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Text File | 1995-06-07 | 41.2 KB | 952 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AutoShare 1.0 documentation
- AutoShare, a freeware MailShare utility
- An auto-responder and listserver for the Macintosh
- The AutoShare software is © 1994-1995 Mikael Hansen
- Document last updated: June 7 1995 for version 1.0
- © 1994-1995 Mikael Hansen <meh@admin2.kb.bib.dk>
- (beta testers, please use <meh@admin3.kb.bib.dk>)
- The credits are located in the AutoShare About box
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Table of Contents
- I. About AutoShare
- 1. MailShare and MacTCP
- 2. Internet resources
- 3. MailShare and AutoShare
- 4. Auto-answering service
- 5. Vacation service
- 6. Listserver
- 7. UUCP-MailShare gateway
- II. How to install AutoShare
- 1. Folders
- 2. Files
- 3. AutoShare Preferences
- 4. Subject based text files
- 5. E-mail header
- 6. Bounce address
- 7. AutoShare Hosts definitions
- 8. Filter definitions
- 9. Logs
- III. Running AutoShare
- IV. AutoShare the listserv way
- 1. Commands
- 2. Multi-command mail
- 3. Lists
- V. Loop detection and elimination
- VI. And then ...
- VII. Undocumented features
- VIII. The small print
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I. About AutoShare
- AutoShare is a MailShare utility that lets you create an auto-answering service.
- You may use it as a vacation service as well. AutoShare has also been extended to
- function as a listserver. Furthermore, an (outgoing)UUCP-MailShare gateway
- is included.
- Binhex enclosures accompanying automated responses are optional. The enclosures
- may be created using StuffIt or Compact Pro (use conversion to BinHex 4.0); the
- two software packages are shareware and available from your local Info-Mac mirror
- site.
- Below is an outline of what AutoShare adds to your MailShare server environment:
- auto-response system
- specific responses based on subject (or no subject)
- supports BinHex enclosures
- you may set up as many accounts as you wish to
- vacation notices
- optionally adds sender's text
- supports filters
- simple listserver features
- offers one listserver and as many lists as you would like
- main commands are list, review, subscribe, unsubscribe
- another command is set; the following options are supported:
- conceal and noconceal
- digest and nodigest
- mail and nomail
- ack and noack
- yet other commands are index, get, which, release and query
- extended alias commands are:
- sub: subscribe
- unsub: unsubscribe and signoff
- list: lists
- review: rev, recipients and who
- index: ind
- get: send
- other commands such as help may be created
- archives formatted as text or HTML
- UUCP-MailShare gateway
- lets Eudora and MailShare communicate via AppleTalk
- Miscellaneous
- Logs are automatically sent to the administrator
- Bounce address feature is included
- 1. MailShare and MacTCP
- MailShare is a Macintosh based POP3 and SMTP e-mail server by Glenn Anderson. It
- is freeware and can be downloaded from your local Info-Mac mirror site (in the
- directory comm/tcp/mail).
- MacTCP is a commercial product from Apple. An introduction to MacTCP (mactcp.txt)
- written by Eric Behr can be obtained by anonymous ftp to ftp.math.niu.edu (in the
- directory /pub/mac/doc) or by gopher to gopher.math.niu.edu (directory "Various
- documents"). Or the Web way at http://www.math.niu.edu/~behr/docs/mactcp.html.
- 2. Internet resources
- AutoShare and MailShare
- • Released versions of both AutoShare and MailShare are freeware and can be
- downloaded from your local Info-Mac mirror site (in the directory
- comm/tcp/mail).
- • Mikael Hansen maintains an AutoShare list for the discussion of non-public
- beta versions of AutoShare: write to autoshare@admin2.kb.bib.dk with a
- body of 'sub autoshare.beta <name>'; the return message will inform you of how
- to obtain the current beta version. You may want to peek at the general
- information at autoshare.info@admin2.kb.bib.dk first. The AutoShare web site is
- at http://www2.kb.bib.dk/Staff/meh/AutoShare/AutoShare.html.
- • Don W. Strickland maintains an AutoShare list for the discussion of MailShare:
- write to listserv@easy.com with a subject of 'sub MailShare-L <name>'.
- • Carl Steadman's MailShare documentation ('MailShare: An E-mail Server for
- the Macintosh') is available at http://www.freedonia.com/ism/mail/mail.html
- (former http://www.winternet.com/~carl/mailshare/mail.html).
- • Web 66: MailShare at
- http://web66.coled.umn.edu/Cookbook/MailShare/MailShare.html.
- • Macintosh Internet Server Software at
- http://www.uwtc.washington.edu/Computing/Internet/ServerSoftware.html.
- • Macintosh FTP sites at
- http://rever.nmsu.edu/~elharo/faq/software.html.
