Hypnosis is a stack based on a text-file I found on the Internet explaining how to hypnotize someone and how to talk to your subconscious mind. In this version, I added several other instructions on how to induce hypnotism, relaxation and deepening techniques. (These instructions are also from files I found on the ’net, but the author of these files are unknown to me...)
Hypnosis is freeware, but I would really appreciate it if you could send me a postcard with some comments, bugs (if you find any) and your e-mail adress (a few lucky ones will recieve some of my other stacks). If you can’t afford a postcard (or the postage, who knows?), you can e-mail me at Hakon.Stodle@kunst.hitos.no with the subject being "Hypnosis 2.0" (without the quotes).
My adress is
Daniel Stødle
Fogd Dreyersgt. 21
N-9008 Tromsø
If you REALLY like Hypnosis 2.0, you can send me some money to. (Am I being optimistic here, or what?!?)
Note that wherever i have edited, made changes or added comments, the style of the text will be italic.
Have you got something really cooool to add?
Is there anyone out there with a neat icon of a spiral? If you could e-mail it to me I will happily include your name in the next release, along with the icon (you GOT to admit that the stack-icon is sort of dull).
If you have an induction, self-hypnosis script or something you think would be suitable for inclusion in Hypnosis, e-mail it to me. If I use your stuff, you will get your name and (optionally) e-mail adress.
Notes regarding the inductions
Some of the inductions are designed to be used in therapy. It is therefore important to note that some of the inductions are more a psychological way of retrieving information.
Version history & next version
1.0 - Initial release with ONE induction (wow!)
2.0 - Complete rewrite with much more inductions, nice interface (I hope...) and ability to make notes.
Next version - More inductions, more things to do while in trance, history... Maybe some pictures and probably a good self-hypnosis induction.
The instructions for the "Original induction" and "Talk to your subconscious mind" were written by Jolly Roger and slightly modified by me, Daniel Stødle, to make it easier to read and understand. The "No pain" test was written by me (note that this one have’nt been tested, feedback is very welcome). The rest of the stuff was written by an unknown author. If you recognize this as YOUR work, please let me know so I can give you proper credit.
You can distribute Hypnosis 2.0 as long as it is’nt for profit and the copy you distribute is unmodified.
The inductions included with Hypnosis 2.0 is for informational purposes only. If you try to use one of them, I won’t take any responsibility what so ever if you screw up. Also note that NO ONE has ever stayed in a state of hypnotic trance, so if you should happen to die during a session, the subject would merely glide into normal sleep and wake up as normal (hopefully).