Text File | 1993-08-19 | 896 b | 19 lines | [ttro/ttxt]
Photo Fits
Photo Fits is an Adobe Photoshop™ plug-in which allows import of FITS files. Photo Fits can read byte, integer, longint, real, and double fits files. Photo Fits can not read fits files with extensions nor can it read 1D files. Photo Fits only looks at the image or images pointed to by the first fits header.
Photo Fits can be freely distributed so long as it is not modified in any way and this read me file is distributed with Photo Fits.
I know that Photo Fits can not read all fits files and I am working on it. Photo Fits is not finished and if you find a fits file which doesn't work DO NOT email it to me, a short note will be good and a ftp site where I can download it. Thanks for your understanding.