- • Chris Johnson's Cron software at http://gargravarr.cc.utexas.edu/cron/cron.html
- may be used with MailShare and AutoShare. He maintains a mailing list entitled
- the Macintosh Cron Daemon News List: write to listserv@zimbazi.cc.utexas.edu
- with a body of 'subscribe cron-news'.
- Related sites of interest
- • One of my favorite newsgroups is comp.sys.mac.comm. A csmc FAQ, in which both
- MailShare and AutoShare are mentioned, is posted frequently; csmc is great for
- all types of Mac Internet software and communication.
- • Eric Behr's MacTCP doc is at http://www.math.niu.edu/~behr/docs/mactcp.html.
- • The LISTSERV User Guide is at http://www.earn.net/lug/notice.html.
- • To obtain the Mailing List Management (MLM) software FAQ, write
- 'get mlm-software faq' in the body of mail to listserv@listserv.net.
- • Information on StarNine's ListSTAR (former eMOD) for Macintosh, which is
- currently in beta, is available at http://www.starnine.com.
- • For Eudora users, there is a (very busy) list called the Eudora Forum: write to
- majordomo@qualcomm.com with a body of 'subscribe mac-eudora-forum'.
- • Alan Staniforth's AddMail can be found at ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/mac/addmail/.
- • Scott Gruby's NotifyMail can be found at ftp://ftp.hmc.edu/pub/mac/. His
- VacationMail can be downloaded from your local Info-Mac mirror site (in the
- directory comm/tcp/mail).
- • Philippe Casgrain's Auto-send to address and Send file, an auto-reply script
- scripts can be downloaded from your local Info-Mac mirror site (in the directory
- comm/tcp/mail).
- • Jaeson Engle maintains an AutoShare list for the discussion of MIND (former
- MacDNS): write to listserv@dronf.org with a body of 'sub mind <name>'.
- The World-Wide Web
- • For MacHTTP/WebSTAR users, there is a (rather busy) list called MacHTTP
- Talk: write to majordomo@academ.com with a body of 'subscribe machttp-talk'.
- • Simon Higgs maintains two AutoShare lists for the discussion of Maxum
- Development's MacHTTP/WebSTAR compatible cgi software - NetCloak and NetForms:
- write to autoshare@higgs.com with a body of 'sub NetCloak <name>' or 'sub
- NetForms <name>' respectively.
- • Jeffrey T. Jones has created a World Wide Web page and AppleScript based Common
- Gateway Inferface (CGI) that allows people to send AutoShare listserv commands to
- a configured mail server. The URL is: You will
- need a web client with form capabilities. Docs for the Listserv.cgi are available
- at
- Macintosh information
- • INFO-MAC Digest: write to listserv@ricevm1.rice.edu with a body of 'subscribe
- info-mac <name>'.
- • TidBITS - a newsletter for Mac users: write to listserv@ricevm1.rice.edu with a
- body of 'subscribe tidbits <name>'.
- • MacUser is at http://www.ziff.com:8007/~macuser/.
- • MacWEEK is at http://www.ziff.com:8006/~macweek/.
- Some MacUser News articles
- May 1995: Feature:Making the Internet Connection:
- http://www.ziff.com:8007/~macuser/mu_0595/feature1.html
- March 1995: 1994 MacUser Eddy Awards:
- http://www.ziff.com:8007/~macuser/eddy_winners.html
- February 1995: Net Traveler: Hot List:
- http://www.ziff.com:8007/~macuser/mu_0295/travel1.html
- Some MacWEEK News articles
- • News 05.15.95: Cyberdog to sink teeth into Internet, OpenDoc:
- http://www.ziff.com:8006/~macweek/mw_051595/news3.html
- • MacWEEK Gateways 03.13.95: New Mac Internet servers on tap:
- http://www.ziff.com/~macweek/mw_031395/gateways1.html
- • MacWEEK Gateways 03.06.95: Mac servers safer from Internet hackers than
- Unix counterparts: http://www.ziff.com/~macweek/mw_030695/gateways3.html
- • MacWEEK News 02.27.95: Apple to assemble World-Wide Web server:
- http://www.ziff.com/~macweek/mw_022795/news2.html
- • MacWEEK News 02.20.95: Mac tools up for Internet service:
- http://www.ziff.com/~macweek/mw_022095/news2.html
- • MacWEEK News 02.13.95: Macs challenge Unix boxes as midrange Internet servers:
- http://www.ziff.com/~macweek/mw_021395/news2.html
- Interviews
- The Internet interviews are available at
- http://www2.kb.bib.dk/Web/Interviews/Internet-Interviews.html. Versions in Word
- and text can be fetched from interviews@admin2.kb.bib.dk.
- 3. MailShare and AutoShare
- AutoShare works in tandem with MailShare on the same Macintosh. MailShare version
- 1.0b8 or later is needed.
