home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
NeXT TypedStream Data | 2001-11-04 | 15.0 KB | 316 lines |
- typedstream
- NSIBObjectData
- NSObject
- NSCustomObject)
- NSMutableString
- NSString
- NSApplication
- NSMenuItem
- NSMenu
- Control
- NSMutableArray
- NSArray
- i@@IIi@@@@:i@
- Pause/Resume
- NSCustomResource)
- NSImage
- NSMenuCheckmark
- NSMenuMixedState
- Single Step
- Restart
- Speed Up
- Slow Down
- Show Info
- Configure
- Toggle QuickTime Recording
- Show Console Window
- Window
- Close
- Front Layer
- Standard Layer
- Back Layer
- 160x120
- 320x240
- 480x360
- 640x480
- 800x600
- Full Screen
- Make Desktop Background
- Select Background Image...
- Bring All to Front
- _NSWindowsMenu
- MainMenu
- SaverLab
- submenuAction:
- About SaverLab
- Preferences...
- Services
- Services
- _NSServicesMenu
- Hide SaverLab
- Hide Others
- Show All
- Quit SaverLab
- _NSAppleMenu
- Modules
- Show Browser
- Update List
- Paste
- Clear
- Select All
- SaverLab Help
- _NSMainMenu
- Window
- SaverLabController
- NSButton
- NSControl)
- NSView)
- NSResponder
- NSTabView
- @@@@ffffffff
- NSButtonCell?
- NSActionCell
- NSCellA
- Cancel
- NSFont
- [36c]
- ssii@@@@@
- [28c]
- @@@icc
- NSTabViewItem
- @@@@@@@
- General
- NSColor
- System
- controlColor
- NSTextField
- NSTextFieldCell=A
- After recording:
- controlTextColor
- NSMatrix>6
- #iiii:::ffffi@@@@@A
- (Create QuickTime movie and delete images
- NSButtonImageSource
- NSRadioButton
- &Create QuickTime movie and save images
- ,Save images and don't create QuickTime movie
- NSImage.
- NSBitmapImageRep
- NSImageRep
- [1490c]MM
- Radio
- Frame rate of QuickTime movies:
- Use module's current rate
- Use fixed rate:
- Radio
- NSNumberFormatter
- NSFormatter
- #,##0
- -#,##0.00
- NSAttributedString
- NSDictionary
- @@@@@ccc
- NSDecimalNumberPlaceholder
- textBackgroundColor
- textColor
- Images Directory:
- Set...
- per second
- Default
- Recording
- (and no windows are open)
- NSPopUpButton
- NSPopUpButtonCell
- NSMenuItemCell
- OtherViews
- 160 x 120
- _popUpItemAction:
- 480 x 360
- 640 x 480
- 800 x 640
- 320 x 240
- Size of new windows:
- !Restore module windows on startup
- NSSwitch
- &Automatically update available modules
- Show module list on startup
- /Show console window when new output is received
- *Show module list when Dock icon is clicked
- NSBox*7
- NSBrowser<6
- @@@::#sssi
- NSBrowserCell
- BrowserItem
- Preview
- Show Preview
- NSCustomView)7
- NSView
- NSResponder
- Configure...
- Open In Preview Mode
- NSSwitch
- ff@@ccc
- NSWindowTemplate
- iiffffi@@@@@c
- SaverLab Preferences
- NSWindow
- SaverLabPrefsWindowController
- Screen Savers
- NSWindow
- SaverLabBrowserWindowController
- NSMenuItem11
- NSMenuItem411
- Controller
- NSButton4
- NSView
- NSButton
- NSButton1
- NSTextField1
- NSButton2
- NSMenuItem5
- NSView
- NSMenuItem2
- NSMenuItem412
- PopUpList
- NSMenuItem
- NSButton
- NSButton
- NSTabViewItem
- Saver Browser
- NSMenuItem2
- NSMenuItem
- NSMenuItem413
- NSButton1
- NSMenuItem1
- NSButton2
- NSMenuItem1
- NSButtonCell1
- NSMenuItem
- NSMatrix11
- NSView
- NSButton3
- SaverLabListWindowController
- NSTextField4
- NSMatrix1
- NSMenuItem414
- NSMenuItem
- NSTextField
- NSMenu
- NSTextField1
- NSMenuItem1
- Preferences
- NSMenuItem6
- NSPopUpButton
- NSTextField
- File's Owner
- NSMenu
- NSMenuItem8
- NSMenuItem415
- NSMenuItem21
- NSView
- NSMenuItem2
- NSTextField3
- NSMenuItem3
- NSMenuItem4
- NSMenuItem2
- NSMenuItem
- NSView
- NSTextField11
- MainMenu
- NSCustomView
- NSTabViewItem1
- NSBox
- NSButton51
- NSMenuItem11
- NSTextField
- NSMenuItem
- NSButtonCell
- NSTabView
- NSMenuItem111
- NSBrowser
- NSButton1
- NSMenuItem9
- NSMenuItem41
- NSMenuItem12
- NSButton5
- NSMenuItem
- NSTextField2
- NSMenuItem1
- NSMenuItem1
- NSMenuItem1
- NSMutableSet
- NSSet
- NSNibControlConnector
- NSNibConnector
- arrangeInFront:
- showHelp:
- terminate:
- orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:
- hideOtherApplications:
- hide:
- unhideAllApplications:
- NSNibOutletConnector
- delegate
- modulesMenu
- togglePause:
- restart:
- showConfigurationSheet:
- singleStepAnimation:
- moveToFrontLayer:
- moveToStandardLayer:
- moveToBackLayer:
- makeSize160:
- makeSize320:
- makeSize480:
- makeSize640:
- makeSize800:
- makeFullScreen:
- selectBackgroundImage:
- speedUp:
- slowDown:
- showInfoPanel:
- clear:
- selectAll:
- copy:
- paste:
- showWindow:
- listWindowController
- modulesBrowser
- window
- delegate
- window
- cancelPreferences:
- savePreferences:
- reallyClose:
- prefsWindowController
- previewCheckbox
- previewCheckboxToggled:
- browserModuleSelected:
- delegate
- previewView
- showConfigurationSheet:
- configureButton
- updateModuleList:
- updateModuleList:
- openInPreviewModeCheckbox
- toggleQuicktimeRecording:
- makeDesktopBackground:
- autoUpdateModulesCheckbox
- restoreWindowsCheckbox
- showListOnStartupCheckbox
- !showListWhenNoWindowsOpenCheckbox
- sizePopupMenu
- createYesDeleteYesRadioButton
- createYesDeleteNoRadioButton
- createNoDeleteNoRadioButton
- moduleRateRadioButton
- customRateRadioButton
- customRateTextField
- imagesDirectoryTextField
- chooseImagesDirectory:
- resetImagesDirectory:
- openPreferencesWindow:
- openConsoleWindow:
- showConsoleWindowCheckbox
- IBCocoaFramework