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Text File | 2002-10-21 | 48.0 KB | 1,858 lines |
- //-----
- // Attack
- //-----
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackMain:
- // if ( self.lastattacktime == NIL )
- // self.lastattacktime = level.time
- // println "~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " self.targetname " in AttackMain, last is " (level.time - self.lastattacktime) " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
- // self.lastattacktime = level.time
- // boonDebug sets whether or not to print debug messages from this script.
- //level.boonDebug = 1
- //thread DPrintln "Attack main called"
- waitexec anim/smoking.scr::SmokeRemoveCigarette
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::ReloadInit
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- //defines
- if ( level.aiattackshortrange != NIL )
- self.shortrange = level.aiattackshortrange
- else
- self.shortrange = 150
- if ( level.aiattackmediumrange != NIL )
- self.mediumrange = level.aiattackmediumrange
- else
- self.mediumrange = 650
- if ( level.aipronedistance != NIL )
- self.pronedistance = level.aipronedistance
- else
- self.pronedistance = 850
- if ( self.aipronechance == NIL )
- {
- if ( level.aipronechance != NIL )
- self.aipronechance = level.aipronechance
- else
- self.aipronechance = 25
- }
- if ( self.aicrouchchance == NIL )
- {
- if ( level.aicrouchchance != NIL )
- self.aicrouchchance = level.aicrouchchance
- else
- self.aicrouchchance = 60
- }
- if ( self.aicrouchpronechance == NIL )
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackRandomizeCrouchProne
- if ( self.ainocrouch == NIL )
- self.ainocrouch = 0
- if ( self.ainoprone == NIL )
- self.ainoprone = 0
- if ( self.ainododge == NIL )
- self.ainododge = 0
- if ( self.ainostrafe == NIL )
- self.ainostrafe = 0
- if ( self.ainocrouchdodge == NIL )
- self.ainocrouchdodge = 0
- if ( self.ainopronedodge == NIL )
- self.ainopronedodge = 0
- if ( self.ainointerval == NIL )
- self.ainointerval = 0
- if ( self.ainohopforward == NIL )
- self.ainohopforward = 0
- if ( self.ainohopbackward == NIL )
- self.ainohopbackward = 0
- self.dist_walkforward = 110
- self.dist_walkbackward = 90
- self.dist_walkleft = 80
- self.dist_walkright = 80
- self.dist_dodgeleft = 70
- self.dist_dodgeright = 70
- self.dist_crouchleft = 15
- self.dist_crouchright = 15
- self.dist_prone_roll_left = 30
- self.dist_prone_roll_right = 30
- //attack parameters default value - set based on distance below
- //percent chance of dodging (while player is not aiming at me)
- self.dodgepct = 50
- //percent chance of moving forward
- self.aggresiveness = 10
- //percent chance of backing away
- self.backawaypct = 90
- //percent chance of doing a strafe during dodge - should really be name self.strafedodgepct
- self.strafepct = 20
- //percent chance of shooting while dodging - should really be named self.dodgeshootpct
- self.shootpct = 100
- //boolean whether to dodege when player is aiming at me
- self.aimdodge = 1
- //amount of time to spend aiming before shooting
- self.aimtime = 1
- self.enemyaimingme = 0
- self.collideresult = 0
- self.movedtointervaldir = 0
- self.movingtointervaldir = 0
- self.needreload = 0
- self.lastmovement = "none"
- group.subthread = NULL
- // Initialise say manager
- self waitthread anim/SayManager.scr::Init
- // Now say something aggressive
- if ( (self.nextsayattack == NULL) || (self.nextsayattack == NIL) || (level.time > self.nextsayattack) )
- {
- self.nextsayattack = level.time + randomint 3 + 4
- //thread DPrintln "=================Saying attack line====================="
- if (self.team == "german")
- {
- //self setsay ("den_head_attack_" + self.voicetype)
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager ("den_head_attack_" + self.voicetype) 7
- }
- else
- {
- // Friendlies shouldn't say attack sounds as often as enemies, since they're speaking a language most of
- // our market can understand.