- In order to use AutoShare, a thorough knowledge of the forwarding options of
- MailShare is required (please read the MailShare documentation, e.g.
- Carl Steadman's at http://www.freedonia.com/ism/mail/mail.html):
- • 'Save as files' means that MailShare does not send your mail to your account,
- but saves it as files in the folder specified by Save as files for your account.
- As for AutoShare, this folder is generally referred to as the 'Filed Mail'
- folder. By featuring the 'Incoming Mail' folder, MailShare offers the opposite as
- well: properly formatted files put into this folder will be picked up and mailed
- by MailShare
- • 'Mailing list' means that MailShare sends the mail to the people listed in the
- document specified by the Mailing list option for your account
- • 'Keep copies' (1.0b9) means that forwarding options such as 'Save as files'
- applied to an account mails a copy of the message to this account as well
- AutoShare relies heavily on these MailShare forwarding options. Please be aware,
- that the name of the Incoming Mail folder is up to MailShare and cannot be
- changed by the MailShare/AutoShare administrator.
- AutoShare implements plenty of multi stuff:
- • more than one account may be configured as an auto-answer (user@... based)
- • each auto-answer account is able to return more than one message (subject line
- based)
- • the listserv auto-answer account is able to support more than one list
- 4. Auto-answering service
- You may have heard of automated e-mail response systems or the more specific
- term MailBot. AutoShare comes with some basic features and is fairly easy to
- use.
- There is one service per MailShare account. Each account is able to return a
- default message or one taken from a multitude of different messages based on the
- contents of the subject line.
- The AutoShare Preferences is essentially the glue that holds everything
- together. The name of the Filed Mail folder is specified here; this name must
- be referred to in MailShare for all of your AutoShare accounts.
- The name of the Docs folder must be specified in AutoShare Preferences via the
- Preferences menu selection, so that AutoShare knows where to find the text files
- to be returned. Inside the Docs folder, you must create subfolders with names
- corresponding to the user names of the AutoShare accounts in MailShare. Inside
- each subfolder, create a default document called Default. This document is
- used for senders not specifying a particular string in the subject line.
- Alternate documents may be created, and the subject line of the sender's e-mail
- must match one of the names of these documents for it to work.
- 5. Vacation service
- Having a MailShare account configured as Save as files combined with Keep copies
- ensures proper handling for vacation notices.
- Filtering can be enabled, so that vacation notices are not returned to for
- instance listserv lists or mailing lists. The filtering applies to From, To,
- Subject, Reply-To, Sender or any header being one of the five. Inside the
- Filters folder, documents containing the filter definition lines are named
- according to the user names of the AutoShare accounts in MailShare.
- A particular aspect is the ability to configure a user's filters file, so that
- any given sender will receive one vacation notice only regardless of how many
- messages the sender mails to the user on vacation.
- 6. Listserver
- A (manual) mailing list is a list of e-mail addresses of people. Eudora
- supports this the client way, MailShare supports it the server way. By
- turning the mailing list into a listserv (automatic mailing) list, the
- people on the list become active subscribers and as such may post messages
- directly to a list without the manual assistance of an administrator.
- Subscription requests are handled by mailing the listserv address, which
- is different from a list address! AutoShare turns your MailShare server
- into a listserver, offering you one listserv address and as many lists
- as you would like.
- You may have heard of complex Unix software with specific names such as LISTSERV,
- Majordomo or ListProc (to obtain the Mailing List Management (MLM) software
- FAQ, write 'get mlm-software faq' in the body of mail to
- listserv@listserv.net). AutoShare is by no means as advanced as these software
- packages, but the AutoShare documentation does use the generic term listserv(er).
- You may be aware of StarNine's (http://www.starnine.com) ListSTAR (former eMOD)
- for Macintosh as well, which is currently in beta.
- The listserver feature has been developed as a natural extension within AutoShare
- and of MailShare. The listserv account is merely an auto-answer account, with
- some special features added to it; the listserv lists are set up using separate
- MailShare accounts (although not possible here, integrating the listserv features
- into the list account itself would lead to far too dangerous events: imagine you
- wanted to unsubscribe from a list, but misspelled the command, then everyone on
- the list would receive the message!).
- First of all, the user name of the listserv account must be 'autoshare' (as in
- 'autoshare@...'). With the listserv account configured as Save as files, you can
- run a listserver, supporting the LIST, REVIEW, SUB, UNSUB, SET (CONCEAL,
- GET, WHICH, RELEASE and QUERY commands. In order to apply listserv lists
- configured as MailShare mailing lists, you must specify a listserv folder
- in the AutoShare Preferences (the LSFolder folder). After having created the
- actual folder as well, put the various listserv mailing lists in the folder and
- make sure that the MailShare mailing list accounts are updated to correspond
- to the folder. Within a mailing list, AutoShare supports the 'address (name)'
- format.
