To produce a Student Grades report you will be asked to select the computation method (straight, even, weighted, equal value, assignment average) and how the grades are to be shown (percentage, letter, pass/fail, or +•-). The grade for each student is then calculated for all subjects.
Any outstanding absences (an assignment with 'AB' entered as the grade) will abort production of this report.
Assignments with a zero weight and excused assignments are not included in the calculations. Missed assignments are scored below an 'F' (default). Extra credit assignments are applied after a grade is computed.
After all grades are computed, the low, high, and average percentage for the class is computed for each subject.
The report begins with a subject key showing the number assigned to each subject, the subject names, and the low, high, and average percentages for each subject. Then a spreadsheet is produced showing each student's name followed by the calculated grade in each subject.