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- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // MoH: Allied Assault Spearhead ***DEMO*** Script File
- // Global function: Ending credits data
- // MOHAA:Spearhead Script Written By: Jon Galvan
- // Original MOHAA Script Written By: Benson 'elmagoo' Russell, Jeff Heath, Brad Allen, Vince Zampella
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- credits_start:
- //***************************************************************************************************
- //***************************************************************************************************
- //*** documentation on credit script commands
- //***************************************************************************************************
- //***************************************************************************************************
- // The way the credits work is you pass commands to the script with what you want to display
- // These are the commands for text:
- // section - this is for passing text for a section header, such as 'CAST'
- // sub_section - this is for smaller, sub-section style text, such as 'Filmed in XRAY VISION'
- // entry - this is for passing text for an entry with a header, such as 'Art Director', and a body, such as 'Tadd Whomever'
- // entry_single - this is for a single line of entry header style text with no body
- // image - this is for displaying an image on-que at certain points in the credits
- // image_scroll - this is to place an image to scroll up with the text
- // pause - this puts a pause in the scrolling text for spacing
- // done - ends the credits and disconnects back to the menu
- //
- // These are the commands for pictures:
- // show - used to display a graphic on the screen
- // hide - used to take an already displayed graphic off the screen
- //
- //
- // Syntax for text commands:
- // All text commands are called with this statement and parameters:
- //
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add <command> <header text> <body text>
- //
- //
- // Here's how you add text to scroll up the screen. First, pick the command to use.
- // You have to specify the command in quotes.
- //
- // "section" - This is for displaying main headings, such as 'CAST' You only need to enter
- // the <header text> parameter for this command, <body text> is not used.
- //
- // "sub_section" - This is the same as section, but used for sub-section style headings such
- // as 'Filmed in XRAY VISION'
- //
- // "entry" - This is for displaying people and their titles, such as 'Art Director'
- // 'Tadd Whomever'. The <header text> is the label, which would be the
- // 'Art Director' portion. The <body text> is the accompanying text, which
- // would be the 'Tadd Whomever' portion.
- //
- // "entry_single - This is like entry text, only it's for a single line of <header text> with
- // no <body text>. So if you wanted to create just a list of persons after
- // a section header, you would use this command
- //
- // "image" - This is for passing an image command into the sequence of credits for more
- // precise queing of when to display an image. Following the "image" command
- // you enter the following just like you would with a normal image command:
- //
- // <image_command> <element number> <image> [time] [ul_x] [ul_y] [br_x] [br_y]
- //
- // For a description of all the image parameters, look under the picture commands
- // syntax descriptions below.
- //
- // "image_scroll" - This is for having a picture scoll in with the text in the credits. You
- // - pass these parameters with it:
- //
- // <image> [ul_x] [br_x] [br_y]
- //
- // <image> first is the reference to the picture. <ul_x> is the x coordinate
- // where you want it to scroll up the screen. <br_x> <br_y> specifiy the
- // bottom right corner of the image (works as the normal image command).
- // NOTE: DO NOT use images that are taller than 80 units. If an image is
- // taller than 80 units, then you will see it disappear since it won't be
- // completely obscured by the top border.
- //
- // "pause" - This is for placing blank spacing between entries. So say you entered all
- // of the 'CAST' entries, and you want some space before you start the next
- // section of text. Pause is used to place that space.
- //
- // "done" - This is when the credits are done and you want to return back to the main
- // menu. This will fade out the borders, wait a second, then go back to
- // the main menu. Make sure to fade out everything else and wait a bit for
- // whatever remaining text to scroll off the screen, else it will bail out
- // in the middle of it scrolling.
- //
- //
- // Syntax for Picture commands:
- // All picture commands are called with this statement and parameters:
- //
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_image <command> <element number> <image> [time] [ul_x] [ul_y] [br_x] [br_y]
- //
- //
- // Here's how you display a picture up on the screen. All pictures will display behind the
- // borders of the screen, so you want to make sure all your pictures are made to be in that area.
- // The important thing to remember when adding pictures is the <element number> that you use.
- // You have 100 element numbers you can use, 1 - 100 (the script will error out if you go
- // outside of this range, or don't enter one at all). The number determines which pictures get
- // drawn on top of other pictures. The higher the number, the more 'on-top' that picture is.
