Macintosh Picture Format | 1995-07-10 | 119.4 KB | 400x498 | 16-bit (38,381 colors) | [PICT/8BIM]
ocr: OmilNT Graphies 1994 Nodong-1 fuels fearsin Asia Increasedrange of new Detail of de North Koreaalolong-lnsalk missile threatens Japan Basel program. oa Lave the ageingaud alrnedKorea's: rsther anacwate neagabows. Unlike the older "Sud" models, the "Seul", - be Notongz-lasSalemeatel nige Nort Korean: syster m las a rangeof and is: newly 4: m lougerthantle Scul B.D between 800 kn ai 10001 km. This does, lowever earya: snaler varhead, meansthat Sowh. K orea, and part of elieved d to weigh alow: 500 kg. Souh Korean Japan, China au1 the Cormer USSR specinlits believe that: it coulleanyaSOkT are vil ...