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Lisp/Scheme | 1994-05-28 | 1.9 KB | 100 lines | [TEXT/xlsp] |
- ;;;
- ;;; An infix to prefix converter for algebraic expressions.
- ;;; From Winston and Horn, Second Edition, pp 185-189.
- ;;;
- ;
- ; Adapted as a lisp macro by:
- ; Jonathan Roger Greenblatt (jonnyg@rover.umd.edu)
- ; University of Maryland at College Park
- ;
- ;
- ; (usage:
- ;
- ; [ <expr> <oper> <expr> ( <oper> <expr> ) ... ]
- ;
- ; <expr>: a lisp expresion.
- ; <oper>: =,+,-,*,/,mod.**,^
- ;
- ; Note: [ and ] are part of the syntax, ( and ) mean this part is
- ; optional.
- ;
- ; Examples:
- ;
- ; [a = 7 * 5 + 4]
- ; [b = 7 + (sin (float a)) + (float [a / 7]) * [3 + a]]
- ;
- ; These are expanded to:
- ;
- ; (SETQ A (+ (* 7 5) 4))
- ; (SETQ B (+ (+ 7 (SIN (FLOAT A))) (* (FLOAT (/ A 7)) (+ 3 A))))
- ;
- ;
- (defun inf-to-pre (ae)
- (labels
- ((weight (operator)
- (case operator
- (= 0)
- (+ 1)
- (- 1)
- (* 2)
- (/ 2)
- (mod 2)
- (** 3)
- (^ 3)
- (t 4)))
- (opcode (operator)
- (case operator
- (= 'setq)
- (+ '+)
- (- '-)
- (* '*)
- (/ '/)
- (mod 'mod)
- (** 'expt)
- (^ 'expt)
- (t (error "~s is an invalid operator" operator))))
- (inf-aux (ae operators operands)
- (inf-iter (cdr ae)
- operators
- (cons (car ae) operands)))
- (inf-iter (ae operators operands)
- (cond ((and (null ae) (null operators))
- (car operands))
- ((and (not (null ae))
- (or (null operators)
- (> (weight (car ae))
- (weight (car operators)))))
- (inf-aux (cdr ae)
- (cons (car ae) operators)
- operands))
- (t (inf-iter ae
- (cdr operators)
- (cons (list (opcode (car operators))
- (cadr operands)
- (car operands))
- (cddr operands)))))))
- (if (atom ae)
- ae
- (inf-aux ae nil nil))))
- (setf (aref *readtable* (char-int #\[))
- (cons :tmacro
- (lambda (f c &aux ex)
- (setf ex nil)
- (do () ((eq (peek-char t f) #\]))
- (setf ex (append ex (cons (read f) nil))))
- (read-char f)
- (cons (inf-to-pre ex) nil))))
- (setf (aref *readtable* (char-int #\]))
- (cons :tmacro
- (lambda (f c)
- (error "misplaced right bracket"))))