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- //=================================================
- //=================================================
- start:
- //Println "Running runto_cover.scr with move dir" self.movedir
- //waitexec anim/default_inithandler.scr
- //waitexec anim/smoking.scr::SmokeRemoveCigarette
- //***Hey Boon, I'll skip the dive for cover behavior for now 'till you fix it.
- while (1)
- {
- waitexec anim/runto_inopen.scr
- }
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- // This toggles debug printing on and off for this script.
- group.debug = 0
- thread DPrintln "Entering runto_cover.scr"
- group.rundistance = 140
- group.divedistance = 238.4
- thread PlayRunAnimation
- group.runAnimationThread = parm.previousthread
- local.dived = waitthread MonitorForDive
- if (local.dived)
- {
- end // If we dived, we're done.
- }
- pause // This thread isn't actually meant to terminate if he's running. If local.dived == 0, then he's running.
- end
- //=================================================
- // PlayRunAnimation calls a standard running script with a waitexec. It's done from a seperate thread like this to
- // keep all threads in the same threadgroup, so that they will all end together if the group is terminated.
- PlayRunAnimation:
- waitexec anim/runto_inopen.scr
- end
- //=================================================
- // MonitorForDive watches the distance remaining and tries to find a good time to play an ending animation such as a
- // dive.
- MonitorForDive:
- // Abort if we're so close we'll never be able to dive
- if ( (self.pathdist < group.divedistance) && (self.pathdist < group.rundistance) )
- {
- thread DPrintln "Distance of " self.pathdist " is too small, no diving for me."
- end 0
- }
- // Now wait until we have a straight run for the target
- thread DPrint "Waiting to get a straight run."
- while(!self.hascompletelookahead)
- {
- thread DPrint "."
- wait 0.25 // This number is fairly arbitrary, I just didn't want to check every single frame.
- }
- thread DPrintln
- // Now decide what we want to do at the end
- thread DPrintln "I have a straight run, deciding what to do next."
- waitframe
- if ( ( self.pathdist > (300 + randomint 300) ) || ( self.pathdist < group.divedistance && self.pathdist > group.rundistance ) )
- {
- thread DPrintln "Distance of " self.pathdist ". Decided to run/crouch."
- local.endAnim = ( self.weapongroup + "_standtocrouch_run" )
- local.endDist = group.rundistance
- }
- else if ( self.pathdist > group.divedistance )
- {
- thread DPrintln "Distance of " self.pathdist ". Decided to dive."
- local.endAnim = ( self.weapongroup + "_standtocrouch_dive" )
- local.endDist = group.divedistance
- }
- else
- {
- thread DPrintln "Distance of " self.pathdist " is too small, no diving for me."
- end 0
- }
- // Now wait for my moment
- local.speed = vector_length( self.velocity )
- thread DPrint "Waiting for a good distance"
- while ( self.pathdist > (local.endDist + 0.25*local.speed) )
- {
- thread DPrint "."
- wait 0.25 // 0.25 seconds, to correspond with the 0.25*local.speed in the if check.
- local.speed = vector_length( self.velocity )
- }
- thread DPrintln
- thread DPrint "Almost got the right distance"
- while ( self.pathdist > local.endDist )
- {
- thread DPrint "."
- waitframe
- // Assume that velocity won't change much in these few frames
- }
- thread DPrintln
- thread DPrintln "Geronimo!"
- group.runAnimationThread end
- self setMotionAnim local.endAnim
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.position = crouch
- end 1
- //=================================================
- // thread DPrintln - for debug prints
- DPrintln local.text1 local.text2 local.text3 local.text4 local.text5:
- thread DPrintorPrintln 1 local.text1 local.text2 local.text3 local.text4 local.text5
- end
- DPrint local.text1 local.text2 local.text3 local.text4 local.text5:
- thread DPrintorPrintln 0 local.text1 local.text2 local.text3 local.text4 local.text5
- end
- DPrintorPrintln local.newline local.text1 local.text2 local.text3 local.text4 local.text5:
- if (group.debug == 1)
- {
- if (local.text1 != NIL)
- {
- print local.text1
- if (local.text2 != NIL)
- {
- print local.text2
- if (local.text3 != NIL)
- {
- print local.text3
- if (local.text4 != NIL)
- {
- print local.text4
- if (local.text5 != NIL)
- {
- print local.text5
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (local.newline == 1)
- {
- println
- }
- }
- end