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- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //
- // global/democharge.scr
- //
- // used to give visual feedback of inventory status
- // in the HUD when a democharge/stickbomb is been used
- //
- // author: Michael Goodwin
- //
- // setup:
- //
- // TODO:
- //
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- main:
- end
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- // charge_switch
- // - local.from - index of image to switch from (corresponds to charge count)
- // - local.to - index of image to switch to
- // - local.predelay - amount of time to hold first image before switching
- // - local.holddelay - amount of time to hold second image before fading out
- //
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- charge_switch local.from local.to local.predelay local.holddelay:
- charge_switch_loop:
- if ( (level.demochargeswitchsemaphore == NIL) || (level.demochargeswitchsemaphore == 0) )
- {
- local.icon = waitthread get_charge_icon local.from
- local.icon2 = waitthread get_charge_icon local.to
- level.demochargeswitchsemaphore = 1
- waitthread do_switch local.icon local.icon2 local.predelay local.holddelay
- level.demochargeswitchsemaphore = 0
- }
- else
- {
- wait 0.1
- goto charge_switch_loop
- }
- end
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- get_charge_icon local.which:
- switch ( local.which )
- {
- case 0:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/democharge0"
- break
- case 1:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/democharge1"
- break
- case 2:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/democharge2"
- break
- case 3:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/democharge3"
- break
- case 4:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/democharge4"
- break
- case 5:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/democharge5"
- break
- case 6:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/democharge6"
- break
- case 7:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/democharge7"
- break
- case 8:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/democharge8"
- break
- case 9:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/democharge9"
- break
- default:
- println "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ invalid charge icon"
- break
- }
- end local.icon
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- // sticky_switch
- // - local.from - index of image to switch from (corresponds to charge count)
- // - local.to - index of image to switch to
- // - local.predelay - amount of time to hold first image before switching
- // - local.holddelay - amount of time to hold second image before fading out
- //
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- sticky_switch local.from local.to local.predelay local.holddelay:
- sticky_switch_loop:
- if ( (level.demochargeswitchsemaphore == NIL) || (level.demochargeswitchsemaphore == 0) )
- {
- local.icon = waitthread get_sticky_icon local.from
- local.icon2 = waitthread get_sticky_icon local.to
- level.demochargeswitchsemaphore = 1
- waitthread do_switch local.icon local.icon2 local.predelay local.holddelay
- level.demochargeswitchsemaphore = 0
- }
- else
- {
- wait 0.1
- goto sticky_switch_loop
- }
- end
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- get_sticky_icon local.which:
- switch ( local.which )
- {
- case 0:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/stickybomb0"
- break
- case 1:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/stickybomb1"
- break
- case 2:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/stickybomb2"
- break
- case 3:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/stickybomb3"
- break
- case 4:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/stickybomb4"
- break
- case 5:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/stickybomb5"
- break
- case 6:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/stickybomb6"
- break
- case 7:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/stickybomb7"
- break
- case 8:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/stickybomb8"
- break
- case 9:
- local.icon = "textures/hud/stickybomb9"
- break
- default:
- println "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ invalid stickbomb icon"
- break
- }
- end local.icon
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- do_switch local.fromicon local.toicon local.predelay local.holddelay:
- if ( local.predelay == NIL )
- local.predelay = 0.25
- if ( local.holddelay == NIL )
- local.holddelay = 2.75
- local.hudindex = 77
- local.finalalpha = 0.8
- local.alphastep = 0.12
- huddraw_alpha local.hudindex 0
- huddraw_align local.hudindex right top
- huddraw_shader local.hudindex local.fromicon
- local.xpos = -78
- if ( (level.item_total != NIL) && (level.item_total > 0) )
- local.ypos = 72
- else
- local.ypos = 8
- huddraw_rect local.hudindex local.xpos local.ypos 64 64
- for ( local.i = 0.0; local.i <= local.finalalpha; local.i += local.alphastep )
- {
- huddraw_alpha local.hudindex local.i
- waitframe
- }
- huddraw_alpha local.hudindex local.finalalpha
- wait local.predelay
- huddraw_shader local.hudindex local.toicon
- wait local.holddelay
- for ( local.i = local.finalalpha; local.i > 0.0; local.i -= local.alphastep )
- {
- huddraw_alpha local.hudindex local.i
- waitframe
- }
- huddraw_alpha local.hudindex 0
- end