- if ( (randomint 100) > 50 )
- {
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager ("dfr_head_attack_" + self.voicetype) 7
- }
- }
- }
- while (1)
- {
- waitexec anim/default_inithandler.scr
- //get distance
- local.distance = self.distancetoenemy
- if (local.distance > self.mediumrange)
- {
- //long range attack
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackLongRangeStart
- }
- else if (local.distance > self.shortrange)
- {
- //medium range attack
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackMediumRangeStart
- }
- else
- {
- //we must be in short range
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackShortRangeStart
- }
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDeleteSubThread
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackDeleteSubThread:
- if (group.subthread != NIL)
- {
- if (group.subthread != NULL)
- {
- group.subthread delete
- }
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackShortRangeStart:
- switch (self.weapongroup)
- {
- case rifle:
- case pistol:
- self.dodgepct = 10
- self.aggresiveness = 0
- self.backawaypct = 90
- self.strafepct = 50
- self.shootpct = 100
- self.aimdodge = 1
- self.aimtime = 0.20
- break
- case bazooka:
- //bazooka guys should never get here but just in case
- self.dodgepct = 10
- self.aggresiveness = 0
- self.backawaypct = 100
- self.strafepct = 100
- self.shootpct = 0
- self.aimdodge = 1
- self.aimtime = 1
- break
- default:
- self.dodgepct = 80
- self.aggresiveness = 0
- self.backawaypct = 20
- self.strafepct = 75
- self.shootpct = 100
- self.aimdodge = 1
- self.aimtime = 0.20
- break
- }
- self.instandshoot = 0
- self.movedtointervaldir = 0
- self.movingtointervaldir = 0
- self.inreload = 0
- thread AttackMediumRange
- local.mythread = parm.previousthread
- while(1)
- {
- // this wait moved from bottom of loop to avoid running the same thread twice in a frame.
- waitframe
- local.distance = self.distancetoenemy
- if ( (local.distance > self.shortrange) && (self.inreload == 0) && (self.movingtointervaldir == 0) )
- {
- break
- }
- if ( (local.distance < self.reallyshortrange) && (self.weapongroup != bazooka) && (self.inreload == 0) && (self.movingtointervaldir == 0) )
- {
- self.instandshoot = 0
- local.mythread delete
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDeleteSubThread
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackReallyShortRange
- thread AttackMediumRange
- local.mythread = parm.previousthread
- }
- }
- local.mythread delete
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDeleteSubThread
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackMediumRangeStart:
- //thread DPrintln "Calling medium range start"
- switch (self.weapongroup)
- {
- case rifle:
- self.dodgepct = 30
- self.aggresiveness = 5
- self.backawaypct = 50
- self.strafepct = 50
- self.shootpct = 100
- self.aimdodge = 1
- self.aimtime = 0.30
- break
- case pistol:
- self.dodgepct = 35
- self.aggresiveness = 5
- self.backawaypct = 50
- self.strafepct = 8
- self.shootpct = 100
- self.aimdodge = 1
- self.aimtime = 0.30
- break
- case bazooka:
- //bazooka guys should never get here but just in case
- self.dodgepct = 30
- self.aggresiveness = 0
- self.backawaypct = 85
- self.strafepct = 100
- self.shootpct = 0
- self.aimdodge = 1
- self.aimtime = 1.5
- break
- default:
- self.dodgepct = 50
- self.aggresiveness = 50
- self.backawaypct = 25
- self.strafepct = 65
- self.shootpct = 100
- self.aimdodge = 1
- self.aimtime = 0.30
- break
- }
- thread AttackMediumRange
- local.mythread = parm.previousthread
- self.instandshoot = 0
- self.movedtointervaldir = 0
- self.movingtointervaldir = 0
- self.inreload = 0
- while(1)
- {
- local.distance = self.distancetoenemy
- if ( (local.distance > self.mediumrange || local.distance < self.shortrange) && (self.inreload == 0) && (self.movingtointervaldir == 0) )
- {
- break
- }
- if ( (self.instandshoot == 1) && (self.inreload == 0) && (self.movingtointervaldir == 0) )
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackIsEnemyAimingAtMe
- if (self.enemyaimingme > 0)
- {
- // TODO (Boon) Perhaps play panic face here?
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckLeft self.dist_walkleft
- if (self.collideresult == 0)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckRight self.dist_walkright
- }
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- //thread DPrintln "calling dodge"
- self.instandshoot = 0
- local.mythread delete
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDeleteSubThread
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandDodge
- thread AttackMediumRange
- local.mythread = parm.previousthread
- }
- }
- }
- waitframe
- }
- local.mythread delete
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDeleteSubThread
- //group delete
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackLongRangeStart:
- //thread DPrintln "long range"
- if (self.weapongroup == bazooka)
- {
- self.dodgepct = 10
- self.aggresiveness = 0
- self.backawaypct = 5
- self.strafepct = 100
- self.shootpct = 0
- self.aimdodge = 1
- self.aimtime = 1.5
- }
- else
- {
- self.dodgepct = 20
- self.aggresiveness = 10
- self.backawaypct = 5
- self.strafepct = 50
- self.shootpct = 100
- self.aimdodge = 1
- self.aimtime = 0.50
- }
- self.instandshoot = 0
- self.movedtointervaldir = 0