- Rather than having listserv list messages go directly to the MailShare mailing
- lists acting as listserv lists, an AutoShare preview of listserv list messages
- has been applied, so that it becomes possible for AutoShare to take a look at
- them and sometimes make minor modifications to them. AutoShare is able to distinguish
- list messages from other messages.
- Since listserv is also an auto-answer, remember to create a listserv subfolder
- inside the Docs folder. Inside the listserv subfolder, create the
- Default as well as the LIST, REVIEW, SUB, UNSUB, SET, INDEX, GET, WHICH,
- RELEASE and QUERY documents. In the latter documents, you should specify the
- /=list, /=review, /=sub, /=unsub, /=set, /=index, /=get, /=which, /=release and
- /=query token pairs respectively; the rest of the text contents is up to you.
- Listserv list archives, formatted as text or HTML, are created automatically.
- One archive file (Current.html), located in a subfolder (named after the list)
- inside the Archives folder, per listserv list will accumulate continuously
- (rename current files when it's appropriate).
- The text vs HTML option applies to archives only, not to digests as a digest
- is merely a small collection of messages mailed to digest subscribers on a
- regular basis.
- Whenever a list contribution takes place, the digest set of files (current.html
- and current.toc) and the archive set of files (digest.html and digest.toc) are
- updated: the message and toc (table of content) parts are formatted and then
- appended to the respective files. With the GET command, further formatting is
- added to form a single text or HTML document (within the begin/end block of the
- returned message following the GET request).
- 7. UUCP-MailShare gateway
- The (outgoing)UUCP-MailShare gateway feature is aimed at Eudora users on a
- LocalTalk network with no access to TCP/IP-inside-AppleTalk encapsulation via a
- DDP/IP router connected to Ethernet including a MailShare server. This
- MacTCP-less solution is based on simple file transport on AppleTalk, and UUCP has
- been chosen, because the UUCP mail spool format is adequate and because Eudora
- supports it; UUCP mail per se is not used.
- Incoming UUCP: The MailShare POP account is configured as 'Save as archive' to an
- inspool folder/user (e.g. 'MAILSHARE HD:Misc:inspool:meh'); this forwarding
- option satifies Eudora's expections of the mail drop being in the standard Unix
- mailbox format. The Eudora part (Settings, POP Account, e.g. '!MAILSHARE
- HD:Misc:inspool:meh') is made possible thru the use of file sharing applied to
- the MailShare server's harddisk.
- Outgoing UUCP: The Eudora part (Settings, SMTP, e.g. '!MEH HD!MAILSHARE
- HD:Misc:Filed Mail:!meh!0000') is possible thru the use of file sharing to the
- standard Filed Mail folder. AutoShare automatically acts upon detection of the
- D./X. UUCP pair of files by converting them into one properly formatted file sent
- to the MailShare Incoming Mail folder and finishes by deleting the UUCP pair of
- files.
- The contents of the D. file is transferred directly to the data part of the new
- mail file; the resource part is updated based on the X. file (sender (appends the
- domain from the Bounce address) as well as (multiple) recipient(s)).
- It is recommended that you choose to reduce the file sharing to include the two
- above folders (the inspool folder and the Filed Mail folder). The mail spooled by
- Eudora to the Filed Mail folder will stay there for a very brief moment and as
- such poses no major risk in terms of security. Access to the inspool folder may
- be adjusted to include the individual user only.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- II. How to install AutoShare
- • Read the documentation
- Please read this document in its entirety for further information. Also, make
- sure to have your Map Control Panel configured properly as well as MailShare
- fully set up and running.
- If you prefer a quick start, you may want to start out focusing on the
- following, which is enclosed with the AutoShare software:
- -The Samples folder
- -Jason Snell's AutoShare QuickStart Guide
- -Once configured, use the Analysis tool
- In any event, be sure that you are familar with MailShare.
- • The AutoShare application
- Assuming that you have already created a MailShare folder for the MailShare
- application, create now an AutoShare folder for the AutoShare application and
- put AutoShare inside.
- • The Filed Mail folder
- First of all, it is suggested that you start out creating a folder, e.g. Auto,
- inside the harddisk root folder for your AutoShare folders. Then create the Filed
- Mail folder (see Folders below) inside the Auto folder. As for MailShare, the Saved
- as files accounts must specify the Filed Mail folder.
