Yes, there is now an EndNote Plus 2.0.1 which became available in October 1994 (less than a month after 2.0 shipped). It fixes the following problems in 2.0:
– "Unimplemented Trap" error when trying to start EndNote Plus on any 68000 Mac (PowerBook 100, SE, Classic, Plus) running System 7.
– Printing problems with System 6 (errors vary when trying to print).
– Problem with the Refer/BibIX import option that cause all references to be imported into one record (or an error message such as "Ran out of memory"). Normally with the Refer/BibIX import, blank lines in the imported text file signal where one reference ends and the next begins. The bug caused this to fail so that all references were imported as one long entry.
– Improvements in formatting of FrameMaker MIF files.
That's about it. It's just a bug fix version, that is free to anyone using EndNote Plus 2.0. We send the user a new copy of the program and Plug–In Module disks. The installation simply involves replacing the existing copy of the program with version 2.0.1, and the same for the Plug–In Module (if used). All other files remain untouched. This update is not available online.
As with the earlier version of EndNote Plus, version 2.0.1 is compatible with System 7.5 and the PowerMacs (in emulation mode).