- // So element 100 is the topmost picture and will draw on top of all other elements, and 1 is the
- // bottommost element and will draw under all other elements. Also, you can use the same element
- // number for multiple pictures, but if you assign a new picture to a used element, that element
- // will switch to that picture, whether it's shown or not. So keep track of your <element number>
- // that you use. One thing to note is to wait the appropriate amount of time before sending the
- // next picture. Else you'll see the transition occur before the pictures fully fade.
- //
- // Here is the explaination of all the parameters and which ones are optional:
- //
- // <command> - Commands given have to be in quotes as with text commands. There are only
- // two draw commands. You have to enter this parameter.
- //
- // "show" - This will fade the desired picture in on the specified <element number>
- // "hide" - This will fade the desired <element number> out
- //
- // <element number> This is the element number to display a picture on, numbers 1 - 100.
- // You have to enter this parameter. NO quotes used for this parameter.
- //
- // <image> - This is the graphic to display, entered in quotes. It can either be a shader name, or a
- // direct reference to the picture. If it's a direct reference to a picture,
- // then you have to enter the path starting with "textures/" (with the rest of the path).
- // So for example, this is a reference to a direct picture:
- //
- // "textures/mohmenu/credits/bottomborder"
- //
- // It is recommended to place all images for the credits screen in the
- // "textures/mohmenu/credits/" folder where the borders already are.
- // You have to enter this paramter.
- //
- // [time] - This is an optional parameter that's not entered within quotes. If a time
- // is entered, then the displayed picture will automatically fade out in the
- // specified time. So if you enter a time of 5, then after 5 seconds the
- // picture will fade without having to give a fade command. Without the time
- // parameter, an image will stay on the screen until it is told to fade.
- //
- // [ul_x] [ul_y] [br_x] [br_y] - These last four parameters are used to specify a direct placement
- // and size of a picture. The first two parameters specify the
- // upper-left coordinate for the image (hence the ul). The last two
- // parameters specify the bottom-right corner for the image (hence the br).
- // All coordinates are based on a 640 x 480 setting, no matter what the
- // user's resolution. To use these parameters, ALL 4 have to be used.
- // If you enter only one, and not the rest, bad things can happen and
- // borkiness behavior will occur.
- //
- // NOTE: If you want to use these parameters but do NOT wish to use
- // the [time] parameter, just enter a value of NIL where the [time]
- // parameter is.
- //
- //
- //
- // I left in my test entries just as an example for you to look at. MAKE SURE TO REMOVE ALL
- // THE SAMPLE ENTRIES WHEN YOU ENTER THE FINAL CREDITS!!!! One techinque you might want to use
- // is to display the pictures using a seperate thread, so you can control and keep track of the
- // timing easier, rather than intermixing all the pictures with the text since reading over that
- // might get confusing. Come see me if you'd like some help with this.
- //
- //***************************************************************************************************
- //***************************************************************************************************
- //*** launch the thread to show the pictures
- thread credits_start_pictures
- //*** start the credits
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 1 "textures/mohmenu/credits/creditbacksky" NIL 0 80 640 320
- //***************************************************
- //***************************************************
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Medal of Honor Allied Assault"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/creditbackmoh" 235 170 80
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/mohaas_logo" 192 256 256
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/mohaas_logo" 245 150 150
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- //***************************************************
- //***************************************************
- //*** Reload Team
- //***************************************************
- //***************************************************
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "*******NOT FINAL******"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "sub_section" " In Loving Memory"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "sub_section" " of"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "sub_section" " Tim Eifert"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "sub_section" " Medal of Honor Allied Assault"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" " Spearhead"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" " Development Team"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "David Kury" "Animation Lead"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 2 "textures/mohmenu/credits/soldiers_walking" 35 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Kyle McKisic" "Art Director"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Erik Kraber" "Audio Lead"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Dave C. Nash" "Design Lead"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Keith Francart" "Development Director"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Paul Keet" "Engineering Lead"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 3 "textures/mohmenu/credits/soldier_shooting" 35 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Brady Bell" "Game Design"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Dave C. Nash"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Tom Allen" "Lighting Director"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Brady Bell" "Producer"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Jon Galvan" "Associate Producer"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Kyle McKisic" "Technical Art Director"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Kevin Lewis" "Test Lead"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Animation Team"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Ken Angliongto"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Wendy K. Fuller"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 4 "textures/mohmenu/credits/left_soldier_shooting" 26 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Jeffrey K. Joe"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "David Kury"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Shawn McInerney"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Dana O'Connor"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Brian Ormiston"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Jim Richardson"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Art Team"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Jeff Bigman"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Eben Cook"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Matt Hall"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Kyle McKisic"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Chris Shelton"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Chaz Sutherland"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Chad Woyewodzic"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Additional Art"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Peter