- • The Docs folder and files
- Create a Docs folder inside Auto, then create the Docs/user subfolders, one per
- account; within each:
- - create a Default (case-insensitive) document
- - create an optional enclosure (Default.hqx)
- - create alternate documents with names matching subjects
- - create optional enclosures (above file name plus '.hqx')
- (NOTE: the docs must be formatted using a hard return per line)
- • If running a listserver
- Create a special LS folder (inside the Auto folder) aimed at listserv
- mailing lists, which is specified by the LSFolder field in the AutoShare
- Preferences. As for MailShare, create 1. corresponding MailShare 'save as
- files' accounts ('<list>@<domain>') which point to the Filed Mail folder, and
- 2. two sets of corresponding MailShare 'mailing list' accounts
- ('<list>.m@<domain>' and '<list>.d@<domain>') and have them point to
- automatically created and updated .m and .d list files (based on the main list
- files) in the LS folder; these MailShare accounts make the AutoShare preview
- possible.
- There are several benefits to the AutoShare preview: 1. the current archives
- file is updated automatically without any extra configuration, 2. a Reply-To
- e-mail header field indicating the list is inserted, and 3. the digest feature
- which automatically updates message (.m) and digest (.d) lists, based on the
- main list of subscribers.
- Furthermore, the preview suppresses messages, which were meant to be sent to
- the listserv address, but mistakenly were sent to a list address; if the
- subject of a list contribution begins with a listserv command, the message will
- not be posted, but will be returned to the sender with a brief note added to
- the original contents of the message (if the listserver is configured to accept
- listserv commands in the first line(s) of the body, then the check will apply
- to both subject and the first line of the body).
- Also, if you haven't subscribed to a list, but contributes anyway, a similar
- kind of action will be taken. A list is for subscribers only. Enclosures may be
- included with list contributions, but filtered away for the archives.
- New documents in the Docs/autoshare folder must be named LIST, REVIEW, SUB,
- UNSUB, SET, INDEX, GET, WHICH, RELEASE and QUERY and include the /=list,
- /=review, /=sub, /=unsub, /=set, /=index, /=get, /=which, /=release and /=query
- token pairs respectively (don't forget the Default).
- Furthermore, <command>.<list> documents in the Docs/autoshare folder override
- the default <command> documents. One example is SUB.FUN-L, which is used for
- users having subscribed to the FUN-L list.
- For the listserver, create also an Archives folder (inside the Auto folder).
- Subfolders (named after the lists) inside the Archives folder must be created
- as well.
- • The Filters folder
- The filters feature is aimed at excluding addresses such as list addresses
- from receiving automated vacation notices. For more information, find the
- part entitled 'Filter definitions' below.
- • The AutoShare preferences
- Start up AutoShare on your MailShare server. From the Preferences menu, choose
- Miscellaneous; type in the administrator address (e.g. listmaster@yourdomain)
- and the bounce address (e.g. postmaster@yourdomain). From the Preferences menu,
- choose Folders and type in (or use the Select buttons for) the full path (with
- a trailing colon) of each of your newly created folders plus the MailShare
- Incoming Mail folder. Please note that all paths must begin with the startup
- volume of the server.
- • Want to make it easy for yourself?
- Use the System 7.5 NowMenus feature to get a clearer overview of your folders
- (or use the Now Utilities with earlier system versions); the documents may be
- opened directly from within the file hierarchy of the submenus.
- Verification plus added overview is provided by the AutoShare Analysis tool,
- which is available from the Preferences menu. A file entitled 'AutoShare
- Analysis' will be created in the folder, in which the AutoShare software
- resides.
- • That's about it
- You're pretty much set up by now. Keep adding MailShare accounts as well as
- AutoShare subfolders and files as your needs grow. Keep your Auto folder and
- all of the subfolders clean; also, initial planning pays off later.
- 1. Folders
- This is the complete list of folders relating to AutoShare:
- AutoShare (or similar) = folder with AutoShare
- Filed Mail (or similar) = MailShare 1.0b8, 'Saved as files' folder
- Incoming Mail = MailShare 1.0b8, 'Incoming Mail' folder
- Docs (or similar) = folder with user named subfolders with text files
- LS (or similar) = folder with listserv mailing lists
- Archives (or similar) = folder with archive files
- Filters (or similar) = folder with filter files
- Preferences(/AutoShare) = the System 7 savvy Preferences folder
- 2. Files
- This is the complete list of files relating to AutoShare:
- AutoShare Documentation = this document
- AutoShare Version History = versions (development, ...)
- AutoShare = the software
- AutoShare Preferences = preferences file
- AutoShare Log = log file
- AutoShare Hosts = hosts file
- AutoShare Times = times file
- Default etc = return text file
- Default.hqx etc = Binhex 4.0 enclosures
- Listserv list files = MailShare mailing lists
- Archive files = listserv list archives
- Filter files = filter documents
- 3. AutoShare Preferences
- The AutoShare Preferences file is configured via the Preferences menu selections.
