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Text File | 1995-05-17 | 22.3 KB | 536 lines | [TEXT/McSk] |
- ( Reader application for Pocket Forth 0.6.4 )
- : RTEST ( -- ) key 13 = 0= IF bye ?terminal drop THEN 0 28 +md ! ;
- page
- ( ******************* W A R N I N G ******************** )
- ( This file creates the ReadMe application. Do NOT run )
- ( this file on a normal copy of Pocket Forth. Instead make )
- ( a SPECIAL copy using ResEdit: )
- ( 1} Open a copy of ReadMe with ResEdit )
- ( 2} Delete the DICT 257 resource from ReadMe )
- ( 3} Open a copy of Pocket Forth with ResEdit )
- ( 4} Copy the DICT 257 resource from Pocket Forth )
- ( 5} Paste the DICT 257 resource into ReadMe )
- ( 6} Save ReadMe with ResEdit )
- ( 7} Quit ResEdit and Open ReadMe )
- ( 8} Type "open" and open Reader )
- ( 9} Press the return key, wait until ReadMe quits. )
- ( 10} Restart ReadMe. )
- ( Type return to continue, anything else to quit. ) rtest
- forget task : task ;
- : !FONT ( n -- ) >r ,$ A887 ; macro ( _TextFont )
- : !FSIZE ( n -- ) >r ,$ A88A ; macro ( _TextSize )
- : !FACE ( face -- ) >r ,$ A888 ; macro ( _TextFace )
- : SFONT ( -- ) 0 !font 12 !fsize ; ( 12 point Chicago )
- : NFONT ( -- ) 4 !font 12 !fsize ; \ 12 point Monaco
- : AFONT ( -- ) 1 !font 10 !fsize ; \ 10 point Geneva
- : LFONT ( -- ) nfont 9 !fsize ; \ 9 point Monaco
- : CLS ( -- ) 4 +md a>r ,$ A8A3 20 20 !pen ; ( CLear Screen )
- ( old style colors )
- : BLACK 33 0 2>r ,$ A862 ; ( black _ForeColor )
- : RED 205 0 2>r ,$ A862 ; ( red _ForeColor )
- : BLUE 409 0 2>r ,$ A862 ; ( blue _ForeColor )
- ( rect words )
- : RECT ( compile: -- ) ( run: -- addr ) variable 6 allot ;
- : !RECT ( t l b r rect -- ) >r swap r 4 + 2! swap r> 2! ;
- : @RECT ( rect -- t l b r ) dup 2@ swap rot 4 + 2@ swap ;
- : ROFFSET ( h v rect -- ) a>r 2>r ,$ A8A8 ; ( _OffsetRect )
- : RINSET ( h v rect -- ) a>r 2>r ,$ A8A9 ; ( _InsetRect )
- : ?EMPTY ( rect -- flag ) 0 >r a>r ,$ A8AE r> ; ( _EmptyRect )
- : RERASE ( rect -- ) a>r ,$ A8A3 ; ( _EraseRect )
- : ?PHIT ( h v poly -- flag ) ( true if h,v is in polyBBox )
- 0 >r 2@ dl@ 2 0 d+ 2swap 2>r 2>r ,$ A8AD r> ; ( _PtInRect )
- : POLYGON ( addr -- ) 0 0 2>r ,$ A8CB 2r> rot 2! ; ( _OpenPoly )
- ( print PICT resources from this file )
- : GETPICT ( id -- dhandle ) 0 0 2>r >r ,$ A9BC 2r> ; ( _GetPict )
- : PDRAW ( rect dhandle -- ) ( draw a picture in rect )
- 2>r a>r ,$ A8F6 ; ( _DrawPicture )
- : DPICT ( rect id -- ) getpict pdraw ;
- ( create and destroy pictures )
