Welcome to the Update Database. It is part of the Macintosh Software Update Report. This information may not be distributed without express permission of LEVEL 6 Computing.
What is it?
This database contains the entire body of information from which the Macintosh Software Update Report is based. There is much information which could not be put into the actual newsletter — that information is here. The newsletter makes frequent reference to this database. Here you will find any additional notes, compatibility information, instructions, warnings, etc. from the software/hardware vendors.
It's searchable!
You can search this database for any text. Try the name of your favorite (most problematic?) program/INIT to find any references to it. Often a product is revised to make it work with another company's product.
About Easy View
Please direct any questions or comments regarding Easy View to the program's author, Mr. Akif Eyler, whose email address can be found in Easy View's "About…" box. We thank Mr. Eyler for allowing us to distribute Easy View with our database.
How to use the Update Database
This Database is accessed through the Easy View text file reader. For those who are unfamiliar with this program, the docs are included on this disk. But here's a quick start…
Company / Product Selection
Select the name of the company whose products you wish to read about from the left scrolling list. The right list will change to show the products for that company that are contained in the current issue of the Macintosh Software Update Report. Click on the product name to show information for that product.
You can print the information if you wish. Be sure to turn off "Use Styles" in the Format menu to enable printing if it is not already off.
You may select text from the window and copy it to the clipboard.
To directly access the current file, click on the "E" in the lower left-hand corner of the window. This will attempt to open the company's file in a word processor.
You can search the database for names of programs, INITs, symptoms, etc. Choose "Find" from the "Search" menu. Choose "E -> e" from the pop-up menu to make it non-case sensitive for the English language. Note the "Search from beginning" check box.
You can add bookmarks from the "Go" menu.
If you modify a company's file it is then put onto the tail-end of the company list (no longer alphabetical). To fix this problem:
1) Make sure "Include all files in folder" and "Auto-modify view" are selected in the Preferences dialog.
2) Choose "Modify View…" from the File menu
3) Click on any name in the right list and then click on the "<<<" button. This removes all files from the template. Now select "Done".
4) When you close the dialog, Easy View will reload all files found in the template's folder in alphabetical order.
• Please Don't Distribute! •
Please remember that this Easy View template and the accompanying text files are part of the Macintosh Software Update Report which is a copyrighted commercial product. Please do not distribute these files.
Thank you.
Contacting LEVEL 6 Computing
All enquiries, comments, suggestions, subscription orders, etc. should be directed to:
You can also contact us at "LEVEL 6" on AOL & eWorld, and "LEVEL.6" on Applelink. We prefer email through the Internet to msur@level6.com. That will get to us soonest and has the least chance of being lost.