Animate Dead: Will cause dead PC to become animated, (Like a Zombie). They will not gain any experience while animated and cannot use spells or missile weapons.
Cause Blindness: Will blind those that do not save making them blind. This will greatly hinder them during combat.
Cure Critical Wounds: Heals damage.
Entangle: Will cause magical tendrils to entangle anyone moving in an area thus removing their movement.
Fear: Those that do not save will run away during combat.
Globe of Invulnerability: Will cause the caster to be immune to spells up to the fourth level.
Haste: Will increase movement and number of attacks of those affected. It will also age those affected 30 days for every power level of the spell.
Hold Monster: Same as hold person but will affect any creature, not just humanoids.
Minor Spell Deflector: Will cause spell effects to be reflected and affect the caster 33% of the time.
Poison: Will poison those that do not save.
Protection From Evil 15’ Radius: Will make those affected more difficult to hit in combat by evil creatures.