This enclosure contains a self–extracting archive of the ScanMaker Plug–In
version 2.0.9, Release 2, for Adobe PhotoShop. This is the fix for people
using Power Macs with PhotoShop 3.0 and older Microtek scanners (300G, 300Z,
300ZS, 600Z, 600ZS, & 1850S). The "scanning cancelled by user message" no
longer comes up on every prescan.
Enclosure: PI209.sea
Release notes, January 12, 1995
Please take a moment to read the information in this file. Many last minute changes which did not make it to the manual are listed here. Also, a number of the most common installation questions and scanning questions are listed here as well. For future updates and compatibility information, please call Microtek sales at 800–654–4160. This file contains information about the following:
• The Microtek B&W/Microtek Color DA's are incompatible with the new scanners such as the ScanMaker IISP, and Microtek 35T, 45T and 1850S. There is a special version of the Microtek B&W DA that ships with the ScanMaker IIG. This special version only supports the IIG.
Since you can not scan black & white line art or half–tones from the ScanMaker Plug–In while in Fractal Design Sketcher, either scan from the ScanMaker Plug–In while in Photoshop or use the Microtek B&W Desk Accessory.
• "Can't locate driver for this particular scanner model."
Check the System folder for the "Microtek" file. If it is not there, copy it from your original diskette. Make sure the file "Microtek" is in the System Folder at the top level, not nested in a sub–folder (such as the Extensions folder). Make sure that the correct model is chosen. Also, make sure there is not a SCSI ID conflict.
• ScanMaker Plug–In not available from Acquire submenu.
If the ScanMaker Plug–In is not available from the Acquire option in Adobe PhotoShop 2.0/2.01, make sure that the ScanMaker Plug–In icon from the Microtek Scanning Modules diskette is in the folder that contains the file PS Prefs (usually called the PhotoShop Plug–Ins). PS Prefs must be in the same folder as the ScanMaker Plug–In for Adobe Photoshop 2.0/2.01 to find it.
With PhotoShop 2.5, the PS Prefs file no longer exists. Just make sure the plug–in is the same folder as the other PhotoShop plug–in modules.
• Acquire is gray in Photoshop
If you have Photoshop 2.5.1/2.5/3.01, do the following:
1) Start Photoshop. Go to the File menu and select Preferences, then select Plug–Ins…
2) Find the Photoshop folder. You should have a folder called “Plug–Ins”. Click on it once. Then click on the button labeled: “Select ‘Plug–Ins’”.
3) Go to File then select Quit. Restart Adobe Photoshop.
If you have Photoshop 2.01, do the following:
1) Find the Photoshop Preferences file and delete it. The default name of the file is ‘PS PREFS’.
2) Start Photoshop. You will get a dialog asking “Where is the Prefs File”. Click on New. Move to the “PhotoShop Plug–Ins” folder then click on Save.
If you still have a gray Acquire command, consult your Photoshop documentation or call Adobe Technical Support at 408 986–6500.
• Acquire is gray in Sketcher
Quit from Sketcher. Hold down the Command key (the key has an apple outline and/or a symbol that looks like the head of a four leaf clover) and start Sketcher. Follow Sketcher's instructions on screen. Acquire should now be available.
NOTE: Sketcher does not support the Line–Art and Half–Tone scan modes. Either scan from another program or use the Microtek B&W to scan in Line–Art and Half–Tone modes.
• No model in the ScanMaker Plug–In
Make sure the scanner is on and that the ready light and the power lights are on. The lamp in the scanner should also be on.
There seems to be a conflict between DAL system extension file, Printer Control utility from Pacific Data and Microtek ScanMaker Plug–in Module. To overcome this problem, take DAL out of the Extensions Folder and restart your computer.
This may also be due to an accelerator. You must disable the accelerator.
• Microtek scanners are not SCSI–2 devices. Attempting to use a Microtek scanner on a SCSI–2 card may cause crashes or data loss.
• System accelerators may cause crashes during use of the DAs or plug–in.
• Daystar Digital's QuadraCache will not work with the PhotoShop plug–in with the Quadracache set to greater than 'Minimum'.