- Each line consists of two tokens (a command and an option) separated by a
- delimiter (a space). There are 11 different commands:
- AdminAddress = e-mail address of AutoShare Administrator (log)
- BounceAddress = e-mail address of the bounce account (see below)
- Log = Off, Always, Brief (default), Tech (see Logs below)
- Format = (for the archives:) Text (default), HTML
- Bounce = Off, On (default), Empty (see below)
- FiledMail = full path of folder (MailShare 1.0b8, 'Saved as files' folder)
- IncomingMail = full path of folder (MailShare 1.0b8, 'Incoming Mail' folder)
- DocsFolder = full path of folder with user named subfolders with text files
- LSFolder = full path of folder with listserv mailing lists
- Archives = full path of folder with archive files
- Filters = full path of folder with filter files
- 4. Subject based text files
- The Default file and the subject based text files reside in the Docs/user (or
- similar) folders. Each token pair (a switch and a command) comes without any
- delimiter. There are 1 different token pair combinations:
- /=original = picks up the original message
- Listserver only:
- /=list = displays the lists in the LS folder
- /=review = lists the subscribers for a given list
- /=sub = confirms the subscription of the user
- /=unsub = confirms the cancelled subscription
- /=set = updates various options:
- conceal: conceals the subscriber (review)
- nonconceal: makes the subscriber visible
- digest: one daily mail with all list messages
- nodigest: individual mail messages
- mail: you receive list mail
- nomail: subscribed, but no mail
- ack: you receive a list contribution copy
- noack: no acknowledgment contribution copy
- /=index = lists the archive files for a list
- /=get = returns a list archive file
- /=which = informs you of the lists you are on
- /=release = information about the listserver software
- /=query = information about your subscription status
- 5. E-mail header
- AutoShare acknowledges the following fields in the e-mail header of the message
- being fetched from the Filed Mail folder:
- From: the auto-response uses this for the To field
- To: the auto-response uses this for the From field
- Subject: transferred to the auto-response
- Date: the auto-response obtains current date and time
- Reply-To: used for filtering
- Sender: used for filtering
- Mime-Version: if available, transferred to the auto-response
- As a general rule, the e-mail header is kept separately from the "Save as
- files" 'STR ' (8192, From) and 'STR#' (8192, To) resources (which AutoShare swaps
- too). Rare exceptions occur; an example (involving MailShare more than AutoShare)
- is messages generated from a mailing list being put into the Filed Mail folder:
- the "To" in the e-mail header is the list address, while the "To" in the resource
- is the final recipient (relates to the archives issue).
- 6. Bounce address
- The bounce account serves tree purposes:
- a. acting as the From address, when mailing the log to the Administrator
- (whose account may belong to any server btw)
- b. a (perhaps overkill) domain verification aimed at distinguishing files
- in the Filed Mail folder (auto-responses vs archive updates)
- c. acting as the bounce account. The implementation of the actual bounce
- feature is optional; a separate set of radio buttons determines the
- following:
- OFF: the bounce address feature is not applied
- ON: for all auto-responses and admin log mailings, the 'STR ' resource
- will be updated as coming from the bounce account rather than the
- auto-response account in question (no change in the e-mail header's
- From field). This ensures that all messages, which bounce back to
- your server, are sent to your bounce address (and this one only).
- Furthermore, if your Administrator account resides on the server,
- this address may be identical to the bounce address
- EMPTY: You may want to eliminate any mail bouncing back to your server;
- an empty string is assigned to the 'STR ' resource
- 7. AutoShare Hosts definitions
- The AutoShare Hosts file was added to ease the use of MailShare non-default
- domains with AutoShare. Assuming that the MailShare default domain is used with
- the AutoShare bounce address, the domains in the AutoShare Hosts file must
- match the remaining MailShare domains for list contributions to work properly.
- You create the AutoShare Hosts text file in the AutoShare folder inside the
- System 7 savvy Preferences folder; type in one domain name per line. Verify
- the list of domains by running the AutoShare Analysis tool and viewing the
- AutoShare Analysis file; the bounce address is listed first followed by the
- domains in the hosts file.
- 8. Filter definitions
- The filtering applies to the five fields below in the e-mail header. It also
- applies to any header being one of the five. Below, the first
- column indicates which field is to be applied, and the second column lists how
- to begin a definition line; the rest of this line is a substring aimed at
- searching in the e-mail header line in question.
- From: 'From: '
- To: 'To: '
- Subject: 'Subject: '
- Reply-To: 'Reply-To: '
- Sender: 'Sender: '
- Any Header: ''
- If the definition line
- From: qualcomm
- is applied to the e-mail header line
- From: majordomo@qualcomm.com
- then majordomo@qualcomm.com will receive no vacation notices.
- The definition line
- qualcomm
- applies to all five fields and respective e-mail header lines.
- If a '*****' (5*) line is added to the end of the file, the one vacation
- notice only feature is enabled. AutoShare will automatically append new
- addresses to the file, whenever a message is received from a new sender.
