Macintosh Picture Format | 1995-04-26 | 166.5 KB | 539x217 | 16-bit (2,073 colors) | [PICT/8BIM]
nsfw:racy: Possible ocr: HOW THE SKIN Virus is carried round body in blood KILLER Hoad contains Bactenophage Virus VIRUS naructions reprooucion Skins outer layer attacks cells bacteria by which injecting WORKS of dead cells is destroys own cells nucleus The causes vr m vually idthroat Body torms New replace living dead cels and breaks its links Al andear nulatedvrulent moctons synngeto MPCEONA SPTANUION Dell Within minutes the torm Streptococcus a A cells AI sn cells Virus is nutriants reeding on which the Epidermal lE Mporon for Legsattach form deeper skin the recent osaths o bacteria and: are: attached of its increa ...