- self.movingtointervaldir = 0
- self.inreload = 0
- thread AttackLongRange
- local.mythread = parm.previousthread
- while(1)
- {
- local.distance = self.distancetoenemy
- if ( (local.distance < self.mediumrange) && (self.inreload == 0) && (self.movingtointervaldir == 0) )
- {
- break
- }
- waitframe
- }
- if (local.mythread != NULL)
- {
- local.mythread delete
- }
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDeleteSubThread
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackReallyShortRange:
- local.distance = self.distancetoenemy
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert_legs")
- // Note: local.distance returns 0 if I don't have an enemy
- while ( (local.distance > 0) && (local.distance < self.reallyshortrange) )
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDoMelee
- local.distance = self.distancetoenemy
- self.lastmovement = "stand"
- self interrupt_point
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackDoMelee:
- self.blendtime = 0.25
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_hit 5
- self playsound rifle_whip
- self setupperanim (self.weapongroup + "_butt")
- wait 0.38
- // can't make AI unkillable this way self.enemy normal_damage 25
- if ( self.enemy != $player )
- self.enemy damage self 75 self (0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) 1 9 0 0
- else
- {
- local.dir = $player.origin - self.origin;
- self.enemy damage self 75 self (0 0 0) local.dir (0 0 0) 1 9 0 0
- }
- self playsound rifle_hit
- self waittill upperanimdone
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackMediumRange:
- //thread DPrintln "calling attack medium range"
- switch (self.weapongroup)
- {
- rifle:
- mp40:
- mp44:
- bar:
- thompson:
- pistol:
- bazooka:
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandUp
- while (1)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandMoveToIntervalDir
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandDodge
- //waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- break
- grenade:
- mg42:
- generic:
- unarmed:
- handler:
- dog:
- default:
- println ("^~^~^ Attack medium range default case for "+self.weapongroup+" weapon group - fix attack.scr")
- break
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackStand:
- if (self.needreload == 1)
- {
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 0
- }
- else
- {
- self.playedreloadanim = 0
- self.playedrechamberanim = 0
- }
- self.instandshoot = 1
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- waitexec anim/shoot.scr::CanShoot
- if (self.canshoot == 1)
- {
- if (self.lastmovement != stand)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.20
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert_legs")
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- waitexec anim/aim.scr::PlayAimActionAnim
- wait self.aimtime
- }
- waitexec anim/shoot.scr::CanShoot
- if (self.canshoot == 1)
- {
- //self.blendtime = 0.05
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert_legs")
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shoot") -60 60
- waitexec anim/shoot.scr::PlayShootActionAnim
- self waittill upperanimdone
- self.needreload = 1
- //so that we don't get interrupted
- self.instandshoot = 0
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 0
- }
- else
- {
- //println "~^~^~^AttackStand can't shoot after aim!"
- if (self.lastmovement == stand)
- {
- //just aim if we can't shoot
- self.blendtime = 0.20
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert_legs")
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- waitexec anim/aim.scr::PlayAimActionAnim
- wait self.aimtime
- }
- else
- {
- //wait a frame here so that we don't do multiple sight trace
- //in one frame
- waitexec anim/aim.scr::PlayAimActionAnim
- waitframe
- }
- }
- self.lastmovement = "stand"
- }
- else
- {
- // println "~^~^~^AttackStand can't shoot!"
- self.needreload = 0
- self.instandshoot = 0
- self.blendtime = 0.30
- self endactionanim
- self setupperanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert")
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert_legs")
- self.lastmovement = "stand_alert"
- wait self.blendtime
- }
- self.instandshoot = 0
- self interrupt_point
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackStandAndAim:
- if (self.needreload == 1)
- {
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 0
- }
- else
- {
- self.playedreloadanim = 0
- self.playedrechamberanim = 0
- }
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- self.blendtime = 0.30
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert_legs")
- waitexec anim/shoot.scr::CanShoot
- if (self.canshoot)
- {
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- waitexec anim/aim.scr::PlayAimActionAnim
- self.lastmovement = "stand"
- }
- else
- {
- //println "~^~^~^AttackStandAndAim can't shoot!"
- self.lastmovement = "stand_alert"
- self setupperanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert")
- }
- wait self.blendtime
- self interrupt_point
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackStandDodge:
- self.instandshoot = 0
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackIsEnemyAimingAtMe
- if ( (local.randnum < self.dodgepct) || (self.enemyaimingme > 0) )
- {
- // TODO (Boon) Perhaps play panic face here?
