Ken Dunham, 607 "G" Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850,,
"Cells..." is not freeware, copyright 1995. Please send $10 for a one time single computer registration fee to the author if you make use of this program. Contact the author for special site license and lab prices.
"Cells..." is an educational stack that introduces students to the history, basics, classification, DNA, types, and duplication of all cells. A variety of helpful features, such as animations and the note taking card, aid students in understanding the abstract world of cells.
This stack could be used at all levels of education, depending upon how you would use it: Teacher & student education, introduction, follow up, reward, TAG & LD & & SED & IEP independent work, building your own cell in the stack, quizzing. It is most appropriate for K-8 education.
There are four custom menus to help you navigate through the cells stack. However,
you may use the ARROWS in the lower right and left corners to move from one card to the next in order.
Below is a listing of each custom menu and what it contains. You may want to print this file to use as a reference tool for when you use the program:
Help Menu:
Go Home Takes you to the Home Card of HyperCard; exits the "Cells..." stack.
Instructions A brief set of instructions are included on the third card of the
stack. Selecting Instructions will return you to that card.
Resources A few resources, primarily HyperTalk books, were used as a
resource tool for creating this stack.
Utilities Menu:
Glossary A large glossary of terms related to cells. Helpful definitions in
simple terms. The glossary also enables you to click on any
definition and have it automatically placed into your notebook file.
A find word feature is also available to enable you to look for
each occurance of any word in the glossary file.
Take Notes A notepad for you to record important information on. Items from
the glossary can automatically be placed into your notes. When
you first enter the Take Notes card you will be asked to type in
your name. Your notes will automatically have your name, date,
and time entered on the first line of notes. If you quit the stack
and forget to print your notes, you will automatically be asked
if you want to print them or not. You can also cut your notes to
paste them in another stack or application.
*Go Back *Go Back is greyed out unless you have select Take Notes from
the Resources menu. Once you have finished taking notes, use
*Go Back to return to where you came from. This allows you to
instantly take notes at any time and easily return to reading.
Cell Info... Menu:
History of A brief history of cells.
Classification Scientific Classification system from Kingdom to Species.
Cell Basics The basics of cells.
Animal Cell A full color picture of an animal cell and a few cell structures.
Plan Cell A full color picture of an plant cell and a few cell structures.
Other Cell Full color pictures of bacterium, euglena, and paramecium cells,
with a few cell structures.
Duplicating Explains and animates Fission, Mitosis, and Meosis duplications.
Test Menu:
Build A Cell Use clip art and HyperCard painting tools to build your own cell.
You can check your work to see if you have included the most
basic cell structures needed for plant or animal cells. You can
also create your own. When you are all done you can print your
Quiz Ten questions will be randomly selected from 50 possible questions.
After starting the exam you must answer all 10 questions by typing
in your best answer(multiple choice). After answering the last
question you will be given the opportunity to print a certificate of
your score, the test questions and answers, or both. The certificate
places a score of A-F, with appropriate comments, and the students
name on the printout. Printing the test questions results in 10
pages; one question, with a dot next to the answer, per page. This
should be used to encourage students to take notes on the subjects
that they need help on - then retake the exam later(different
question will be selected).
To the right of each menu item is a command key equivalent. If you wish to quickly choose that menu item then press command-key.
For Example: "Quiz" has the command key "=." Press command and "=" at the same time to automatically go to the Quiz card.
Several normal menus, like the apple menu, have been deleted to avoid uncessary navigation by students during quizing and stack use. If you wish to obtain permission receive a copy of "Cells..." that does not delete any menus, please contact me at the address listed above.
The user level has been permanently set at 3 to avoid changes in scripting. At times, the user level may be set as low as 1 to quiz students, etc. After leaving "Cells...", the previous user level of your HyperCard program is restored.
PICTs Folder
A folder containing the color pictures used in this stack has been provided for your convenience. Simply use your graphics program to open the PICT and print or modify the images as you desire. Black and White pictures can be printed from within the program.