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- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // MoH: Allied Assault Script File
- // Global function: For making custom patrol routes with pause points and threads
- // Script Written By: Benson 'elmagoo' Russell
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //**************************************************************************
- //*** Will make a guy walk a patrol route with custom commands
- //*** syntax --------------------------------
- //*** <ai to walk node> patrol <targetname of a node on the path>
- //**************************************************************************
- patrol local.node:
- //*** check if the ai passed exists
- if (local.self == NULL || !(isalive local.self))
- {
- println "^~^~^ PATROL PATH ERROR: designated ai does not exist in the level, aborting patrol!!"
- goto patrol_done
- }
- //*** check if the local.node exists
- if (local.node == NULL)
- {
- println "^~^~^ PATROL PATH ERROR: the passed path does not exist, aborting patrol!!"
- goto patrol_done
- }
- //*** check if the level.script variable has been set
- if (level.script == NIL)
- {
- println "^~^~^ PATROL PATH ERROR: the level.script variable has not been set, aborting patrol!!"
- goto patrol_done
- }
- //*** process the patrol route into an array
- local.index = 1
- local.first_node = local.node
- patrol_process_loop:
- if (!(isalive local.self) || local.self == NULL)
- {
- goto patrol_done
- }
- local.route[local.index] = local.node
- if (local.node.target != NIL && $(local.node.target) != NULL)
- {
- local.next_node = $(local.node.target)
- local.node.target = NIL
- local.node = local.next_node
- if (local.node != local.first_node)
- {
- local.index ++
- goto patrol_process_loop
- }
- }
- local.index = 1
- //local.self.movedoneradius = 32
- //local.self exec global/setweaponpose.scr "down"
- patrol_loop:
- //*** begin the patrolling loop
- while (isalive local.self && local.self.thinkstate == "idle")
- {
- //println "PATROL: top of loop"
- //*** walk to the next path
- /*
- println "PATROL: walking to node: " local.route[local.index]
- local.self exec global/walkto.scr local.route[local.index]
- local.self waittill movedone
- */
- local.self.patrolpath = local.route[local.index]
- local.self.type_idle = "patrol"
- while (vector_within local.self.origin local.route[local.index] 32 == 0 && local.self.thinkstate == "idle")
- {
- //println "PATROL: walking to node: " local.route[local.index]
- wait .75
- }
- //*** if there is something to lookat
- if (local.route[local.index].look_point != NIL && $(local.route[local.index].look_point ) != NULL && local.self.islooking != 1)
- {
- //println "PATROL: looking at: " local.route[local.index].look_point
- local.self.islooking = 1
- local.self thread patrol_look local.route[local.index]
- }
- //*** if there is something to turnto, but no pause interval, default the invertal to 4 seconds and turn
- if (local.route[local.index].turn_point != NIL)
- {
- if (local.route[local.index].pause_interval == NIL || local.route[local.index].pause_interval == 0)
- {
- println "PATROL: defaulting pause_interval for turnto"
- local.route[local.index].pause_interval = 4
- }
- //println "PATROL: turning to: " local.route[local.index].turn_point
- local.self.type_idle = "idle"
- local.turn = $(local.route[local.index].turn_point)
- patrol_turn_loop:
- //*** start turning to stuff
- local.self exec global/turnto.scr $(local.turn)
- }
- else
- {
- local.turn = NULL
- }
- //*** if the pause_interval is set, wait for it's value
- if (local.route[local.index].pause_interval != NIL)
- {
- //println "PATROL: pausing at: " local.route[local.index] " : for this long: " local.route[local.index].pause_interval
- local.self.type_idle = "idle"
- local.self exec global/stand.scr
- wait local.route[local.index].pause_interval
- if (local.turn != NULL && local.turn.target != NIL && $(local.turn.target) != NULL)
- {
- local.turn = $(local.turn.target)
- //println "PATROL LOOK: next look target: " local.look
- goto patrol_turn_loop
- }
- }
- //*** if a thread is set, run it and wait for it's completion
- if (local.route[local.index].run_thread != NIL)
- {
- //println "PATROL: running thread at node: " local.route[local.index] " : thread: " local.route[local.index].run_thread
- local.self.type_idle = "idle"
- //local.self exec global/stand.scr
- local.self waitthread level.script::local.route[local.index].run_thread
- }
- //*** cancel the turnto and go to the next node
- if (local.route[local.index].turn_point != NIL)
- {
- //println "PATROL: canceling turnto for node: " local.route[local.index]
- local.self exec global/turnto.scr NULL
- }
- //*** set the next node to go to
- //println "PATROL: current node: " local.route[local.index]
- local.index ++
- if (local.index > local.route.size)
- {
- local.index = 1
- }
- //println "PATROL: new node: " local.route[local.index]
- }
- //*** wait until he's dead or back to idle
- while (isalive local.self && local.self.thinkstate != "idle")
- {
- //println "PATROL: currently busy in state: " local.self.thinkstate
- wait 4
- }
- //*** if he died, quit the thread
- if !(isalive local.self)
- {
- //println "PATROL: patrol guy is dead, abort loop"
- goto patrol_done
- }
- //*** he's still alive and went back to idle, so make him go back to his path
- //println "PATROL: returning patrol guy to loop at node: " local.route[local.index]
- local.self exec global/walkto.scr local.route[local.index]
- local.self waittill movedone
- goto patrol_loop
- patrol_done:
- end
- //**************************************************************************
- //*** Look around thread for patrol path
- //*** syntax --------------------------------
- //*** <ai to walk node> patrol <current patrol point this was set at>
- //**************************************************************************
- patrol_look local.node:
- //println "PATROL LOOK: setting look interval"
- if (local.node.look_interval == NIL || local.node.look_interval == 0)
- {
- local.look_interval = 2
- }
- else
- {
- local.look_interval = local.node.look_interval
- }
- //println "PATROL LOOK: look interval: " local.look_interval
- local.look = $(local.node.look_point)
- //println "PATROL LOOK: look point: " local.look
- patrol_look_loop:
- //*** start looking at stuff
- local.self lookat local.look
- wait local.look_interval
- if (local.look.target != NIL && $(local.look.target) != NULL)
- {
- local.look = $(local.look.target)
- //println "PATROL LOOK: next look target: " local.look
- goto patrol_look_loop
- }
- //println "PATROL LOOK: resetting look"
- local.self lookat NULL
- local.self.islooking = 0
- end