- //dodge left or right
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum < 50)
- {
- //strafe left or hop left
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( ((local.randnum < self.strafepct) || (self.ainododge != 0) ) && (self.ainostrafe == 0) )
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDodgeStrafeLeft 1
- }
- else if ( self.ainododge == 0 )
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDodgeLeft 1
- }
- else
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //strafe right or dodge right
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( ((local.randnum < self.strafepct) || (self.ainododge != 0) ) && (self.ainostrafe == 0) )
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDodgeStrafeRight 1
- }
- else if ( self.ainododge == 0 )
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDodgeRight 1
- }
- else
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( (local.randnum < self.aggresiveness) && (self.ainohopforward == 0) )
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckFront self.dist_walkforward
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.25
- self.lastmovement = "walk_forward"
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackShootInMotion (self.weapongroup + "_walk_alert_forward") 1
- self interrupt_point
- }
- else
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- }
- else
- {
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( (local.randnum < self.backawaypct) && (self.ainohopbackward == 0) )
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckBack self.dist_walkbackward
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.25
- self.lastmovement = "walk_backward"
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackShootInMotion (self.weapongroup + "_walk_alert_back") 2
- self interrupt_point
- }
- else
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- }
- else
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- }
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackDodgeLeft local.oppositedodge:
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckLeft self.dist_dodgeleft
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.25
- self.lastmovement = "dodge_left"
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackShootInMotion (self.weapongroup + "_stand_dodge_left") 3
- if (self.needreload == 1)
- {
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 0
- }
- self interrupt_point
- //if (self.weapongroup == bazooka && self.playedreloadanim == 0)
- if (self.weapongroup == bazooka)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (local.oppositedodge > 0)
- {
- //wait a frame so that we don't do multiple trace checks
- waitframe
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDodgeRight 0
- }
- else
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackDodgeRight local.oppositedodge:
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckRight self.dist_dodgeright
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.25
- self.lastmovement = "dodge_right"
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackShootInMotion (self.weapongroup + "_stand_dodge_right") 4
- if (self.needreload == 1)
- {
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 0
- }
- self interrupt_point
- //if (self.weapongroup == bazooka && self.playedreloadanim == 0)
- if (self.weapongroup == bazooka)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (local.oppositedodge)
- {
- //wait a frame so that we don't do multiple trace checks
- waitframe
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDodgeLeft 0
- }
- else
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackDodgeStrafeRight local.oppositestrafe:
- if ( (self.weapongroup == pistol) || (self.weapongroup == rifle) )
- {
- //local.i = randomint(1) + 1
- local.i = 1
- }
- else
- {
- local.i = randomint(4) + 1
- }
- local.j = local.i
- while (local.i > 0)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckRight self.dist_walkright
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- if ( (self.lastmovement == strafe_left) && (self.playedreloadanim == 0) )
- {
- //stop first if we strafe right last time around so that the feet won't look funny
- //thread DPrintln "Standing first before strafing right"
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandAndAim
- }
- self.blendtime = 0.25
- self.lastmovement = "strafe_right"
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackShootInMotion (self.weapongroup + "_walk_alert_right") 5
- self interrupt_point
- //if (self.weapongroup == bazooka && self.playedreloadanim == 0)
- if (self.weapongroup == bazooka)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //only strafe the other way if it's the first time
- if ( (local.i == local.j) && (local.oppositestrafe == 1) )
- {
- //thread DPrintln "Strafing the other way to left"
- //wait a frame so that we don't do multiple trace checks
- waitframe
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDodgeStrafeLeft 0
- }
- else
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- break
- }
- local.i = local.i - 1
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackDodgeStrafeLeft local.oppositestrafe:
- if ( (self.weapongroup == pistol) || (self.weapongroup == rifle) )
- {
- //local.i = randomint(1) + 1
- local.i = 1
- }
- else
- {
- local.i = randomint(4) + 1
- }
- local.j = local.i
- while (local.i > 0)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckLeft self.dist_walkleft
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- if ( (self.lastmovement == strafe_right) && (self.playedreloadanim == 0) )
- {
- //stop first if we strafe right last time around so that the feet won't look funny
- //thread DPrintln "Standing first before strafing left"
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandAndAim
- }
- self.blendtime = 0.25
- self.lastmovement = "strafe_left"
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackShootInMotion (self.weapongroup + "_walk_alert_left") 6
- self interrupt_point
- //if (self.weapongroup == bazooka && self.playedreloadanim == 0)
- if (self.weapongroup == bazooka)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //only strafe the other way if it's the first time
- if ( (local.i == local.j) && (local.oppositestrafe == 1) )
- {
- //thread DPrintln "Strafing the other way to Right"
- //wait a frame so that we don't do multiple trace checks
- waitframe
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDodgeStrafeRight 0
- }
- else
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- }
- break
- }
- local.i = local.i - 1
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackShootInMotion local.animname local.id:
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- if (self.needreload == 1)
- {
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 2
- }
- else
- {
- self.playedreloadanim = 0
- self.playedrechamberanim = 0
- }
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( self && self.enemy && (local.randnum < self.shootpct) && (self cansee self.enemy) )
- {
- thread DPrintln "(Boon) Fired without aiming " local.id " - did anything weird happen?"
