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- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Vehicle_Warning.Scr
- // Jeff Leggett
- // 07/12/2002
- //
- // Use this script to have your vehicles warn AI characters that they are
- // coming. The AI character will then run to the closest "vehicle_safety_node".
- //
- // How to use:
- // 1. info_pathnodes that are "safe" (ie: AI will be out of the way of
- // the vehicle) should be given a targetname of vehicle_safety_node
- // 2. create the following thread when the vehicle starts moving:
- //
- // $tankname thread global/Vehicle_Warning.Scr::WarnFriendlies $ai_name <radius=800> <cos_angle=0.707>
- //
- // where $tankname is the name of your vehicle, $ai_name is the name of the
- // ai(s) that you want to potentially warn, radius is the distance to warn at
- // cos_angle is the cosine of the angle you want to have the vehicle warn at (0.707=cos(45))
- // (defaults to 45 degrees)
- //
- // Example usage:
- //
- //
- // // start up the warning...
- // $tank thread global/Vehicle_Warning.Scr::WarnFriendlies $german_scum 800 0.707
- // $tank.german_scum_thread = parm.previousthread
- // $tank drive $tank_path 200 30 200 256
- // $tank waittill drive
- // // now that the tank has stopped moving, cancel the warnings...(delete the thread.)
- // $tank.german_scum_thread delete
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- main:
- //
- // Just in case...
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- End
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CanSeeTarget local.target local.radius local.angle local.reverse:
- //
- //
- // example:
- // local.bCanSee = self waitthread CanSeeTarget $mytarget 500 0.707
- //
- // if ( local.bCanSee==1 )
- // dprintln "I can see!"
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( local.target==NIL )
- End 0
- local.dist = vector_length (self.origin - local.target.origin)
- if ( local.dist > local.radius )
- {
- End 0
- }
- if ( local.angle==NIL )
- {
- End 1
- }
- if ( local.reverse==NIL )
- local.reverse = 0
- local.vObjDir = vector_subtract local.target.origin self.origin
- local.vObjDir = vector_normalize local.vObjDir
- local.vForward = angles_toforward ( self.angles )
- local.dot = vector_dot local.vForward local.vObjDir
- // this is for seeing behind the object. (used for trucks with guys on the back of them.)
- if ( local.reverse==1 )
- {
- if ( local.dot <= local.angle )
- {
- End 1
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( local.dot >= local.angle )
- {
- End 1
- }
- }
- End 0
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WarnFriendlies local.name local.radius local.angle:
- //
- //
- // start this thread to have the vehicle start warning...
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( local.name==NIL )
- End
- if (local.name.size<1 )
- end
- if ( local.radius==NIL )
- local.radius = 800
- if ( local.angle==NIL )
- local.angle = 0.707
- if ( self.paused==NIL )
- self.paused = 0
- while ( isAlive self )
- {
- if ( self.paused==0 )
- {
- for (local.i=1;local.i<=local.name.size;local.i++)
- {
- if ( local.name[local.i].bVehicleWarned==0 || local.name[local.i].bVehicleWarned==NIL )
- {
- local.bShouldWarn = self waitthread CanSeeTarget local.name[local.i] local.radius local.angle
- if ( local.bShouldWarn==1 )
- {
- local.name[local.i] thread RunToSafety
- }
- }
- }
- wait 0.25
- }
- else
- {
- wait 1
- }
- }
- End
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RunToSafety:
- //
- //
- // Find closest safety node and run to it...
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( $vehicle_safety_node==NIL || $vehicle_safety_node.size < 1 )
- {
- dprintln "No safety nodes have been created!"
- end
- }
- if ( self.bVehicleWarned == 1 )
- End
- self.bVehicleWarned = 1
- local.closest = $vehicle_safety_node[1]
- local.closestdist = vector_length (self.origin - $vehicle_safety_node[1].origin)
- for (local.i=2;local.i<=$vehicle_safety_node.size;local.i++)
- {
- local.dist = vector_length (self.origin - $vehicle_safety_node[local.i].origin)
- if ( local.dist < local.closestdist )
- {
- local.closest = $vehicle_safety_node[local.i]
- local.closestdist = local.dist
- }
- }
- // make sure we're not already there...
- if ( local.closestdist > 50 )
- {
- self exec global/disable_ai.scr
- self runto local.closest
- self waittill movedone
- self exec global/enable_ai.scr
- }
- self.bVehicleWarned = 0
- End