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- //-----
- // Sniper.scr
- //-----
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- SniperMain:
- // Note: I rely on this being the only entry point to this script, for initialization purposes.
- //println "Entering sniper script"
- self.dist_walkbackward = 90
- self.dist_walkforward = 90
- self.backawaypct = 0
- self.shootpct = 100
- self.crouchpct = 50
- self.lastmovement = "none"
- // Initialise say manager
- self waitthread anim/SayManager.scr::Init
- waitexec anim/default_inithandler.scr
- waitexec anim/smoking.scr::SmokeRemoveCigarette
- while (1)
- {
- waitexec anim/sniper.scr::SniperStandAttack
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum < self.crouchpct)
- {
- waitexec anim/sniper.scr::SniperCrouchAttack
- }
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum < self.backawaypct)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckBack self.dist_walkbackward
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.5
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_walk_alert_back")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- local.i = randomint(8) + 2
- while (local.i>0)
- {
- waitexec anim/sniper.scr::SniperStandAttack
- local.i = local.i - 1
- }
- self.blendtime = 0.5
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_walk_alert_forward")
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- }
- }
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- SniperStandAttack:
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackStandUp
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert_legs")
- local.i = randomint(5) + 2
- while (local.i > 0)
- {
- if (self.lastmovement != "stand_attack")
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.30
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- waitexec anim/aim.scr::PlayAimActionAnim
- wait self.blendtime
- self.lastmovement = "stand_attack"
- }
- if ((self cansee self.enemy) > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.10
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shoot") -60 60
- waitexec anim/shoot.scr::PlayShootActionAnim
- self waittill upperanimdone
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 0 0
- }
- else
- {
- waitframe
- }
- local.i = local.i - 1
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- SniperCrouchAttack:
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCheckCrouch
- if (self.collideresult > 0)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackCrouchDown
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crouch_alert")
- local.i = randomint(5) + 2
- while (local.i > 0)
- {
- if (self.lastmovement != "crouch_attack")
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.30
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- waitexec anim/aim.scr::PlayAimActionAnim
- wait self.blendtime
- self.lastmovement = "crouch_attack"
- }
- if ((self cansee self.enemy) > 0)
- {
- self.blendtime = 0.10
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_aiming 3
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shoot") -60 60
- waitexec anim/shoot.scr::PlayShootActionAnim
- self waittill upperanimdone
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 0 0
- }
- else
- {
- waitframe
- }
- local.i = local.i - 1
- }
- }
- end