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- //waitexec anim/shoot.scr::PlayShootActionAnim
- //self setmotionanim local.animname
- //self waittill flaggedanimdone
- //self waittill upperanimdone
- //self.needreload = 1
- switch (self.weapon)
- {
- case "springfield '03 sniper":
- case "mauser kar 98k":
- case "mauser kar 98d sniper":
- //waitexec anim/shoot.scr::PlayShootActionAnim
- //self setmotionanim local.animname
- //self waittill flaggedanimdone
- //self waittill upperanimdone
- //self.needreload = 1
- thread AttackShootInMotionThread
- self setmotionanim local.animname
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.needreload = 1
- while (self.shootinmotionanimdone == 0)
- {
- waitframe
- }
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDeleteSubThread
- break
- default:
- //waitexec anim/shoot.scr::PlayShootActionAnim
- //self setmotionanim local.animname
- //self waittill flaggedanimdone
- //self.needreload = 1
- thread AttackShootInMotionThread
- self setmotionanim local.animname
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.needreload = 1
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDeleteSubThread
- //waitexec anim/aim.scr::PlayAimActionAnim
- break
- }
- }
- else
- {
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- self.needreload = 0
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- waitexec anim/aim.scr::PlayAimActionAnim
- self setmotionanim local.animname
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackShootInMotionThread:
- group.subthread = local
- self.shootinmotionanimdone = 0
- waitexec anim/shoot.scr::PlayShootActionAnim
- self waittill upperanimdone
- self.shootinmotionanimdone = 1
- waitexec anim/aim.scr::PlayAimActionAnim
- self waittill upperanimdone
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackLongRange:
- switch (self.weapongroup)
- {
- rifle:
- mp40:
- mp44:
- bar:
- thompson:
- pistol:
- bazooka:
- while (1)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandMoveToIntervalDir
- local.noprone = 0
- local.distance = self.distancetoenemy
- if ( (local.distance >= self.pronedistance) && (self.weapongroup != bazooka) && (self.team == german) && (self.aicrouchpronechance < self.aipronechance) )
- {
- self.collideresult = 0
- if (self.position != prone)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckProne
- }
- if ( (self.collideresult > 0) || (self.position == prone) )
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackProneDown
- //if ((self cansee self.enemy) > 0)
- //{
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackLongRangeProne
- //}
- //else
- //{
- // local.noprone = 1
- //}
- }
- else
- {
- local.noprone = 1
- }
- }
- else
- {
- local.noprone = 1
- }
- local.nocrouch = 0
- if ( ((local.distance < self.pronedistance) || (local.noprone == 1)) && (self.aicrouchpronechance < self.aicrouchchance) && (self.aicrouchpronechance > self.aipronechance) )
- {
- self.collideresult = 0
- if (self.position != crouch)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckCrouch
- }
- if ( (self.collideresult > 0) || (self.position == crouch) )
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCrouchDown
- //if ((self cansee self.enemy) > 0)
- //{
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackLongRangeCrouch
- //}
- //else
- //{
- // local.nocrouch = 1
- //}
- }
- else
- {
- local.nocrouch = 1
- }
- }
- else
- {
- local.nocrouch = 1
- }
- if ( (local.noprone == 1) && (local.nocrouch == 1) )
- {
- //can't crouch or prone.. so let's just stand
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandUp
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackLongRangeStand
- }
- }
- break
- grenade:
- mg42:
- generic:
- unarmed:
- handler:
- dog:
- default:
- println ("^~^~^ Attack medium range default case for "+self.weapongroup+" weapon group - fix attack.scr")
- break
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackLongRangeStand:
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandMoveToIntervalDir
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandDodge
- //waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStand
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackLongRangeCrouch:
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCrouchDodge
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCrouch
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackLongRangeProne:
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackProneDodge
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackProne
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackCrouch:
- if (self.weapongroup == bazooka)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCrouchBazooka
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crouch_alert")
- if (self.needreload == 1)
- {
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1
- }
- else
- {
- self.playedreloadanim = 0
- self.playedrechamberanim = 0
- }
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- if (self.lastmovement != crouch)
- {
- //aim till we're ready to fire
- self.blendtime = 0.20
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- //self setmotionanim (idle_crouch_rifle)
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- //self waittill flaggedanimdone
- wait self.aimtime
- }
- if ( isAlive self )
- {
- if ((self cansee self.enemy) > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.05
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- switch (self.weapon)
- {
- case "springfield '03 sniper":
- case "mauser kar 98k":
- case "mauser kar 98d sniper":
- self setactionanim kar98_shoot -60 60
- self waittill upperanimdone
- self.needreload = 1
- //so that we don't get interrupted
- self.instandshoot = 0
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 1
- break
- default:
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shoot") -60 60
- self waittill upperanimdone
- self.needreload = 1
