Fraudulent use of credit cards is growing at an alarming rate. Chase has put together the following list of credit card safety tips for you.
Did you know:
1. Merchants can no longer require personal information (such as phone number or address) as a condition of sale.
2. Merchants cannot ask you to sign an agreement authorizing charges to your credit card if your checks are returned for insufficient funds.
3. If a merchant asks you for a credit card as ID when you write a check, they may NOT record your card number. (They can record the card issuer, card type, and expiration date.)
Helpful hints for safeguarding your account:
4. Do not give out any information about your account number, expiration date or balance to anyone who calls you on the telephone.
5. Keep your PIN (Personal Identification Number) or PIC (Personal Identification Code) private. Don't write it on your card or carry it with you.
6. After you make a purchase, make sure the card returned to you is yours.
7. No matter where you are, report lost or stolen cards immediately.
8. Check your cards periodically, to ensure you have them all.
9. Whenever you receive a new credit card, sign it right away.
10. Review your monthly statements carefully. Report any unauthorized charges immediately.
11. If your card expires before you receive a replacement, call the phone number on your current card.
12. Destroy your old cards as soon as they expire. Be sure to cut them into small pieces before discarding.