To create a new EasyMail Server, simply select “Create New Server” from the “Server” menu.
How do I... delete an existing EasyMail Server?
To delete an EasyMail Server, simply select “Delete Server” from the “Server” menu.
How do I... open an EasyMail Server for network access?
To open an EasyMail Server for access over a Local Area Network (LAN), simply select “Open Server”from the “Sharing” menu.
NOTE: You will need to have File Sharing installed, setup and running in order to open the server. If you do not, then EasyMail will return an error.
If you require further assistance, check out “Sharing Setup” below.
How do I... close an EasyMail Server from network access?
To close an EasyMail Server to stop access over a Local Area Network (LAN), simply select “Close Server” from the “Sharing” menu.
How do I... register my copy of EasyMail Administrator?
To register your copy of EasyMail Administrator, simply send in your ShareWare fee to receive an access code.
If you already have your access code, click on the button “Register...”.
Next, enter the name of your organization (if applicable) into the box and click the button “Ok”.
If you do not belong to an organization, then enter your name (or the name of the primary user) here.
Next, enter your Serial # exactly as it is printed on the information card from Apple Orchard Software.
Finally, enter your access code. If you make a mistake entering it, simply backspace over the enter contents of the box and re-enter it again.
Click the button “Ok” to complete the registration.
NOTE: EasyMail will quit after registration is complete.
Sharing Setup
If you are running EasyMail for the first time, or if you have not run File Sharing since your last restart, you must select “Close Server” from the “Sharing” menu (if it is enabled), and then you must select “Open Server”from the “Sharing” menu to start File Sharing on your machine.
Payments for registration and licensing amounts may be made payable to Cam Giesbrecht using a US Money Order (or if you live in Canada, a Canadian Money Order) to:
Apple Orchard Software
EasyMail Registration Fees
18 Parasiuk Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3W 1E9
or via the InterNET at:
How much does EasyMail cost?
The basic EasyMail server, with three users, costs $10.00 US to register. If you require additional users, then you pay only an additional $10.00 US for an unlimited number of users.
If you have already registered, the total payable is only $10.00 US. Please include your registration number with all correspondence.
The basic EasyMail server, with three users, costs $15.00 CAN to register. If you require additional users, then you pay only an additional $15.00 CAN for an unlimited number of users.
If you have already registered, the total payable is only $15.00 CAN. Please include your registration number with all correspondence.
Shareware information
EasyMail is sold under the ShareWare system. You may use the EasyMail Administrator, as well as the EasyMail Client software for a period of 30 days before you must register the software.