- //so that we don't get interrupted
- self.instandshoot = 0
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 0
- break
- }
- }
- else if (self.lastmovement == crouch)
- {
- //Just aim if we can't shoot and did not aim from above
- self.blendtime = 0.20
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- //self setmotionanim (idle_crouch_rifle)
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- // self waittill upperanimdone
- wait self.aimtime
- }
- }
- if ( isAlive self )
- {
- self.lastmovement = "crouch"
- self interrupt_point
- }
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackCrouchBazooka:
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crouch_alert")
- if (self.needreload == 1)
- {
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1
- }
- else
- {
- self.playedreloadanim = 0
- self.playedrechamberanim = 0
- }
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- //aim till we're ready to fire
- local.i = 1
- while (!(self ReadyToFire) || (local.i > 0) )
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.30
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- // self waittill upperanimdone
- wait self.aimtime
- local.i = local.i - 1
- }
- self.lastmovement = "crouch"
- if ((self cansee self.enemy) > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.1
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shoot") -60 60
- self waittill upperanimdone
- //so that we don't get interrupted
- self.instandshoot = 0
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1
- }
- self interrupt_point
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackProne:
- self.position = prone
- if (self.needreload == 1)
- {
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 0
- }
- else
- {
- self.playedreloadanim = 0
- self.playedrechamberanim = 0
- }
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- //aim till we're ready to fire
- local.i = 1
- //while (!(self ReadyToFire) || local.i > 0)
- while (local.i > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.20
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_prone_legs")
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_prone_aim") -60 60
- // self waittill flaggedanimdone
- wait self.aimtime
- local.i = local.i - 1
- }
- self.lastmovement = "prone"
- if ((self cansee self.enemy) > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.1
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_prone_legs")
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_prone_shoot") -60 60
- self waittill upperanimdone
- // Simulate rechamber since we don't have an animation for it
- if ( (self.weapon == "springfield '03 sniper") || (self.weapon == "mauser kar 98k") || (self.weapon == "mauser kar 98d sniper") )
- {
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_prone_aim") -60 60
- wait 0.4
- }
- self.needreload = 0
- //so that we don't get interrupted
- self.instandshoot = 0
- //per Boon--no reload during prone
- //waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 0
- }
- self interrupt_point
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackCrouchDodge:
- if ( self.ainocrouchdodge != 0 )
- end
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackIsEnemyAimingAtMe
- if ( (local.randnum < self.dodgepct) || (self.enemyaimingme > 0) )
- {
- // TODO (Boon) Perhaps play panic face here?
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum < 50)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckLeft self.dist_crouchleft
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.5
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- self setmotionanim (walk_crouch_left)
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.lastmovement = "crouch_left"
- }
- }
- else
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckRight self.dist_crouchright
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.5
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- self setmotionanim (walk_crouch_right)
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.lastmovement = "crouch_right"
- }
- }
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackProneDodge:
- if ( self.ainopronedodge != 0 )
- end
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- // waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackIsEnemyAimingAtMe
- // if (local.randnum < self.dodgepct || self.enemyaimingme > 0)
- if (local.randnum < self.dodgepct)
- {
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum < 50)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckLeft self.dist_prone_roll_left
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.3
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_prone_roll_left")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.lastmovement = "prone_roll_left"
- }
- }
- else
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckRight self.dist_prone_roll_right
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.3
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_prone_roll_right")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.lastmovement = "prone_roll_right"
- }
- }
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackStandMoveToIntervalDir:
- self.movedtointervaldir = 0
- self.movingtointervaldir = 0
- if ( self.ainointerval != 0 )
- end
- if (self.intervaldir != (0 0 0))
- {
- //thread DPrintln "Moving to interval dir: " self.intervaldir
- local.stoodup = 0
- local.spawnedshootthread = 0
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- while (self.intervaldir != (0 0 0))
- {
- //check to see if we can move
- local.movepos = (self.intervaldir * 93) + self.origin
- self.collideresult = 0
- local.movetoresult = self canmoveto local.movepos
- if (local.movetoresult == 1)
- {
- self.collideresult = self sighttrace self.origin local.movepos 1 ( -16 -16 16) ( 16 16 96)
- }
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- // We're spreading out, so tell each other (trying to sound smarter...)
