (if (atom (car x))
- (list x)
- (unimbedfn x)))
- (defun reorder (poslist whoseturn)
- (mapcar #'car (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
- (cons x
- (evaluate x whoseturn)))
- poslist)
- #'(lambda (x y) (>= (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
- (defun wincheck (position whoseturn)
- (> (nth (kalaholefn whoseturn) position) *halfall*))
- (defun evaluate (position whoseturn) ; assign the value to the position
- ; could obviously use work
- (let ((ownkala (nth (kalaholefn whoseturn) position))
- (oppkala (nth (kalaholefn (not whoseturn)) position)))
- (cond ((> ownkala *halfall*) *maxvalue*)
- ((> oppkala *halfall*) *minvalue*)
- (t (- ownkala oppkala)))))
- (defun printins ()
- (terpri)
- (format t "Select Hole:~% ")
- (dotimes (i *enda*)
- (let ((n (- *enda* i)))
- (prin1 n)
- (prinb (if (> 10 n) 2 1))
- )))
- (defun listmoves (position &aux (l (nth *moves* position)))
- (setf (nth *moves* position) nil)
- (terpri)
- (format t "Moves: ")
- (mapc #'(lambda (x) (format t "~s " x)) (reverse l)))
- (defun printpos (position)
- (let ((minprint (reverse (subseq position 0 *firstb*)))
- (maxprint (subseq position *firstb* *moves*)))
- (terpri)
- (prin1 (car minprint))
- (prinb (if (> 10 (car minprint)) 3 2))
- (setq minprint (cdr minprint))
- (do ((list minprint (cdr list)))
- ((null list))
- (prin1 (car list))
- (prinb (if (> 10 (car list)) 2 1)))
- (terpri)
- (prinb 4)
- (do ((list maxprint (cdr list)))
- ((null (cdr list)))
- (prin1 (car list))
- (prinb (if (> 10 (car list)) 2 1)))
- (prinb 2)
- (prin1 (car (last maxprint)))
- (terpri)
- (terpri)))
- (defun allownzerok (position whoseturn)
- (zerop (apply #'+ (if whoseturn
- (subseq position *firstb* *endb*)
- (subseq position *firsta* *enda*)))))
- (defun opptakesallfn (position whoseturn)
- (dropin position
- (kalaholefn (not whoseturn))
- (apply #'+ (if whoseturn
- (subseq position *firsta* *enda*)
- (subseq position *firstb* *endb*))))
- (do ((count *enda* (1- count))
- (hole (if whoseturn *firsta* *firstb*) (1+ hole)))
- ((zerop count))
- (empty position hole)))
- (defun nextmove (depth whoseturn)
- (terpri)
- (setq *board* (search (car *board*) depth whoseturn))
- (listmoves (car *board*))
- (printpos (car *board*))
- (print (cdr *board*))
- (terpri))
- (defun unimbedfn (poslist)
- (do ((list poslist (cdr list))
- (result nil (if (atom (caar list))
- (cons (car list) result)
- (append (unimbedfn (car list)) result))))
- ((null list) result)))
- (defun initialize (holes pebbles
- &aux (temp (makelist holes pebbles)))
- ; initialize the playing area
- (setq *enda* holes
- *endb* (+ holes holes 1)
- *lasta* (1- *enda* )
- *firstb* (1+ *enda*)
- *lastb* (1- *endb*)
- *moves* (1+ *endb*)
- *halfall* (* holes pebbles)
- *board* (list (append temp
- (list 0)
- temp
- (list 0)
- '(nil))
- 0)))
- (defun play (holes pebbles depth) ; play the game
- (initialize holes pebbles)
- (do ((whoseturn nil (not whoseturn))
- (scorea 0 (nth *enda* (car *board*)))
- (scoreb 0 (nth *endb* (car *board*))))
- ((or (> scorea *halfall*)
- (> scoreb *halfall*)
- (= scorea scoreb *halfall*)))
- (nextmove depth whoseturn)))
- (defun meplay (holes pebbles depth computer-first)
- (prog (picuphole)
- (initialize holes pebbles)
- (when computer-first (setq succ (copy (car *board*)))
- (go y))
- n (setq succ (copy (car *board*)))
- (printins)
- (printpos succ)
- (when (> (nth *enda* succ) *halfall*)
- (format t "You win!!~%")
- (return t)) ; win for side a
- (when (> (nth *endb* succ) *halfall*)
- (format t "I win!!!~%")
- (return nil)) ; win for side b
- (when (= (nth *enda* succ) (nth *endb* succ) *halfall*)
- (format t "We tie???~%")
- (return nil))
- x (princ "Hole? ") (setq picuphole (read))
- (when (or (not (numberp picuphole))
- (>= picuphole *firstb*)
- (> 1 picuphole)
- (zerop (setq stones
- (nth (setq picuphole (1- picuphole)) succ))))
- (go x))
- (empty succ picuphole)
- (setq disthole picuphole)
- (dotimes (dummy stones)
- (dropin succ
- (setq disthole (nextdistholefn disthole nil)) 1))
- (setq lasthole disthole)
- (cond ((allownzerok succ nil)
- (opptakesallfn succ nil)
- (setq *board* (list succ 0))
- (go n))
- ((eql lasthole *enda*)
- (setq *board* (list succ 0))
- (go n))
- ((and (eql (nth lasthole succ) 1)
- (> (nth (opposholefn lasthole) succ) 0)
- (> *enda* lasthole))
- (dropin succ *enda* (1+ (nth (opposholefn lasthole) succ)))
- (empty succ lasthole)
- (empty succ (opposholefn lasthole))
- (when (allownzerok succ nil)
- (opptakesallfn succ nil)
- (setq *board* (list succ 0))
- (go n))))
- (printpos succ)
- y (format t "(Computer is thinking...)~%")
- (setq *board* (search succ depth t))
- (listmoves (car *board*))
- (go n)))