- : PICTURE ( rect -- dhandle ) ( open a picture )
- 0 0 2>r a>r ,$ A8F3 2r> ; ( _OpenPicture )
- : PCLOSE ,$ A8F4 ; macro ( _ClosePicture )
- : PKILL ( addr -- ) 2@ 2>r ,$ A8F5 ; ( _KillPicture at addr )
- \ color availability testing
- : ?COLOR ( -- f ) \ true if color is available and system>6.0.4
- ,s qd ?gestalt dup IF 2drop 256 < 0= THEN ;
- ( icons )
- : CIGET ( id -- d.handle ) ( call once per icon )
- 0 0 2>r >r \ push room and id
- ?color IF ,$ AA1E ( _GetCIcon )
- ELSE ,$ A9BB THEN 2r> ; ( _GetIcon )
- : CIPLOT ( rect d.handle -- ) \ draw icon in rect
- rot a>r 2>r
- ?color IF ,$ AA1F ( _PlotCIcon )
- ELSE ,$ A94B THEN ; ( _PlotIcon )
- ( polygons for the 'NEXT' and 'PREV' "buttons" )
- 2variable APOLY ( aft button poly handle )
- 2variable FPOLY ( fore button poly handle )
- : +APOLY ( -- ) apoly polygon
- 5 225 !pen 20 210 -to 50 210 -to
- 50 240 -to 20 240 -to 5 225 -to
- ,$ A8CC ; ( _ClosePgon )
- : +FPOLY ( -- ) fpoly polygon
- 440 225 !pen 425 210 -to 390 210 -to
- 390 240 -to 425 240 -to 440 225 -to
- ,$ A8CC ; ( _ClosePgon )
- ( display "buttons" )
- : .POLY ( addr -- ) blue 2@ 2>r ,$ A8C6 black ; ( _FramePoly )
- : .AARROW ( -- ) 015 230 !pen ." Prev" apoly .poly ;
- : .FARROW ( -- ) 396 230 !pen ." Next" fpoly .poly ;
- : .ARROWS ( -- ) .aarrow .farrow ;
- \ display icons
- variable ICONTABLE 0 iconTable ! 12 allot \ room for 2 icons
- ( no.of.entries id#1 handle#1 id#2 handle#2 )
- : >ICON ( index -- addr ) 6 * iconTable 2+ + ; \ icon list entry (0 based)
- : +ICON ( id -- ) \ loads icon from disk and stores data in table
- iconTable @ >icon \ get entry address
- 2dup ! \ store id into table
- swap ciget rot 2+ 2! \ get & store handle
- 1 iconTable +! ;
- : .ICON ( id rect -- ) \ display icon in rect
- SWAP iconTable @ 0 DO \ search the icon table ..
- r >icon @ over = IF \ .. for the id wanted
- drop r >icon 2+ 2@ ciplot LEAVE
- \ Flying Bird stuff
- rect BRECT 0 0 14 28 brect !rect ( the bird's rect )
- rect OBRECT 0 0 0 0 obrect !rect ( old brect )
- 2variable B1PICT ( hold b1's pict handle )
- 2variable B2PICT ( hold b2's pict handle )
- 2variable B3PICT ( hold b3's pict handle )
- ( draw the three bird positions )
- : .B1 red 2 0 !pen 6 0 -to 12 6 -to 18 0 -to 22 0 -to black ;
- : .B2 red 0 6 !pen 24 6 -to black ;
- : .B3 red 2 12 !pen 6 12 -to 12 6 -to 18 12 -to 22 12 -to black ;
- : +BIRD \ initialize the birds pictures & store the handles
- brect picture .b1 pclose b1pict 2!
- brect picture .b2 pclose b2pict 2!
- brect picture .b3 pclose b3pict 2!