• Error message –108
Error –108 means your system is running out of System Heap Memory. This problem usually happens using System software version 6.x.x. In order to fix this problem, you need to increase the System Heap size by using a utility such as Heap Fixer or Widget by C.E. Software or a shareware utility called Bootman.
• Error message, "Can't communicate with scanner. You may need to change the lamp"
This error message usually pops up when the scanning lamp gets old or does not come on any more. Change the scanning lamp and try again. More lamps may be purchased from Microtek. If the lamp is not coming on in a ScanMaker II, IIXE, IIG, or IISP, you may have a hardware problem and need to get a repair authorization number to send the scanner in for service.
Also check the length of your SCSI cables. We do not recommend that SCSI cables longer than 3 feet (1 meter) be used. Longer cables may work on slower Macs, but tend to be unstable in the long run.
• Crash or lock up in the DA or plug–in.
This may be due to an extension conflict. If you are using System 7 or greater, restart with the Shift key held down until you see "Welcome to Macintosh. Extensions Off" then try scanning. If you can now scan successfully, one (or more) of your extensions or control panel documents may be the cause. Remove an extension or control panel item and restart. Try scanning. If you still have a problem, continue removing extension or control panel files until you can find the incompatible item.
Some known incompatibilities:
System 7.1 has a known bug that may affect the plug–in or the DAs. Extensions and Control Panels that dynamically modify the System file (like Suitcase or Super ATM) causes memory corruption that will crash your Mac during a scan/prescan. Apple has released a patch called "Hardware System Updater". It is available for download or from Apple dealers. The current version as of this date is 3.0.
Connectix had released their own patch called "Enabler Patch", they recommend that you use Apple's Hardware System Updater instead of the Enabler Patch.
Norton Disklight – All versions can cause crashes during scans. Remove from Extensions folder.
CP Drivelight – May cause same problems as Disklight. Remove from Control Panel folder.
Norton FileSaver – Can cause corruption of the ScanMaker.Settings/ScanMaker.Pre for the plug–in or Microtek Settings v1.5/Microtek Color Setting v1.5 files. Remove from the Control Panels folder if you have problems scanning. NOTE: You may have the same problem with CP Mirror Control Panel.
Suitcase – Current version as of this date is 2.1.4. If you have an older version, please contact Symantec for an upgrade. Older versions of Suitcase caused a problem under System 7.1.
Type Reunion – Make sure it is the currrent version. Older versions (1.0, 1.01, 1.02) are known to cause crashes during scans.
Adobe Type Manager – Current version is 3.8.1. If you have an older version, contact Adobe for an upgrade.
Radiusware – This control panel has an option that enlarges the font used in menus and makes menus tearable. Disable these options.
Serial Port Arbitrator – This extension is included with Apple Remote Access 1.0 (ARA). It may cause crashes or lock up while scanning with the plug–in. Remove this file from the Extensions folder. This file is not required to use ARA, its purpose is to lock the serial port while an ARA session is running, so other software (like Fax software) does not interrupt the modem connection.
• The Microtek B&W/Microtek Color DA's are incompatible with the ScanMaker IISP, Microtek 35T, 45T, and 1850S. These scanners only work with the ScanMaker Plug–In for Adobe Photoshop. The ScanMaker IIG comes with a special version of the Microtek B&W that only supports the IIG.
If you have installed an earlier version of the Desk Accessories, remove the following DAs and scanning drivers from your System Folder before installing the new version:
MicrotekSettings v1.5 (or earlier)
MicrotekColor.Setting v1.5 (or earlier)
MicrotekScanner.PS (Older Microtek flat–bed scanner plugin for PhotoShop usually in
PhotoShop Plugins folder)
SlideScanner.PS (Older Microtek slide scanner plugin for PhotoShop)
• Installing the DA's on System 7.0 or higher
The current versions of the BW and Color DAs are compatible with System 7.0 and higher. To install the DAs, drag the following files from the Microtek Scanning Modules disk into the System folder icon:
Microtek BW D/A
Microtek Color D/A
Make sure you drag the files into the System folder icon, and not the open System folder. The files will automatically be moved into the Apple Menu Items folder inside the System folder after you click "OK" on the confirmation dialog.