- if ( (level.nextsayspread == NULL) || (level.nextsayspread == NIL) || (level.time > level.nextsayspread) )
- {
- level.nextsayspread = level.time + ( (randomint 200 + 50) / 100 )
- if (self.team == "german")
- {
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager ("den_head_spread_" + self.voicetype) 3
- }
- else
- {
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager ("dfr_head_spread_" + self.voicetype) 3
- }
- }
- self.movingtointervaldir = 1
- if (local.stoodup == 0)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandUp
- local.stoodup = 1
- }
- if (local.spawnedshootthread == 0)
- {
- thread AttackStandMoveToIntervalDirShoot
- self.shootthread = parm.previousthread
- local.spawnedshootthread = 1
- }
- self.blendtime = 0.20
- local.dotvec = self.forwardvector * self.intervaldir
- local.sidevec = self.leftvector * self.intervaldir
- local.forwardbackblend = abs(local.dotvec)
- local.sideblend = 1.0 - local.forwardbackblend
- //sanity checks
- if (local.sideblend < 0.00)
- {
- local.sideblend = 0.00
- }
- if (local.sideblend > 1.0)
- {
- local.sideblend = 1.0
- }
- //thread DPrintln "Forward: " local.forwardbackblend " Side: " local.sideblend
- if (local.dotvec >= 0.00)
- {
- //move forward
- self setanim (self.weapongroup + "_walk_alert_forward") 0 local.forwardbackblend
- if (local.dotvec >= 0.70)
- {
- self.lastmovement = "walk_forward"
- }
- }
- else
- {
- self setanim (self.weapongroup + "_walk_alert_back") 0 local.forwardbackblend
- if (local.dotvec <= -0.70)
- {
- self.lastmovement = "walk_backward"
- }
- }
- if (local.sidevec >= 0.00)
- {
- //move left
- self setanim (self.weapongroup + "_walk_alert_left") 1 local.sideblend
- if (local.dotvec < 0.70 && local.dotvec > -0.70)
- {
- self.lastmovement = "strafe_left"
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //move right
- self setanim (self.weapongroup + "_walk_alert_right") 1 local.sideblend
- if (local.dotvec < 0.70 && local.dotvec > -0.70)
- {
- self.lastmovement = "strafe_right"
- }
- }
- self.movedtointervaldir = 1
- wait 0.2
- }
- else
- {
- //thread DPrintln "Could not move to interval dir!"
- break
- }
- }
- if (local.spawnedshootthread == 1)
- {
- self.shootthread delete
- }
- self.movingtointervaldir = 0
- //thread DPrintln "Done!"
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- AttackStandMoveToIntervalDirShoot:
- while (1)
- {
- if (self.needreload == 1)
- {
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1
- }
- else
- {
- self.playedreloadanim = 0
- self.playedrechamberanim = 0
- }
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( (local.randnum < self.shootpct) && (self cansee self.enemy))
- {
- // thread DPrintln "(Boon) Fired without aiming 7 - did anything weird happen?"
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shoot") -60 60
- waitexec anim/shoot.scr::PlayShootActionAnim
- self.needreload = 1
- self waittill upperanimdone
- }
- else
- {
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- waitexec anim/aim.scr::PlayAimActionAnim
- self.needreload = 0
- self waittill upperanimdone
- }
- if (self.movingtointervaldir == 0)
- {
- thread DPrintln "IntervalDirShoot thread is still running for " self
- }
- self interrupt_point
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- //this is temporary until someone makes this a function call for the script
- AttackIsEnemyAimingAtMe:
- if ( (self.aimdodge == 1) && self.enemy && (isAlive self.enemy) )
- {
- local.vec = (self.origin - self.enemy.origin)
- local.vec = vector_normalize (local.vec)
- local.dotvec = local.vec * self.enemy.forwardvector
- if (local.dotvec > 0.980)
- {
- self.enemyaimingme = 1
- }
- else
- {
- self.enemyaimingme = 0
- }
- }
- else
- {
- self.enemyaimingme = 0
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- //Checks ahead to see if it's possible to crouch
- AttackCheckCrouch:
- if ( self.ainocrouch != 0 )
- {
- self.collideresult = 0
- end
- }
- local.start = self.origin
- // local.end = self.enemy.controid //origin
- local.start[2] = local.start[2] + 45
- // local.end[2] = local.end[2] + 45
- // self.collideresult = self sighttrace local.start local.end 1
- self.collideresult = self canshootenemyfrom local.start
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- //Checks ahead to see if it's possible to go prone
- AttackCheckProne:
- //check height
- if ( self.ainoprone != 0 )
- {
- self.collideresult = 0
- end
- }
- local.height = self.enemy.origin[2] - self.origin[2]
- if (local.height < 160)
- {
- local.start = self.origin
- local.end = self.enemy.origin
- local.start[2] = local.start[2] + 22
- local.end[2] = local.end[2] + 22
- self.collideresult = self sighttrace local.start local.end 1
- }
- else
- {
- self.collideresult = 0
- //println "~^~^ Can't prone - target is higher"
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- //Checks ahead to see if it's possible to move right without colliding
- AttackCheckRight local.checkdist:
- local.movepos = (self.rightvector * local.checkdist) + self.origin
- self.collideresult = 0
- local.movetoresult = self canmoveto local.movepos
- if (local.movetoresult == 1)
- {
- self.collideresult = self sighttrace self.origin local.movepos 0 ( -16 -16 16) ( 16 16 128)
- }
- //thread DPrintln "CheckRight got :" self.collideresult "Dist :" local.checkdist
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- //Checks ahead to see if it's possible to move left without colliding
- AttackCheckLeft local.checkdist:
- local.movepos = (self.leftvector * local.checkdist) + self.origin
- self.collideresult = 0
- local.movetoresult = self canmoveto local.movepos