- 0 0 0 0 brect !rect 0 0 0 0 obrect !rect ;
- : -BIRD b1pict pkill b2pict pkill b2pict pkill ;
- : B1 brect b1pict 2@ pdraw ;
- : B2 brect b2pict 2@ pdraw ;
- : B3 brect b3pict 2@ pdraw ;
- create .BS ' b1 , ' b2 , ' b3 , ( bird draw array )
- variable BTHIS 0 bthis ! ( offset to the current routine )
- 4 constant #BIRDS \ (number_of_birds-1)*2
- : THISBIRD ( -- n ) bthis @ ; \ the current bird
- : NEXTBIRD ( -- ) 2 bthis +! ; \ set bthis to the next bird
- : FIRSTBIRD ( -- ) 0 bthis ! ; \ first picture in sequence
- : .BIRD ( n -- ) .bs + @ execute ; \ draw bird n
- : MOVEBIRD 3 -1 brect roffset ; \ translate brect down1 for 3right
- : SHRINKBIRD 1 1 brect rinset ; \ shrink brect by 2 pixels
- : ANIMATE ( -- ) ( draw the flying red bird )
- brect ?empty IF \ if bird has shrunk to oblivion...
- 48 291 60 309 brect !rect THEN \ ...restore its origonal size
- obrect rerase \ erase the old rect
- brect @rect obrect !rect \ set old rect to current rect
- 0 -1 obrect rinset \ expand old rect for full erasure
- thisBird .bird \ draw the bird
- thisBird #birds < IF \ if its bird 1 or 2
- nextBird moveBird \ increment bird and move rect
- ELSE \ its bird 3
- firstBird moveBird shrinkBird \ cycle, move & shrink
- THEN ;
- ( rects for pictures )
- rect PRECT 15 48 212 405 prect !rect ( title picture rect )
- rect SRECT 192 222 221 370 srect !rect ( signature rect )
- rect IRECT 170 194 203 227 irect !rect ( icon rect )
- : SCR ( -- ) @pen swap drop 16 + 50 swap !pen ; ( special cr )
- : LCR ( -- ) @pen swap drop 12 + 50 swap !pen ; ( little scr )
- : BCR ( -- ) @pen swap drop 50 swap !pen ; ( cr without lf )
- ( P1 - P? are page drawing routines. They have no stack effect.)
- : P1 cls prect 4000 dpict .farrow ;
- : P2 cls scr
- ." Its FAST, its FUN and its FREE!" scr scr
- ." Its Pocket Forth, a programming language for" scr
- ." writing Macintosh applications and DAs." cr scr
- ." You can take advantage of many new features" scr
- ." in this release such as Apple Events*, Floating" scr
- ." Point, Gestalt** and Drag & Drop* programming." cr scr
- ." Learn Forth programming with the contents of" scr
- ." the Starting folder (inside the Extensions folder.)"
- scr scr scr ." * System 7 ** System 6.0.4+"
- srect 4001 dpict ( draw signature picture )
- .arrows ;
- : P3 cls scr
- ." Code produced by Pocket Forth is compact and fast." cr scr
- ." Pocket Forth produces true machine code, so" scr
- ." you have complete control over your program." cr scr
- ." Examine and run the example and extension" scr
- ." files for programming suggestions." cr scr
- ." If you have system 7 you can load text files by" scr
- ." dragging a text file icon onto Pocket Forth's icon." cr scr
- ." All systems can use the menu to “Open” a file."
- 143 392 176 425 irect !rect ( set icon rect )
- 128 irect .icon ( draw the icon )
- .arrows ;
- : P4 cls scr
- ." Print and read the Manual and the Glossary." cr scr
- ." The Manual consists of two TeachText documents" scr
- ." suitable for use as a reference to Pocket Forth." cr scr
- ." The Glossary, also a TeachText document, is a" scr
- ." list of the words in the Pocket Forth dictionary." scr
- ." Stack effects, pronunciation and usage are shown." cr scr
- ." User written code and documents are now" scr
- ." included as examples and for your use."