To install the scanner driver, open the System folder, set the View to View By Icon, and drag in the file "Microtek" from the Scanning Modules disk. Do not drag Microtek into the System folder icon because it will end up in the Extensions folder. If this does occur, drag Microtek out of the Extensions folder and back into the System folder.
Again, make sure the System Folder is open and the View is set for View By Icon.
If you are using a ScanMaker II/IIXE scanner select "SM 600ZS" as the model in Microtek B&W.
If you are using a ScanMaker IIG, a special version of the Microtek B&W D/A is included on the Scan Module disk. This special version only supports the IIG.
If Photoshop is running, quit from Photoshop. Locate the Photoshop folder. In the Photoshop folder you will find a folder called “Plug–Ins” Drag the ScanMaker Plug–In file on top of this folder. The file will now copy into the folder.
NOTE: The ScanMaker Plug–In can reside in any folder in the Plug–Ins folder for PhotoShop 3.01.
If you are using Photoshop 2.01:
This version of Photoshop assumes that the plug–ins are located in the same folder as the PS Prefs file. Find the PS Prefs file and copy the ScanMaker Plug–In into the folder holding the PS Prefs file. This folder is usually either the Photoshop folder or the Photoshop Plug–Ins folder.
The following is a list of known problems with the current version (12/6/93 release) of the Scanning Modules diskette.
=== ScanMaker Plug–In v2.09R2 notes ===
This version of the plug–in fixes the inability to prescan when using PhotoShop 3.01 on a PowerMac. Otherwise, it is identical to Plug–In 2.08.
=== ScanMaker Plug–In v2.0.8 notes ===
With PhotoShop 2.5 or greater, the plug–in does not go in the same folder as the PhotoShop preferences file. Put the plug–in in the Plug–Ins folder located in the PhotoShop folder.
In Line Art and Halftone mode only, changes in the Brightness and Contrast controls do not appear in the prescanned image in the scanner display. However, the final scan is correct.
The Prescanned image in line art mode is not very clear, especially when zoomed in.
Microtek MSF–300GS, 400G/GS, 300QS models are no longer supported. The last version of the plug–in that supported these models is version 2.04.
The dimensions of scanned images reported by the height and width status indicators do not match exactly with the dimensions reported by the Adobe Photoshop Image Size command. They can differ by as much as .05 inches, or .127 centimeters.
The Scan Mode menu includes color when using the 600GS gray–scale scanner. However, the 600GS will not actually give a color scan.
When using the MS–300A scanner with the SCSI/A adapter, the computer may freeze up. Use the B&W D/A with the MS–300A.
With 300 series scanners you may get “Scan Frame too small”. The plug–in incorrectly measures the size of the scanning frame. The minimum size is now approximately 4” x 5”. If the frame is smaller, you will get this message.
When using the 300 series scanners, scanning at resolutions of more than 300 dpi, you will experience system crashes mostly when using the lineart mode. This problem usually happens at resolutions of 360 dpi, 480 dpi and 600 dpi, but differs from system to system.
=== Previous problems in ScanMaker Plug–in now fixed in this version ===
Support for MODE 32 by Connectix on older Macintosh models such as Mac IIcx to support 32–bit addressing. This was a bug in 2.05.
Support Transparent Media Adapter (also supported in 2.05).
Available memory detection has been improved which affects the scanning speed. With enough memory, scanning speed may improve by as much as 50%.
=== Problems with Black–White DA v.1.52Q and higher ===
This version doesn't support older Microtek scanners at resolution greater than 480dpi. These models are 300G, 300GS, 300Z, 300ZS, 300Q and 300QS.
=== Problems with the older versions of B&W D/A that are now fixed ===
Older scanners such as MSF–300G/GS and MSF–300Q/QS are now supported.
=== Notes on PICT2 File Formats (Color D/A) ===
Images saved in PICT2 (Paint) file format by the Color D/A appear inverted when opened in Adobe Photoshop and QuarkXpress.
One solution is to scan the image with the Adobe Photoshop Plug–in module and save it as PICT file, which works correctly.