- Examples:
- a. Simple filters file:
- qualcomm
- yalevm.cis.yale.edu
- b. The one vacation notice only feature added:
- qualcomm
- yalevm.cis.yale.edu
- *****
- When user@domain mails you, it will look like this:
- qualcomm
- yalevm.cis.yale.edu
- *****
- user@domain
- And later:
- qualcomm
- yalevm.cis.yale.edu
- *****
- user@domain
- user2@domain2
- Remember to clear and move the file, when you return!
- 9. Logs
- You may configure AutoShare for various amounts of log information:
- Off = no logging
- Always = important messages that are always logged (unless Off)
- Brief = a single line per transaction
- Tech = detailed information per transaction
- Logs are automatically being mailed to the AutoShare administrator and
- initialized at scheduled times configured in the Times dialog box (from the
- Preferences menu, choose the Times menu item). The scheduled times for the
- digests are configured in the dialog box as well; choose digests from the
- pop-up menu at the top.
- You may schedule the times for a particular interval of days and within the
- day a specific time. If either 'every <number> days' or 'at <time>' has changed
- and you press the OK button, the new settings take effect immediately; you may
- update the settings for both logs and digests with a combined single OK.
- If the settings have just been updated, 'every <number> days' implies that the
- first log or digest will be mailed in <number> of days (if set for 1 day, then
- tomorrow). If you want it to happen later the same day of the configuration,
- click at that time in the Now checkbox without altering any other settings; you
- may use the Now checkbox whenever you need more frequently mailed logs or
- digests in a temporary situation.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- III. Running AutoShare
- All you need to do to run AutoShare is launch the application (you have probably
- already done so configuring AutoShare Preferences). As long as AutoShare is running
- with MailShare, things should work well.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IV. AutoShare the listserv way
- The listserv commands appear in special command lines (either the subject or
- the first line(s) of the body), which trigger certain events. Other commands,
- e.g. including HELP, can be made available as well of course.
- 1. Commands
- The command is the first word in the body/subject line:
- REVIEW <list>
- SUB <list> <name>
- UNSUB <list>
- SET <list> <option>
- INDEX <list>
- GET <list> <file>
- QUERY <list>
- Several alias commands are available as well:
- SUB: subscribe
- UNSUB: unsubscribe, signoff
- LIST: lists
- REVIEW: rev, recipients, who
- INDEX: ind
- GET: send
- There is no HELP command, but it is surely okay to create a doc called HELP.
- 2. Multi-command mail
- If your listserver has been configured to accept command requests in the body,
- the subscriber may include several such requests in one and the same mail.
- When 1. a body line is found which does not begin with a valid command, or 2.
- there are no more body lines, AutoShare will stop processing the mail.
- sub fun-l Mikael Hansen
- set fun-l ack
- set fun-l conceal
- query fun-l
- review fun-l
- bla bla
- list
- In the above example, the first five command lines will be processed and
- returned as five separate mails; the sixth line is not valid (and will generate
- no response mail), and so the processing halts.
- 3. Lists
- The format per line is:
- <user>@<domain> (<optional comment>)
- or phrased differently:
- <address> (<name>)
- The reduced form is okay as well:
- <address>
- The expanded form includes listserv status codes:
- <address> (<name>..<codes>)
- If concealed, then:
- <address> (<name>..0)
- or simply:
- <address> (..0)
- Listserv status codes supported by AutoShare are:
- 0: concealed (if visible, then simply no 0)
- 1: digest (if messages, then simply no 1)
- 2: no mail (if mail, then simply no 2)
- 3: acknowledgement (if not, then simply no 3)
- Examples:
- meh@admin2.kb.bib.dk (Mikael Hansen)
- meh@admin2.kb.bib.dk
- meh@admin2.kb.bib.dk (Mikael Hansen..0)
- meh@admin2.kb.bib.dk (..0)
- meh@admin2.kb.bib.dk (Mikael Hansen..012)
- meh@admin2.kb.bib.dk (..0123)
- (the codes 4 and upwards have not yet been implemented)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- V. Loop detection and elimination
- One of the worst things that can happen to a list on your listserver is to have
- a mailing loop develop. AutoShare takes several precautions against this type
- of unpleasant events.
- First of all, it is important to understand the difference between 'actual' and
- 'header' addresses: while the header addresses reside in the email header of the
- message, the actual addresses are found in the resource part of the message file,
- namely the 'STR ' (8192, From) and the 'STR#' (8192, To) resources (in the
- world of UUCP, the D. file reflects the data part, whereas the X. file reflects
- the resource part).
- Taking advantage of the bounce feature (either 'On' or 'Empty' is an important
- step towards limiting potential problems with loops (circular references).