- .arrows ;
- : P5 cls scr
- ." Major changes since release 5:" scr scr
- ." • Floating point numbers!" cr scr
- ." Numeric input containing a decimal point is" scr
- ." interpreted as an extended floating point" scr
- ." number. Floating Point numbers are kept on" scr
- ." the stack as ten byte entities." cr scr
- ." SANE is used along with three dozen new" scr
- ." words that manipulate floating point numbers." cr scr scr
- ." ( continued ... )"
- .arrows ;
- : P6 cls scr
- ." Floating point continued ..." cr scr
- ." Stack words: " 2 !face
- ." fdrop fdup fswap fpick" scr
- ." fpack froll f>d d>f" cr scr
- 0 !face ." Memory words: " 2 !face ." f@ f! fliteral f," scr
- ." fconstant fvariable" cr scr
- 0 !face ." I/O words: " 2 !face
- ." fnumber sci fix f." cr scr
- 0 !face ." Math words: " 2 !face
- ." fcompare f+ f- f* f/" scr
- ." frem f^ fint fabs fsqrt" scr
- ." fsin fcos ftan fatn" scr
- ." fexp fln" 0 !face
- .arrows ;
- : P7 cls scr
- ." • Apple Events:" cr scr
- 21 352 54 385 irect !rect ( set icon rect )
- 128 irect .icon ( draw the icon )
- ." Apple Events (System 7 required) are the" scr
- ." standard conduit for inter-application" scr
- ." communication. Pocket Forth programs may" scr
- ." define new Apple event handlers. The four" scr
- ." required events and all user defined events" scr
- ." are installed automatically when Pocket" scr
- ." Forth starts." cr scr
- ." HyperCard, Frontier and AppleScript examples" scr
- ." are in the 'Extensions:Apple Events' folder." cr scr
- ." ( continued ... )"
- .arrows ;
- : P8 cls scr
- ." New words and variables control Apple Events:" cr scr
- 2 !face ." AE: " 0 !face ." and " 2 !face ." AE: " 0 !face
- ." begin and end event definitions" scr
- 2 !face ." ,S " 0 !face
- ." compile (or stack) 4 bytes from ASCII" cr scr
- 2 !face ." +Md " 0 !face ." variables:" scr
- ." 136 Apple Event handler routine" scr
- ." 188 Address of installation list" scr
- ." 190 Error handler routine ("
- 2 !face ." drop " 0 !face ." )" scr
- ." 198 Reply record handle holder" scr
- ." 202 Apple Event record handle"
- .arrows ;
- : P9 cls scr
- ." • Use " 2 !face ." ?gestalt " 0 !face
- ." to query the system." cr scr
- ." Using this new system trap, available since" scr
- ." late system 6, you can determine much about" scr
- ." the system software and hardware." scr scr
- ." • A color conscious window is created if a" scr
- ." color machine is in use. This has no visual" scr
- ." effect but allows your programs to use color." scr scr
- ." • A new color icon and signature is used."
- 336 216 !pen lfont ." p4TH" sfont
- 175 335 207 367 irect !rect ( set icon rect )
- 129 irect .icon ( draw the icon )
- .arrows ;
- : P10 cls scr
- ." New for 6.3:" cr scr
- ." • The word \ makes comments more effecitve." cr scr
- ." • " 2 !face ." Warm " 0 !face
- ." restarts Pocket Forth, but leaves" scr
- ." the dictionary intact." cr scr
- ." • " 2 !face ." Depth " 0 !face
- ." lets you know how many items are" scr
- ." on the stack." scr scr
- ." • Check out the Balloon Help."
- 164 261 197 294 irect !rect ( set icon rect )
- 128 irect .icon ( draw the icon )
- .arrows ;
- : P11 cls scr
- ." Bug fixes:" cr scr
- ." • The manual has been updated. For best" scr
- ." results, use TeachText (not SimpleText)" scr
- ." to view and print the pictures." cr scr
- ." • " 2 !face ." Back " 0 !face
- ." now compiles correct branches." cr scr
- ." • A 32 bit address error in the update" scr
- ." routine has been fixed." cr scr
- ." • A new word, " 2 !face ." Bye " 0 !face
- ." does not use _ExitToShell." scr scr
- ." ( continued ... )"
- .arrows ;
- : P12 cls scr
- ." Bug fixes, continued ... (New for 6.3)" cr scr
- ." • " 2 !face ." +LOOP " 0 !face
- ." now works correctly with" scr
- ." negative arguments." cr scr
- ." • " 2 !face ." TYPE " 0 !face
- ." does not end with a space." cr scr
- ." • " 2 !face ." QUIT " 0 !face
- ." leaves the stack untouched." cr scr
- ." • Tabs are now converted to spaces before" scr
- ." interpreting, so they no longer cause errors." cr scr
- ." • Works with AppleScript (0.6.4)."