=== Notes for Microtek Color D/A ===
The file MicrotekColor.Phantom is no longer included in the Microtek Color Folder. You may remove the old one from your system.
Only the ScanMaker II/IIXE scanners with serial number S2B5720701 or greater are compatible with Transparent Media Adapter (TMA).
Only connect or disconnect the TMA when the scanner is off.
When you turn on the scanner with the TMA installed, make sure that the lid is closed and that there are no originals in the bed. If an original is left in the bed, the scanner may not come to ready. If something is obscuring the lamp, the calibration will fail.
• Error message, "Scan frame too small to scan"
You should only get this error message if you have the Transparent Media Adapter connected to a ScanMaker II/IIXE. In transparency mode (positive or negative), the scanner is limited to a maximum of 300dpi at 100% scaling. If you increase the dpi or scaling past this limit (for example 150dpi at 300% scaling), you will get this error message.
Do not use the gray scale prescan option for color scans. This will cause problems scanning in color negatives.
There is an option called “Auto Contrast Control” in the ScanMaker Plug–In. Turn this option on when scanning from the 35T; this is option is highly optimized for the 35T and is usually all that is needed to create rich saturated scans. If your scans look extremely dark, you probably do not have this option enabled.
The ScanMaker IISP and IIG are compatible with the ADF600. However, a special 3 prong external power supply must be connected to the scanner. The external power supply will be supplied with the ADF600.
The ScanMaker IISP will be compatible with the new Transparent Media Adapter (TMA). This TMA is streamlined in shape. When ordering the TMA from your dealer, make sure you specify the IISP model. The old style rectangular TMA is not compatible. The ScanMaker IIG does not support a TMA.
The ScanMaker IISP and IIG will work with software that can properly use the ScanMaker Plug–In for Photoshop. This is a list of programs that are compatible: Photoshop 2.xx, Fractal Design products (Color Studio, Painter, Sketcher) and Read–It OCR Pro 4.0.
NOTE: Painter and Sketcher will not scan in Line–Art or Half–Tone modes. Painter only supports Grayscale and Color modes. Sketcher only supports Grayscale.
Ofoto 2.02 is currently not compatible. Lightsource (among other companies) are in the process of developing updates that will provide compatibility. The ScanMaker IIsp and IIg is supported by Caere's Omnipage Direct 2.0 and OmniPage Pro 5.0. Textbridge 2.0x from Xerox Imaging Systems also supports these scanners.
Scan at the resolution of the output device. For example, if you have a 600dpi laser printer, you would scan at 600dpi. Some people claim that if you scan at twice the resolution and scale down when you print, a clean print occurs. We have not seen this to be the case. It may be possible that this only works with certain application and printer combinations.
Gray scale/Color:
If you are printing to a black & white printer (Apple LaserWriter IINTX for example), you need to scan at a lower resolution than the printer.
Scan at twice the linescreen of the printer or refer to the following chart:
300dpi –– Scan at 80dpi to 110dpi
600dpi –– Scan at 100dpi to 150dpi
1200dpi –– Scan at 200dpi to 300 dpi
Scanning at the lower range is best if you wish to emphasize levels of gray over detail. Scan at higher dpi if you wish to emphasize detail instead.
If you have a continuous tone color printer (i.e. dye sublimation or Iris ink jet), scan at the resolution of the printer. With other color printers (like a HP550C) try scanning at roughly 1/3 to 1/2 the resolution of the printer.
THESE RESOLUTIONS ARE ONLY APPROXIMATIONS! On some printers they may provide unsatisfactory results. Consult your printer documentation or contact the printer manufacturer for the optimal scanning resolution for print.
These artifacts happen if you scan printed or half–tone images (like a picture from a magazine). These artifacts will not happen if you scan a photograph (i.e. flip the image over and look for the “Kodak” watermark on the back).
All color scans are done in 24 bits of data. Unless your monitor is set to 24 bits (millions of colors), the image you see on screen will be dithered to approximate the true colors. The dithering will create the graininess or the patterned look. You can check the color level by going to the Apple menu and selecting Control Panels, then select Monitors. If you have a 24–bit card, the maximum color level will be “Millions”, “Thousands” for 16–bit color, and “256” for 8–bit color.