This Read Me file contains information on the following topics:
1. Installing Sampler Disc 2
2. General system requirements for running Sampler Disc 2
3. Running video clips using Sampler Disc 2
4. Running out of memory using Sampler Disc 2
5. Sound problems with Sampler Disc 2
1. Installing Sampler Disc 2
If you do not have Quicktime (TM) 2.0 or later on your Macintosh, you will need 1.7 Mb of free space on your hard disk to install it, as the Sampler Disc 2 will not run without Quicktime. (If you are already running a later version of QuickTime, it will NOT be replaced by the installer.)
Once you have checked the necessary space is available you
1. Insert the disc into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Double click on the Quicktime Install icon that appears.
3. Follow the instructions to install Quicktime on your
4. When the installation is complete, double click on the
This Sampler Disc has been created using the Macromedia Director
(TM) 4.03 for Macintosh. The minimum Macintosh configuration
recommended for Director 4.03 is as follows:
4Mb of RAM
CD-ROM drive
14-inch monitor (640 x 480 pixels) displaying 256 colours
Mouse and loudspeakers or headphones
System 7.01 or later
Users might like to know that most of the individual titles introduced in this sampler will run on lower specification machines, and will generally run faster than they appear to on the sampler. (Please check individual box details for the exact specification of machine required for each title.)
Please note that the Sampler 2 application is designed to run in
256-colour mode for best performance. The application should
automatically switch the screen to the correct colour depth if it can
be supported.
For the technically minded, the sound sample rate used for narrations and animations in the sampler is 11.025 KHz. (This is a space-saving requirement.) In the final products the sample rate is 22.050 KHz, giving superior audio quality.
3. Running video clips using Sampler Disc 2
There are a number of video clips included on the CD-ROM, and
these can be played in three different sizes, although the quality
of each playback will depend on the power of your Macintosh.
The three sizes are:
- small (240 x 180 pixels)
- medium (320 x 240 pixels)
- large (where the 'small' video clip is pixel-doubled to
display at 640 x 480 pixels)
We generally recommend owners of LC III (or comparable)
machines select the 'small' option, owners of Centris 610 (or
comparable) machines select the 'medium' option, and owners of
Centris 650 machines or above select the 'large' option.
(Anyone having problems with the overall quality of the video,
e.g., jerkiness or sound breaking up, should try switching to a
smaller size display.)
4. Running out of memory using Sampler Disc 2
Running Sampler 2 with your Macintosh in Virtual Memory mode can cause sound break-up. In Virtual Memory mode, your Macintosh uses a section of its hard drive as RAM. Although this increases the free RAM available to Sampler 2, access to that RAM can be slow. For best performance, use the Memory control panel to turn Virtual Memory off and then restart your Macintosh.
If the system reports that there is not enough memory to run the
application we recommend that you:
1. Quit all other applications.
2. Restart the machine.
3. Make sure the monitor is in 256-colour mode.
4. Restart the Sampler 2 application.
5. Sound problems with Sampler Disc 2
As mentioned earlier, running Sampler 2 with your Macintosh in Virtual Memory mode can cause sound break-up. For best performance, use the Memory control panel to turn Virtual Memory off and then restart your Macintosh.