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Oberon Document | 1994-06-07 | 5.2 KB | 171 lines | [oODC/obnF] |
- Documents.StdDocumentDesc
- Documents.DocumentDesc
- Containers.ViewDesc
- Views.ViewDesc
- Stores.StoreDesc
- Documents.ModelDesc
- Containers.ModelDesc
- Models.ModelDesc
- Stores.ElemDesc
- TextViews.StdViewDesc
- TextViews.ViewDesc
- TextModels.StdModelDesc
- TextModels.ModelDesc
- TextModels.AttributesDesc
- Geneva
- TextRulers.StdRulerDesc
- TextRulers.RulerDesc
- TextRulers.StdStyleDesc
- TextRulers.StyleDesc
- TextRulers.AttributesDesc
- About About
- AlienAttributes alien attributes
- AlienCause alien cause
- AlienComponent alien component
- AlienControllerWarning alien controller (warning)
- AlienFont alien font ^0
- AlienFontVersion alien version of font ^0
- AlienModel alien model
- AlienVersion alien version
- AllocatorNotFound allocator not found
- AllowFocus Allow Subfocus
- BehaviorNotAccessible behavior not accessible
- black black
- blue blue
- Cancel Cancel
- CannotCloseDirtyWindow cannot close dirty window
- CannotCreateDialog cannot create Dialog ^0
- CannotLoadModule cannot load module ^0
- CannotOpenFile cannot open file ^0
- CannotUnload cannot unload module ^0
- Caption Caption
- ChangeColor Change Color
- ChangeOptions Change Options
- ChangeSize Change Size
- Clipboard Clipboard
- Close Close
- CodeFileNotFound code file for ^0 not found
- CommaExpected , expected
- CommandError command error:
- CommandNotFoundIn command ^0 not found in ^1
- configuration failed configuration failed
- ContainerExpected container expected
- ConverterFailed converter failed
- Copying Copying
- CorruptedCodeFileFor corrupted code file for ^0
- CyclicImpFrom cyclic import (^0 imported from ^1)
- darkGrey dark grey
- defaultColor default color
- Deletion Deleting
- DepositExpected deposited view expected
- DialogNotFound dialog not found
- DocumentVersionProblems document version problems
- Empty empty
- FailedToImportDocument failed to import document
- FailedToOpen failed to open ^0
- FailedToOpenPrintJob failed to open print job
- FileNotFound file ^0 not found
- FormatChange Format Change
- green green
- grey grey
- IdentExpected identifier expected
- IllegalColor illegal color
- IllegalDay illegal day
- IllegalFontSize illegal font size
- IllegalHour illegal hour
- IllegalLength illegal length
- IllegalMaskName illegal mask name ^0
- IllegalMinute illegal minute
- IllegalMonth illegal month
- IllegalSecond illegal second
- IllegalSize illegal size
- IllegalStyle illegal style
- IllegalSubrangeValue illegal subrange value
- IllegalUnits illegal units
- IllegalWeight illegal weight
- IllegalYear illegal year
- InconsistentModuleVersion inconsistent module version ^0
- InconsistentType inconsistent type ^0
- InconsistentVersion inconsistent version
- infinite infinite
- -infinite minus infinite
- Insertion Insertion
- InvalidCodeFile invalid code file ^0
- italic italic
- ItemFilterNotFound Item guard ^1 for ^0 not found
- ItemFilterTrapped Item guard ^1 for ^0 trapped
- lightGrey light grey
- Linking Linking
- LParenExpected ( expected
- MakeDialog Make Dialog
- MakeDocument Make Document
- ModuleNotFound module ^0 not found
- Moving Moving
- NoBehaviorBound no behavior bound
- NoConverterFound no converter found
- NoFocus no focus available
- NoPrinterFound no printer found
- NotEditable not editable
- NotEnoughMemoryFor not enough memory for ^0
- NoSelection no selection available
- NoDepositExpected no deposited view expected
- NoViewAllocated no view allocated
- ObjInconsImpFrom object ^0 inconsistently imported from ^1
- ObjNotFoundImpFrom object ^0 not found (imported from ^1)
- Open Open...
- OtherSize Other Size
- PageSetup Page Setup
- PreventFocus Prevent Subfocus
- PrintHeader Print Header
- ProcNotFoundIn procedure ^0 not found in ^1
- QuoteExpected ' expected
- red red
- Redo Redo
- Replacing Replacing
- ReplaceView Replace View
- Resizing Resizing
- RParenExpected ) expected
- ScriptExecution Script Execution
- Scrolling Scrolling
- SetDocument Set Document
- SetEditor Set Editor
- SetLayout Set Layout
- SetMask Set Mask
- SetProp Set Properties
- SetTool Set Tool
- SyntaxError syntax error
- SyntaxErrorIn syntax error in ^0
- strikeout strikeout
- TypeNotFound type ^ 0 not found
- Undo Undo
- undefined undefined
- underline underline
- UnknownCause unknown cause
- UnknownIdent unknown identifier ^0
- untitled untitled
- white white
- versionTroubleKey version problem with document
- ViewSetting View Setting
- WrongSelection wrong selection
- AddBundleWrapper Add Bundle Wrapper
- RemoveBundleWrapper Remove Bundle Wrapper
- AddScrollingWrapper Add Scrolling Wrapper
- RemoveScrollingWrapper Remove Scrolling Wrapper
- SetDefault Set Default Button
- SetAbort Set Abort Button
- RenumberRadioButtons Renumber Radio Buttons
- SaveAs Save As
- closing closing
- quitting quitting
- SelectColor Select Color
- OpenAny Open Any...
- ShowClipboard Show Clipboard
- HideClipboard Hide Clipboard
- TextControllers.StdCtrlDesc
- TextControllers.ControllerDesc
- Containers.ControllerDesc
- Controllers.ControllerDesc
- Geneva
- Documents.ControllerDesc