- For all auto-responses and admin log mailings, the 'STR ' resource will be
- updated as coming from the bounce account rather than the auto-response account
- in question (no change in the e-mail header's From field). This ensures that
- all messages, which bounce back to your server, are sent to your bounce address
- (and this one only).
- It is recommended that you configure your AutoShare preferences, so that the
- Admin address is set for a Listmaster account and the Bounce address is set for
- the Postmaster account. It certainly does not have to be so, but it does serve
- as an excellent and easy-to-remember solution.
- The following examples illustrate various loop situations, in which actual
- addresses tend to differ from header addresses.
- a. Your basic bounce
- The listserver (in fact any AutoShare account) returns an auto-response to a
- user, whose mail system is malfunctioning at the time. The message bounces back
- to the mail system of your listserver, but although the listserv account is
- listed in the To field of the e-mail header, the bounce account receives the
- mail: it is the actual recipient because it was originally the actual sender.
- b. Mail to the same account
- You have enabled the vacation notice feature; in terms of MailShare, this means
- that you have turned on 'Save as files' with the 'Keep' button checked.
- After having sent the message, your account receives the message; furthermore,
- the other copy is put in the Filed Mail folder: AutoShare compares the To and
- From resources, and since they are identical, no vacation notice is triggered.
- This feature applies mostly, when the bounce feature is not used.
- c. Incoming list mail
- An example involving not AutoShare, but MailShare only is messages generated
- from a mailing list being put into the Filed Mail folder: the To in the e-mail
- header is the list address, while the To in the resource is the final recipient.
- While this is not a loop issue per se, it illustrates the difference between
- the two types of To addresses (this distinction relates to the feeding of the
- archives thru the use of the 'Save as files' Archives account, which AutoShare
- benefits from).
- d. NewsWatcher
- You have enabled the vacation notice feature and then press Command-Option-L
- in NewsWatcher, which mails you the news article. The actual sender is you, not
- the person who posted the article, so there is no problem.
- e. Mail to Cc recipient
- This example affects the e-mail header only, but I'll include it anyway. An
- AutoShare account receives a message, and the address of this account is placed
- in the Cc field. In this case, AutoShare doesn't use the address in the To field
- when creating the From address for the auto-response message; instead the newly
- created From resource is inserted into the From field in the e-mail header.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VI. And then ...
- By now, you should be able to utilize AutoShare in full. My best advice to you is
- to keep the folders clean and otherwise be aware of the overall structure. If
- done this way, it should appear simple to carry out. If not, you can get into a
- mess really quickly. Hint: peek at the Samples folder enclosed with the AutoShare
- software.
- Feel free to test a standard AutoShare auto-answering service by writing to
- finger@admin2.kb.bib.dk. Also, I have an AutoShare listserver running using
- autoshare@admin2.kb.bib.dk. Both accounts run without any problems - mostly,
- that is :-) http://www2.kb.bib.dk/Staff/meh/AutoShare/AutoShare.html is the web
- site for AutoShare.
- The AutoShare beta list took off on March 16 1995; as of June 7 1995 (shortly
- before releasing 1.0 final), the list had 280 subscribers. If you subscribe
- to the beta list at autoshare@admin2.kb.bib.dk (put 'sub autoshare.beta <name>')
- in the first line of the body), you will receive instructions on how to obtain
- your current beta copy of the AutoShare beta software. General information is
- available at autoshare.info@admin2.kb.bib.dk.
- The officially released version (currently 1.0) of AutoShare is freeware and
- can be downloaded from your local Info-Mac mirror site (in the directory
- comm/tcp/mail).
- Version 1.1 is aimed at an enhanced user interface and list-specific issues.
- Have fun!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VII. Undocumented features
- The features below are considered undocumented, although they appear in this
- AutoShare documentation. They may some day be upgraded to documented features
- or simply go away.
- To disable having just subscribers post to the lists, create an empty file
- entitled 'all may contribute' in the same folder as the AutoShare software.
- To use 'listserv@' (rather than 'autoshare@') as the listserver account,
- create an empty file entitled 'use listserv' in the same folder as the
- AutoShare software.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VIII. The small print
- AutoShare, a freeware MailShare utility
- An auto-responder and listserver for the Macintosh
- Officially released versions (Info-Mac and similar sites): you may distribute
- this program along with the complete documentation as long as you don't charge
- for it.
- Beta versions and similar (my AutoShare beta list sites): to be used by no one
- else than the fine individuals on my non-public beta list; anyone may subscribe to
- the beta list, but beta versions of AutoShare are not to be discussed outside
- the beta list. The beta software and the beta docs are not public information.
- AutoShare is a personal project of Mikael Hansen in his free time and in *no*
- way relates to his work as such.
- Mikael Hansen accepts *no* responsibility for the use of AutoShare.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------