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- //*********************************************************************************************************************************************
- //*** minefield script
- //*** The player enters the minefield, and within a short random amount of time
- //*** if he's still in the minefield he'll blow himself up and crush his skull.
- //*** This main thread is called by this script and should not be called by the
- //*** level script itsself. The level script should call minefield_setup
- //*** syntax ------------------------------------
- //*** minefield <this is the index number for the array of minefield triggers>
- //*********************************************************************************************************************************************
- minefield local.index:
- minefield_loop:
- $minefield[local.index] waittill trigger
- local.sucker = parm.other
- local.sucker playsound mine_trigger
- wait (randomfloat .5 + .5)
- if (local.sucker istouching $minefield[local.index] == 1)
- {
- local.spawn_mine = (local.sucker.targetname + "_mine")
- if ($minefield[local.index].type == "water")
- {
- spawn animate/fx_mortar_water targetname local.spawn_mine
- local.spawn_mine = $(local.sucker.targetname + "_mine")
- local.spawn_mine.origin = local.sucker.origin
- local.spawn_mine anim start
- local.spawn_mine playsound grenade_exp_water
- //$player exec global/bullethit.scr (0 -1 0) 1000 50 1
- radiusdamage local.spawn_mine.origin 4000 256
- }
- else
- {
- spawn animate/fx_explosion_mine targetname local.spawn_mine
- local.spawn_mine = $(local.sucker.targetname + "_mine")
- local.spawn_mine.origin = local.sucker.origin
- local.spawn_mine anim start
- //$player exec global/bullethit.scr (0 -1 0) 1000 50 1
- radiusdamage local.spawn_mine.origin 4000 256
- }
- //*** remove the effect
- wait 3
- local.spawn_mine remove
- }
- goto minefield_loop
- end
- //**************************************
- //*** single version minefield thread
- minefield_single:
- $minefield waittill trigger
- wait (randomfloat .5 + .5)
- if ($player istouching $minefield == 1)
- {
- spawn animate/fx_explosion_mine targetname player_mine_of_doom
- $player_mine_of_doom.origin = $player.origin
- $player_mine_of_doom anim start
- $player exec global/bullethit.scr (0 -1 0) 1000 50 1
- }
- else
- {
- goto minefield_single
- }
- end
- //*************************************************
- //*** setup the minefields
- //*** the level scripts should call this thread
- //*************************************************
- minefield_setup:
- if ($minefield == NULL)
- {
- println "^~^~^ There are no minefields in the map!!!"
- goto minefield_setup_end
- }
- /*
- if ($minefield.size == 1)
- {
- thread minefield_single
- goto minefield_setup_end
- }
- */
- for (local.i = 1 ; local.i <= $minefield.size ; local.i ++)
- {
- thread minefield local.i
- }
- minefield_setup_end:
- end