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- //-----
- // Overattack.scr
- //-----
- // Script for attacking over an obstacle/cover
- //println "overattack.scr called"
- overattack:
- waitexec anim/smoking.scr::SmokeRemoveCigarette
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::ReloadInit
- self.painhandler = anim/overattack.scr::overattackpain
- // self.deathhandler = anim/overattack.scr::overattackdeath
- self.blendtime = 0.50
- local.curpos = self.origin
- if (self.position != crouch)
- {
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crate_standtocrouch")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.position = crouch
- }
- // enter when crouching
- while(1)
- {
- // alert here..
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crate_alert")
- local.randnum = randomint 1
- wait local.randnum
- // Taunt the enemy
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum<50)
- {
- // println "taunting from behind a crate"
- self exec anim/say_taunt.scr
- }
- local.randnum = (randomint 2) + 1
- wait local.randnum
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum>50)
- {
- switch (self.weapongroup)
- {
- case mp40:
- case mp44:
- if (self.roundsinclip > 0)
- {
- //unload the whole clip to the target
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crate_blindfire_intro")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- while (self.roundsinclip > 0)
- {
- self.origin = local.curpos
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crate_blindfire")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.roundsinclip = self.roundsinclip - 7
- }
- self.origin = local.curpos
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crate_blindfire_outtro")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.origin = local.curpos
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 0
- }
- else
- {
- self.origin = local.curpos
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 0
- }
- break
- default:
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crate_blindfire")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.origin = local.curpos
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 0
- break
- }
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crate_crouchtostand")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- // can we see enemy
- if (self.enemy)
- {
- local.enemyseen = self cansee self.enemy
- }
- else
- {
- local.enemyseen = 0
- }
- // standing fire at enemy
- //if (local.enemyseen)
- //{
- local.rand = randomint 2 + 1
- while(local.rand>0)
- {
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crate_shoot")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- local.rand--
- self.origin = local.curpos
- waitexec anim/Reload.scr::CheckForCornerReload
- if (self.needreload == 1)
- {
- break
- }
- }
- //}
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crate_standtocrouch")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 0
- }
- }
- end
- /////////////////////
- overattackpain:
- waitexec anim/smoking.scr::SmokeRemoveCigarette
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crate_pain")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- end
- ////////////////////
- overattackdeath:
- waitexec anim/smoking.scr::SmokeRemoveCigarette
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crate_death")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.position = "dead"
- end