Please read this license agreement. Using the SOFTWARE any further indicates that you accept these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, then you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE you have in your possession, and you must contact Apple Orchard Software on your doing
• GRANT OF LICENSE: Apple Orchard Software grants to you the right to use one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single terminal connected to a single computer (ie: single CPU) or to a network server for your personal use and evaluation.
NOTE: Organizations need not purchase multiple copies.
• GRANT OF NETWORK LICENSE: If you are acquiring a version of the SOFTWARE specifically configured for network use, Apple Orchard Software grants to you the right to use the SOFTWARE on a licensed computer network as provided below. A computer network is any combination of two or more terminals that are electronically linked and capable of sharing
the use of a single SOFTWARE program. A licensed computer network is a computer network for which you have acquired and dedicated at least one (1) Apple Orchard Software standard version of the SOFTWARE (which can run stand alone or as a network server). You may have as many copies of the SOFTWARE in simultaneous use on the network as is specifically authorized in the documentation accompanying the SOFTWARE. Where no specific authorization is givin in the documentation, one LAN node or network pack is required for each copy of the SOFTWARE in simultaneous use on the network.
• SHAREWARE RESTRICTIONS: If you have not registered your SOFTWARE with Apple Orchard Software by sending in your registration fee, then the SOFTWARE is provided to you solely for evaluation purposes ONLY. You also agree that you will not use the SOFTWARE beyond the 30 day evaluation period without registering your copy of the SOFTWARE.
Apple Orchard Software is not obligated to provide technical or other support for the SOFTWARE in this form.
• COPYRIGHT: The SOFTWARE is owned by Apple Orchard Software or its suppliers and is protected by Canadian copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You may either (a) make two copies of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archival purposes provided that you reproduce all copyright and other proprietary notices that are on the original copy of the SOFTWARE provided to you, or (b) transfer the SOFTWARE to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not copy the written materials accompanying the SOFTWARE.
If the SOFTWARE is in its evaluation form (see above), then
you may distribute the SOFTWARE freely, provided that you reproduce all copyright and other proprietary notices that are on the original copy of the SOFTWARE provided to you in evaluation form. You may not distribute the SOFTWARE when it is in its registered form.
• OTHER RESTRICTIONS: Apple Orchard Software and its suppliers retain title and all ownership rights to the SOFTWARE. All rights not expressly granted are reserved to Apple Orchard Software. You shall not rent, lease, sell, sublicense, assign, or otherwise transfer the SOFTWARE, including any accompanying printed materials. You shall not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works from the SOFTWARE except to the extent that this restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law.
• EXPORT LAW ASSURANCES: You acknowledge and agree that the SOFTWARE is subject to restrictions and controls imposed by the United States Export Administration Act (the “Act”) and the regulations thereunder (only if the SOFTWARE is distributed from a point of origin within the United States, to a point of destination outside the United States). You agree and certify that neither the SOFTWARE nor any direct product thereof is being or will be acquired, shipped, transfered or reexported, directly or indirectly, into any country prohibited by the Act and the regulations thereunder or will be used for any purpose prohibited by the same.
• GENERAL: This agreement will be governed by the laws of the Province of Manitoba, and the Federal Government of Canada. Should you have any questions concerning this agreement, or if you desire to contact Apple Orchard Software for any reason, please write to: