I teach print origination/digital imaging in a college of art and design.
I love messing about with computers and have used all manner of beasties from ZX81 to PowerMac. As a writer I find that words are often woefully inadequate to express what I want to say. The computer allows me to play with words and images ( and sounds and animation when I can persuade my bank manager that a copy of Director would be an investment in the future of art)
All images were put together on an LCIII 12/120 from scans of original photos and odd bits of clip art that I scanned in at work.
Frivolous they might be but I had great fun making them. Yes, I know the "poetry" is crap but hopefully its crap with a smile.
Flowers of the Desert was largely hand drawn using Photoshop's excellent painting tools.
The background of Watchers was a scan of a section of finger painting done by my young son. Painting on a sheet of paper then folding it in half can create some quite amazing symmetries. Try it, then scan em in.