Have you graduated to Quark only to be dazzled by all its options? This practical book from leading computer book publishers Bruce Smith Books may be just what you need. Written by two DTP experts with a wealth of real-world experience, Mastering QuarkXPress 3 works through the program step-by-step, starting with the basics of the controls and taking you through the procedures of creating your own documents. It deals with what Quark can do, then walks you through a practical example. It then tackles different aspects of the program in logical order: master pages, printing, paragraph attributes, style sheets, graphics, colour, and so on.
This 350-page book was £23.95, but as a Macformat reader you can order a copy for just £4.95, including delivery! The catch? Just this: the book covers XPress v3.0, but not the latest versions of the program, which is now up to v3.3. But the interface is the same and the basics haven’t changed – if you have a newer version, the documentation with it tells you exactly what’s different. This remains a handy, easy-to-follow introduction to using the program – and £4.95 is a bargain, whatever version of XPress you’ve got.
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