After you have registered, you will receive a personalised serial number.
To enter this serial number into your software, open the application and select the “Register...” item from the Apple menu (or the Application menu on Mac OS X).
This will display a dialog which allows you to enter your name and serial number (your serial number is not entered into the “Register Offline” application - it is entered into the application you have purchased).
If you have any problems, please contact Zonic by email at <>.
Web Registration
The simplest way to register your software is by doing so over the web. A secure connection is established between Kagi’s ordering server and your computer, and your credit card details are encrypted while in transit.
Kagi will be able to start processing the payment almost immediately, and you will receive confirmation of your order in less time than you would with any other method.
To order over the web, visit <>.
If you wish to register by email, fax, or post, you must prepare your order using the “Register Offline” application.
This application should have been supplied with the software you wish to register - if it did not, or you no longer have a copy, you can download the latest version from <>.
Open the Register application and fill in your name, address, email address, and payment details where indicated. Balloon Help is provided for most items, and can be turned on if you are unclear of the purpose of any fields.
After entering your details, the total payment will be displayed at the bottom right of the window. You can then create a payment form - which can be printed, copied to the clipboard, or saved to a file.
Please ensure that you enter a valid email address: this allows Kagi to quickly contact you if there is a problem with your payment.
Submitting Registrations
To send a registration by email: copy the data from the Register application and paste it into the body of an email message. You can also save the data to a file and then attach that file to an email message.
Email registrations should be sent to <>. Payments sent with this method are processed within 3 to 4 days, and you will receive an acknowledgement by email when Kagi process your payment.
To send a registration by fax: print the data from the Register application (or fax it directly, if you have a fax modem).
Fax registrations should be sent to Kagi at +1-510-652-6589. Payments sent with this method are processed within 10 days, and if you provide a valid email address you will receive an acknowledgement by email when Kagi process your payment.
To send a registration by post: print the data from the Register application, and send it to the address shown on the form.
Postal registrations should be sent to:
Kagi Shareware,
1442-A Walnut Street PMB #392-6AF,
Berkeley, California 94709-1405
Payments sent with this method are processed within 10 days from the date at which Kagi receive your mail, and if you provide a valid email address you will receive an acknowledgement by email when Kagi process your payment.
Payments by cash can be made in several currencies, but cheques must be sent in US Dollars. Kagi can not accept cheques in other currencies, due to the conversion overhead for non-USD cheques.
Registration Notes
• If you have a purchasing department, you can enter your details into the Register program and select Invoice as your payment method. Print three copies of the form and send it to your accounts payable people.
You might want to hilight the line that mentions they must include a copy of the form with their payment. Kagi can not invoice your company: you need to generate the invoice and handle all the paperwork on your end.
• Please do not fax or email payment forms that indicate Cash, Cheque, or Invoice as the payment method. Without the payment, the payment form can not be processed.
• Double-check your email address is typed correctly. If your email address is incorrect, you will not be able to receive the registration details for your software.
• If you do not supply an email address, you must supply a postal address and request a postal receipt. This costs $1.00 extra, but if you do not request this then you will not receive the registration details for your software.
• If your email account uses filters to reject/delete incoming mail, please make sure that you do not inadvertently delete any mail from Kagi.
• If you use America Online, please use an alternative email address if possible. If you must use America Online, please make sure your account is set up to receive incoming Internet mail. Otherwise Kagi will be unable to contact you if there is a problem with your payment.
• Send the registration details to Kagi. Only Kagi can process registrations for this software, and sending them to any other address will increase the chances that the registration will either go missing or be delayed before it can be forwarded to Kagi for processing.
• If you have any problems while registering, please contact Zonic by email at <>.