- if (local.movetoresult == 1)
- {
- self.collideresult = self sighttrace self.origin local.movepos 0 ( -16 -16 16) ( 16 16 128)
- }
- //thread DPrintln "CheckLeft got :" self.collideresult "Dist :" local.checkdist
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- //Checks ahead to see if it's possible to move forward without colliding
- AttackCheckFront local.checkdist:
- local.movepos = (self.forwardvector * local.checkdist) + self.origin
- self.collideresult = 0
- local.movetoresult = self canmoveto local.movepos
- if (local.movetoresult == 1)
- {
- self.collideresult = self sighttrace self.origin local.movepos 0 ( -16 -16 16) ( 16 16 128)
- }
- //thread DPrintln "CheckFront got :" self.collideresult "Dist :" local.checkdist
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- //Checks ahead to see if it's possible to move backward without colliding
- AttackCheckBack local.checkdist:
- local.tempvec = ( -self.forwardvector[0] -self.forwardvector[1] -self.forwardvector[2] )
- local.movepos = (local.tempvec * local.checkdist) + self.origin
- self.collideresult = 0
- local.movetoresult = self canmoveto local.movepos
- if (local.movetoresult == 1)
- {
- self.collideresult = self sighttrace self.origin local.movepos 0 ( -16 -16 16) ( 16 16 128)
- }
- //thread DPrintln "CheckBack got :" self.collideresult "Dist :" local.checkdist
- //thread DPrintln "Start: " self.origin "End : " local.movepos
- end
- //=============================================================
- //called whenever the actor needs to stand
- AttackStandUp:
- switch (self.position)
- {
- stand:
- break
- pronewalk:
- prone:
- self.blendtime = 0.25
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_pronetocrouch")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.position = crouch
- // *Deliberately drop through to the crouch case so we can stand from crouching*
- walk:
- run:
- // stand:
- crouchwalk:
- crouchrun:
- crouch:
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackRandomizeCrouchProne
- // println "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ METHINKS " self.targetname " JUST STOOD UP. RESET PRONE/CROUCH HERE? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
- self.blendtime = 0.50
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- waitexec anim/aim.scr::PlayAimActionAnim
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert_legs")
- // self waittill flaggedanimdone
- wait self.blendtime // Time enough to stand up - not dependent on the length of the looping
- // animation stand_alert_legs, which could be any length.
- self.weaponpos = up
- self.position = stand
- break
- knees:
- crawl:
- floor:
- default:
- println ("^~^~^ Default case for position " + self.position + "in Attack.scr::AttackStandUp script")
- break
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- // called to reset the random crouch/prone factor
- AttackRandomizeCrouchProne:
- self.aicrouchpronechance = randomint 100
- end
- //=============================================================
- //called whenever the actor needs to crouch
- AttackCrouchDown:
- switch (self.position)
- {
- walk:
- run:
- stand:
- self.blendtime = 0.50
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crouch_alert")
- // Let's set our state variables when we're halfway through blending, since we can.
- wait 0.25
- self.weaponpos = up
- self.position = crouch
- wait 0.25
- break
- crouchwalk:
- crouchrun:
- crouch:
- //already crouched
- self.position = crouch
- self.weaponpos = up
- break
- pronewalk:
- prone:
- self.blendtime = 0.25
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_pronetocrouch")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.position = crouch
- self.weaponpos = up
- break
- knees:
- crawl:
- floor:
- default:
- println ("^~^~^ Default case for position " + self.position + "in Attack.scr::AttackCrouchDown script")
- break
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //called whenever the actor needs to go to prone
- AttackProneDown:
- switch (self.position)
- {
- walk:
- run:
- stand:
- self.blendtime = 0.50
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crouch_alert")
- // self waittill flaggedanimdone
- wait 0.5 // Time enough to crouch - not dependent on the length of the looping
- // animation <weapon>_crouch, which could be any length.
- self.position = crouch
- self.weaponpos = up
- self endactionanim
- self.blendtime = 0.30
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crouchtoprone")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.position = prone
- break
- crouchwalk:
- crouchrun:
- crouch:
- self endactionanim
- self.blendtime = 0.30
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crouchtoprone")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.position = prone
- self.weaponpos = up
- break
- pronewalk:
- prone:
- //already in prone
- self.position = prone
- break
- knees:
- crawl:
- floor:
- default:
- println ("^~^~^ Default case for position " + self.position + "in Attack.scr::AttackProneDown script")
- break
- }
- end
- //==================================================================
- // thread DPrintln - for debug prints
- DPrintln local.text1 local.text2 local.text3 local.text4 local.text5:
- if (level.boonDebug == 1)
- {
- if (local.text1 != NIL)
- {
- print local.text1
- if (local.text2 != NIL)
- {
- print local.text2
- if (local.text3 != NIL)
- {
- print local.text3
- if (local.text4 != NIL)
- {
- print local.text4
- if (local.text5 != NIL)
- {
- print local.text5
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- println
- }
- end