Chen"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Peter Choe"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Mayan Escalante"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Nils Holden"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Ian House"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Audio Team"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Rebecca Hanck"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Erik Kraber"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 5 "textures/mohmenu/credits/soldiers_in_boat" 35 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Yuan Liu"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Eric Shemkovitz"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Engineering Team"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Mark Dochtermann"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Michael J. Goodwin"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Paul Keet"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Jeff Leggett"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "John Machin"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Rafael Paiz"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Chris Shelton"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Level Design Team"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Brady Bell"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "David Howe"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 6 "textures/mohmenu/credits/log_soldier" 45 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Victor S. Mercieca"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Edward J. Moore III"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Dave C. Nash"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Matt Sophos"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Ken Spencer"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Test Team"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Darrell Abney"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Brian Bland"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Maathew Campisi"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Will Drees"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Tom Hess"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "William Lee"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Kevin Lewis"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Steve Lin"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Anthony Miller"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Mark Quinanola"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Mike Roloson"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Luis Sempe"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Marcel Tirtariandi"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Voice Talent"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 2 "textures/mohmenu/credits/soldiers_walking" 45 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "sub_section" "Gary Oldman as Sergeant Jack Barnes"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "sub_section" "Mr. Oldman was recorded at"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "sub_section" "Sony Recording Studios"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "sub_section" "Los Angeles, California"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Voice Recording Services Provided by"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Voicegroup, Hollywood"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Charles de Vries & Alex Kuznetsov" "International Voice Direction"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Jim MacNeill" "Producer"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "David Beron" "Pasha D. Lychnikoff"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Robert Biehn" "Matt K. Miller"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Kenneth Danziger" "Tony Oliver"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Guido Foehrweisser" "Paul St. Peter"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Rene Klaus Heger" "Julian Stone"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Neil Hunt" "Alex Veadov"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Steve Kramer" "Illia Volok"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Alex Kuznetsov" "Gunter Ziegler"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Neil Larson"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Al Johnson" "Voice Recording Engineer"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Crocodile Productions"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Patrick O'Brien" "Vice President"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Marci Galea" "Manager, Business Affairs"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Jennifer Ansaldo" "Administrative Assistant"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Written by"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Brady Bell"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Danny Bilson"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 7 "textures/mohmenu/credits/tank" 35 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Paul DeMeo"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Jon Galvan"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Dave C. Nash"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Movies by"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Jon Galvan"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Poetry"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "'The Hour is Go' by Francis J. Turner"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "from his personal archives"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "'The Hills of Bastogne' by Bernard J. Mckearney"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "from the book"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Rendezvous with Destiny, A History of the 101st Airborne Division"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "by"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Leonard Rapport and Arthur Northwood, Jr."
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "under license by Sean Konecky"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Konecky & Konecky Books"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "'That Something' by Ronald Tee - 56 Recce Reg't,Battleaxe Div., British 8th Army"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "from the book"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "A British Soldier Remembers"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Medal of Honor Allied Assault Spearhead"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "uses Miles Sound System."
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Copyright (C) 1991-2002 by RAD Game Tools, Inc."
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/miles" 150 64 64
- // insert Miles logo here
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "MPEG Layer-3 playback supplied with the Miles Sound System from RAD Game Tools, Inc."
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "MPEG Layer-3 audio compression technology licensed by Fraunhofer IIS and THOMSON multimedia."
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "This product contains software technology licensed by GameSpy Industries, Inc."
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "(c) 1999-2002 GameSpy Industries, Inc. All rights reserved."
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "The Way It's Meant to be Played Logo and other NVIDIA Marks are trademarks"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "of NVIDIA Corporation."
