DiskTop v4.5.2 (update from v4.5.1) solves the incompatibility problem with System 7.5's Apple Menu Options extension. Updater available for v4.5 and v4.5.1 customers at no charge on CompuServe, eWorld, AppleLink, and America Online. Also available direct from Prairie Group at a $5.00 disk charge plus shipping and handling. Users of any version up to v4.0.2 may upgrade to v4.5.2 for $30.00 plus shipping and handling direct from Prairie Group.
Subj: DiskTop 4.5.2 Updaters November 2, 1994
File: DiskTop 4.5.2 Updaters.sea (70232 bytes)
DL time (19200 baud): < 1 minute
Download count: 388
AUTHOR: PrairieSoft, Inc.
EQUIPMENT: Mac Plus or greater
NEEDS: DiskTop 4.5 or 4.5.1, System 6.0.4 or later
This self–extracting archive contains two updaters and two Read Me files. The updaters will bring your DiskTop 4.5 or 4.5.1 up to 4.5.2 standards. It cures most of what ails you, including gout, hangnails, and unpleasant breath, it brightens the smile, returns that healthy sheen to hair and restores romantic vigor.
Not everyone needs to update from 4.5 or 4.5.1 to version 4.5.2. Only a few DiskTop 4.5 or 4.5.1 customers have called to report the problems that 4.5.2 addresses (and none of these people admitted needing more romantic vigor). Most users report that DiskTop 4.5 or 4.5.1 is great, but rather than tell Gil this and inflate his ego, we gave him a list of problems and said "fix 'em." He did.
Problems that 4.5.2 Corrects (Boring, dry technical reading, but it builds character.)
– If you are using DiskTop 4.5 or 4.5.1 and System 7.5, DiskTop 4.5 or 4.5.1 will "crash" when you try to run it, leaving a thin strip of window containing the column heading buttons. This crash has been traced to a problem in the new "Apple Menu Options" control panel in System 7.5. It is NOT a bug in DiskTop itself. The Apple Menu Options control panel in System 7.5 is not required for normal system operation – it just provides a few "convenience" features. Rather than make you wait for Apple's fix to the Apple Menu Options control panel, we created DiskTop 4.5.2, which provides a safe "work around" for Apple's problem. You can use DiskTop 4.5.2 and the System 7.5 Apple Menu Options control panel together with no crashes. DiskTop 4.5.2 also works just fine with the previously supported versions of System 6 and System 7.
The DiskTop 4.5.2 Updater also contains the fixes from DiskTop 4.5.1:
– System 7 Pro / PowerTalk users discovered that a new "disk" named "Mail Enclosures" now appears in the Find Criteria dialog box (using DiskTop 4.5). Attempting to search this volume caused the Macintosh to crash.
– People printing the contents of the DiskTop window discovered that strange characters (text characters, not people) appeared where the column headings should be or that the computer would crash.
– If users added a type or creator to the bottom of pop–up menus of types and creators found in the Find Criteria dialog box, the new type or creator was placed at the top of the menu instead of at the bottom or odd characters appeared in the menu.
– People using Adobe Type Manager on Macintosh computers that use the 68000 processor (Plus, SE, Classic, Portable, PowerBook 100) discovered that clicking the "Find" button or selecting "Path..." from the DiskTop menu would cause the computer to crash.
– People who had previously renamed CEToolbox to something that would place it later in the alphabet (so it would load later in the startup process) discovered that the Installer did not correctly install CEToolbox when DiskTop 4.5 was installed.
DiskTop is a desk accessory. (We kept it that way to provide DiskTop's power –– and brighter smiles –– to both System 6 and System 7 users.) System 6 and System 7 handle desk accessories in different ways. We had to design the 4.5.2 update process to handle DiskTop on both systems. It was not easy. Gil says it was like trying to dry–shave a bobcat. Therefore, this update process will be different from any you have used in the past.
If you decide you need DiskTop 4.5.2, download this self–extracting archive, then double–click it to create a folder called "DiskTop 4.5.2 Updaters." Open it and follow the instructions in "Read Me (4.5.2 Updaters)". The change to DiskTop will occur immediately upon installing 4.5.2. The changes to your gout, hangnails, breath, teeth, hair and romantic vigor may take several decades to become noticeable.