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- start group.sci local.table:
- //println "Entered scientist_standtable.scr"
- if (local.table!= NIL)
- {
- println "Moving scientist to table"
- group.forwardvector = local.table.forwardvector
- println group.forwardvector
- group.origin = local.table.origin + (group.forwardvector*16)
- thread sciwalkto group.origin
- }
- else
- {
- println "Leaving scientist in place"
- group.origin = group.sci.origin
- group.forwardvector = group.sci.forwardvector * -1
- thread depressed
- }
- end
- //-----------inposition-----------
- // Moves scientist into the position he needs to be in. Returns 1 if he is already ok.
- inposition:
- if ( vector_length(group.sci.origin - group.origin) > 8 )
- {
- println "Moving scientist to table"
- group.donemarker = 0
- thread sciwalkto group.origin
- end 0
- }
- else
- {
- group.sci.origin = group.origin
- end 1
- }
- end // Not necessary, but easier to read
- //-----------sciwalkto------------
- sciwalkto local.pos:
- // thread walklook ( local.pos + (0 0 48) )
- // local.lookthread = parm.previousthread
- group.sci exec global/walkto.scr local.pos
- if (level.scienceinterupt != 0)
- end
- group.sci waittill movedone
- // group.sci turnto (group.sci.origin - group.forwardvector )
- group.sci.origin = local.pos
- // local.lookthread end
- thread depressed
- end
- //------------walklook--------------
- walklook local.target:
- while (1)
- {
- // Make him look at the player until that works. TODO: Make him look at his target
- group.sci lookat $player
- wait 0.5
- }
- //-----------depressed------------
- depressed:
- if(level.scienceinterupt == 0)
- {
- // println "Entered scientist_standtable.scr::depressed"
- // Check position
- // if ( !(thread inposition) ) end
- // Look straight ahead and turn to the board
- // group.sci lookat group.sci
- // group.sci turnto (group.sci.origin - group.forwardvector )
- group.sci anim "scientist_standtable_straight"
- if (level.scienceinterupt != 0)
- end
- local.randnum = (randomint 200) + 300
- wait ( local.randnum / 100 )
- // (Turn him back to the table in case something distracted him.)
- // group.sci turnto (group.sci.origin - group.forwardvector )
- // group.sci anim "scientist_standtable_straighttolean"
- // group.sci waittill animdone
- local.randnum = randomint (100)
- if (local.randnum < 30) thread idle1
- else if (local.randnum < 60) thread idle2
- else if (local.randnum < 90) thread idle3
- else thread idletodepressed
- }
- end
- //-----------idle1------------
- idle1:
- if(level.scienceinterupt == 0)
- {
- //println "Entered scientist_standtable.scr::idle1"
- // Check position
- // if ( !(thread inposition) ) end
- group.sci turnto (group.sci.origin - group.forwardvector )
- group.sci anim "scientist_standtable_lean01"
- if (level.scienceinterupt != 0)
- end
- group.sci waittill animdone
- local.randnum = randomint (100)
- if (local.randnum < 10) thread idle1
- else if (local.randnum < 50) thread idle2
- else if (local.randnum < 90) thread idle3
- else thread idletodepressed
- }
- end
- //-----------idle2------------
- idle2:
- if(level.scienceinterupt == 0)
- {
- //println "Entered scientist_standtable.scr::idle2"
- // Check position
- // if ( !(thread inposition) ) end
- group.sci turnto (group.sci.origin - group.forwardvector )
- group.sci anim "scientist_standtable_lean02"
- if (level.scienceinterupt != 0)
- end
- group.sci waittill animdone
- local.randnum = randomint (100)
- if (local.randnum < 40) thread idle1
- else if (local.randnum < 50) thread idle2
- else if (local.randnum < 90) thread idle3
- else thread idletodepressed
- }
- end
- //-----------idle3------------
- idle3:
- if(level.scienceinterupt == 0)
- {
- //println "Entered scientist_standtable.scr::idle3"
- // Check position
- // if ( !(thread inposition) ) end
- group.sci turnto (group.sci.origin - group.forwardvector )
- group.sci anim "scientist_standtable_lean03"
- if (level.scienceinterupt != 0)
- end
- group.sci waittill animdone
- local.randnum = randomint (100)
- if (local.randnum < 35) thread idle1
- else if (local.randnum < 70) thread idle2
- else if (local.randnum < 80) thread idle3
- else thread idletodepressed
- }
- end
- //-----------idletodepressed------------
- idletodepressed:
- if(level.scienceinterupt == 0)
- {
- //println "Entered scientist_standtable.scr::idletodepressed"
- // Check position
- // ( !(thread inposition) ) end
- group.sci turnto (group.sci.origin - group.forwardvector )
- if (level.scienceinterupt != 0) end
- group.sci anim "scientist_standtable_leantostraight"
- if (level.scienceinterupt != 0)
- end
- group.sci waittill animdone
- thread depressed
- }
- end