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- //***************************************************
- //***************************************************
- //*** EA studio and WW credits
- //***************************************************
- //***************************************************
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 8 "textures/mohmenu/credits/shooters" 35 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Electronic Arts"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Electronic Arts - Los Angeles"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Executive Staff"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Rick Giolito" "Executive Producer"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "John Batter" "General Manager"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Steve Anderson" "CTO"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Joe Aguilar & Steve Arnold" "IS&T"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Ray Robinson & Steve Rottman" "IT Support"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Evan Birkby" "QA Manager"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 9 "textures/mohmenu/credits/building" 35 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "EA Marketing"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/i_train" 420 170 80
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Jillian Goldberg"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Lincoln Hershberger"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "EA UK Marketing"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Jonathan Bunney"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Audrey Meehan"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 10 "textures/mohmenu/credits/train" 35 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "EA Public Relations"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/i_tank_rubble" 420 170 80
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Steve Groll"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Anne Marie Stein"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- //
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/i_soviet_flag" 420 170 80
- //
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/i_shooter" 420 170 80
- //
- //
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/i_3_2" 420 170 80
- //
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/i_1_2" 420 170 80
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "International Development"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Dagmar Bruenig"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Atsuko Matsumoto"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Lafayette Taylor"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 11 "textures/mohmenu/credits/tank_commander" 35 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "EA WorldWide Studios"
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- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Don Mattrick"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Bruce McMillan"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Paul Lee"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Scott Cronce"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "EA FLT"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/i_soviet_flag" 420 170 80
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Kevin Enos"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Arnel Flandez"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Pierre Fuger"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Luis Iga"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Chris Kassabian"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Michael Yeung"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 12 "textures/mohmenu/credits/snow_trucks" 35 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "EA CQC"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/i_snow_trucks" 420 170 80
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Tony Alexander"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Anthony Barbagallo"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Eron Garcia"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Darryl Jenkins"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Dave Knudson"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Russell Medeiros"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Simon Steel"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "EA CAT Lab"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image_scroll" "textures/mohmenu/credits/i_ho-ix" 420 170 80
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Angelo Bayan"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Dave Caron"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Mark Gonzales"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "John Hanley"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Dave Koerner"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "EARS Test"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Kurt Hsu" "Test Manager"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Ludon Lee" "Project Supervisor"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Melissa Tague" "Lead Tester"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Vince Brooks" "Roo Henson"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Jensen Delap" "Daniel Kim"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Stewart Graff" "Sullivan Manikhong"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Rob Harrell"
- //waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 13 "textures/mohmenu/credits/shooter" 35 0 80 640 320
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Medal of Honor Music by"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Michael Giacchino"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "sub_section" "Military Advisor"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Captain Dale Dye, USMC (ret.)"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "sub_section" "Created by"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Steven Spielberg"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Created in Partnership with the"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "Congressional Medal of Honor Society"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "www.cmohs.org"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Nicky D. Bacon" "President"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Victoria Leslie" "Director"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "section" "MOH Community Map Winners"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Lothar 'Surgeon' Bies" "Stadt"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Johnathan Porter" "Gewitter"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry" "Steven Delrue" "Unterseite"
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- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
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- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Gary Oldman"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Doug Urbanski"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Bing Gordon"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Vinnie Vicari"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Max Spielberg"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Mumbo Jumbo"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Ryan Gordon"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Steve Karnes"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Phil Spangenberger"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Stembridge Gun Rentals"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Fred Garvin"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "John Travis"
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- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Paul Quilliam"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Sylvie Stulic"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Michael Daugherty"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "David Mills"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "entry_single" "Kari Taina"
- //*********************************************************
- //*********************************************************
- //*** terminate the credits
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
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- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "show" 16 "textures/mohmenu/credits/mohaas_logo" 5 192 112 256 256
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
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- //
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- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- // waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "image" "hide" 1
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "pause"
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_add "done"
- end
- //*********************************************************
- //*** start the pictures
- //*********************************************************
- credits_start_pictures:
- /*
- //*** show a picture normally with now time value
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_image "show" 1 "textures/mohmenu/credits/creditbacksky" NIL 0 83 640 400
- wait 5
- //*** show a picture for 5 seconds
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_image "show" 2 "textures/mohmenu/credits/creditbackmoh" 15 0 83 640 400
- wait 30
- //*** show a pictures with coordinates
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_image "show" 3 "textures/mohmenu/credits/creditbacktrrops" 60 0 83 640 400
- wait 70
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_image "show" 4 "textures/mohmenu/credits/creditbacktrrops2" 60 0 83 640 400
- wait 70
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_image "show" 5 "textures/mohmenu/credits/p47-1" 60 0 83 640 400
- wait 100
- waitthread global/credits.scr::credits_image "hide" 1
- */
- end