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Text File | 1994-05-28 | 5.4 KB | 196 lines | [TEXT/xlsp] |
- ; Blocks World from Winston&Horn
- #-:classes (load "classes")
- ; abstract classes for ball types
- ; basic blocks support nothing
- (defclass basic-block (name width height position supported-by))
- (defmethod basic-block :support-for () nil)
- (defmethod basic-block :top-location ()
- (list (+ (first position) (/ width 2))
- (+ (second position) height)))
- ; movable-blocks can be moved
- (defclass movable-block () () basic-block)
- ; load-bearing blocks can support other blocks, and can be moved
- (defclass load-bearing-block (support-for) () movable-block)
- ; we can't have multiple inheritance, so we need a separate class for table
- ; table blocks can support other blocks but cannot be moved.
- (defclass table-block (support-for) () basic-block)
- ; Specific classes for table brick wedge and ball
- (defclass brick () () load-bearing-block)
- (defclass wedge () () movable-block)
- (defclass ball () () movable-block)
- (defclass hand (name position grasping))
- ; define all the individual blocks
- (setf *blocks*
- (list
- (send table-block :new :name 'table :width 20 :height 0 :position '(0 0))
- (send brick :new :name 'b1 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(0 0))
- (send brick :new :name 'b2 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(2 0))
- (send brick :new :name 'b3 :width 4 :height 4 :position '(4 0))
- (send brick :new :name 'b4 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(8 0))
- (send wedge :new :name 'w5 :width 2 :height 4 :position '(10 0))
- (send brick :new :name 'b6 :width 4 :height 2 :position '(12 0))
- (send wedge :new :name 'w7 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(16 0))
- (send ball :new :name 'l8 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(18 0))
- ))
- (dolist (l *blocks*) (set (send l :name) l))
- (dolist (l (cdr *blocks*)) ; all but table block
- (setf (send table :support-for)
- (cons l (send table :support-for))
- (send l :supported-by)
- table))
- (definst hand *hand* :name '*hand* :position '(0 6))
- (defmethod movable-block :put-on (support)
- (if (send self :get-space support)
- (and (send *hand* :grasp self)
- (send *hand* :move self support)
- (send *hand* :ungrasp self))
- (format t
- "Sorry, there is no room for ~a on ~a.~%"
- name
- (send support :name))))
- (defmethod movable-block :get-space (support)
- (or (send self :find-space support)
- (send self :make-space support)))
- (defmethod hand :grasp (obj)
- (unless (eq grasping obj)
- (when (send obj :support-for)
- (send obj :clear-top))
- (when grasping
- (send grasping :rid-of))
- (setf position (send obj :top-location))
- (format t
- "Move hand to pick up ~a at location ~a.~%"
- (send obj :name)
- position)
- (format t
- "Grasp ~a.~%"
- (send obj :name))
- (setf grasping obj))
- t)
- (defmethod hand :ungrasp (obj)
- (when (send obj :supported-by)
- (format t
- "Ungrasp ~a~%"
- (send obj :name))
- (setf grasping nil)
- t))
- (defmethod movable-block :rid-of ()
- (send self :put-on table))
- (defmethod movable-block :make-space (support)
- (dolist (obstruction (send support :support-for))
- (send obstruction :rid-of)
- (let ((space (send self :find-space support)))
- (when space (return space)))))
- (defmethod load-bearing-block :clear-top ()
- (dolist (obstacle support-for) (send obstacle :rid-of))
- t)
- (defmethod hand :move (obj support)
- (send obj :remove-support)
- (let ((newplace (send obj :get-space support)))
- (format t
- "Move ~a to top of ~a at location ~a.~%"
- (send obj :name)
- (send support :name)
- newplace)
- (setf (send obj :position) newplace)
- (setf position (send obj :top-location)))
- (send support :add-support obj)
- t)
- ; remove-support-for is defined twice, for each load bearing class
- (defmethod load-bearing-block :remove-support-for (obj)
- (setf support-for (remove obj support-for))
- t)
- (defmethod table-block :remove-support-for (obj)
- (setf support-for (remove obj support-for))
- t)
- (defmethod movable-block :remove-support ()
- (when supported-by
- (format t
- "Removing support relations between ~a and ~a.~%"
- (send supported-by :name)
- name)
- (send supported-by :remove-support-for self)
- (setf supported-by nil))
- t)
- (defmethod load-bearing-block :add-support (obj)
- (format t
- "Adding support relations between ~a and ~a.~%"
- (send obj :name)
- name)
- (setf support-for
- (cons obj support-for)
- (send obj :supported-by)
- self)
- t)
- (defmethod table-block :add-support (obj)
- (format t
- "Adding support relations between ~a and ~a.~%"
- (send obj :name)
- name)
- (setf support-for
- (cons obj support-for)
- (send obj :supported-by)
- self)
- t)
- (defmethod basic-block :add-support (obj)
- t)
- (defmethod movable-block :find-space (support)
- (dotimes (offset (1+ (- (send support :width) width)))
- (unless (intersections-p self offset
- (first (send support :position))
- (send support :support-for))
- (return (list (+ offset (first (send support
- :position)))
- (+ (second (send support :position))
- (send support :height)))))))
- (defun intersections-p (obj offset base obstacles)
- (dolist (obstacle obstacles)
- (let* ((ls-proposed (+ offset base))
- (rs-proposed (+ ls-proposed (send obj :width)))
- (ls-obstacle (first (send obstacle :position)))
- (rs-obstacle (+ ls-obstacle (send obstacle :width))))
- (unless (or (>= ls-proposed rs-obstacle)
- (<= rs-proposed ls-obstacle))
- (return t)))))