These are the simplest form of helpers and they're just regular Macintosh Applications. The only thing special about about them is that you can launch them from the "Helpers" menu, and sometimes I'll launch them automatically.
Black Night allows you to specify two application helpers; a Text Editor and a Script Editor. The Text Editor is used extensively with Log Files and the Script Editor is used with your Script Documents.
Text Editor
By default, Black Night will use the Text Editor you've nominated in Internet Config. By default this is SimpleText, although you should consider changing this to BBEdit Lite if you regularly work with large log files. If you wish to use a different Text Editor to the one you've nominated in Internet Config, then you should uncheck the box "Use Internet Config Helpers if possible" (select "Helpers" from the "Edit" menu), in which case I'll use the Text Editor you've nominated in the "Helpers" dialog.
Script Editor
A Script Editor is not usually specified in Internet Config, although some applications add this setting. In any event I will always use the Script Editor you specify in the "Helpers" dialog. By default this will be the "Script Editor" application that comes with AppleScript.