- 185 287 218 320 irect !rect ( set icon rect )
- 128 irect .icon ( draw the icon )
- .arrows ;
- : P13 cls scr
- ." Notes:" cr scr
- ." • A DA version is now included. Version 1.6.3" scr
- ." includes all of the new features except for" scr
- ." Apple Events support." cr scr
- ." • " 2 !face ." Grow " 0 !face
- ." has been removed from the application." scr
- ." Allocated memory is 32K for both application" scr
- ." and DA." cr scr
- ." • Choosing “Save” from the menu confirms your" scr
- ." choice before overwriting the dictionary." cr scr
- ." ( continued ... )"
- .arrows ;
- : P14 cls scr
- ." Notes, continued ..." cr scr
- ." • 68040's instruction cache must be disabled" scr
- ." to correctly compile code." cr scr
- ." • The floating point interpreter will attempt" scr
- ." to convert any undefined token to a number." scr
- ." If the token begins with a number, it will" scr
- ." be converted causing unexpected results." cr scr
- ." • Numerous code tightening and speed up" scr
- ." enhancements have been made."
- .arrows ;
- : P15 cls scr
- ." Packing list for Pocket Forth, release 6.4:" scr scr
- ." • The application, Pocket Forth version 0.6.4" scr
- ." • The desk accessory, PocketDA version 1.6.3" cr scr
- ." Text files:" scr
- ." • The Manual parts 1 and 2 (use "
- 4 !face ." TeachText" 0 !face ." )" scr
- ." • The Glossary of Pocket Forth words" scr
- ." • Source code with assembly instructions" scr
- ." and an assembly script for Frontier." scr
- ." • Source and Manual Addendum for the DA." cr scr scr
- ." ( continued ... )"
- .arrows ;
- : P16 cls scr
- ." • Example folder: (Packing list cont.)" cr scr
- ." create this application" bcr
- ." Reader" scr
- ." the guts of a text editor" bcr
- ." TextEdit" scr
- ." the Sieve of Erastothanes" bcr
- ." Sieve" scr
- ." demonstrate them" bcr
- ." Window&Menu" scr
- ." read and write ASCII data files" bcr
- ." DataFiles" scr
- ." floating point trig. functions" bcr
- ." SANETrig" scr
- ." 16/32 bit math functions" bcr
- ." IntegerTrig" scr
- ." QuickDraw routines with demo" bcr
- ." Graphics" scr
- ." an RPN scientific calculator" bcr
- ." Calculator" cr scr scr
- ." ( continued ... )"
- .arrows ;
- : P17 cls scr
- ." • Extension folder: (Packing list cont.)" cr scr
- ." Make Pocket Forth mostly" bcr
- ." Starting folder" scr
- ." compatable with "
- 4 !face ." Starting" bcr
- nfont 2 !face ." ATTENTION" 0 !face sfont scr
- ." " 4 !face ." Forth"
- 0 !face ." by Leo Brodie!" bcr
- nfont 2 !face ." BEGINNERS!" 0 !face sfont cr scr
- ." A folder with new event" bcr
- ." Apple Events" scr
- ." definitions and interface files for" scr
- ." Frontier, HyperCard & AppleScript."
- cr scr
- ." A library of utility routines." bcr
- ." Misc" cr scr
- ." The Forth Vendors Group" bcr
- ." fvgFloatingPoint" scr
- ." floating point standard."
- 128 94 161 127 irect !rect ( set icon rect )
- 128 irect .icon ( draw the icon )
- .arrows ;
- : P18 cls scr
- ." • Contributions: (Packing list cont.)" cr scr
- ." Case and object oriented" bcr
- ." From Peters" scr
- ." extensions to Pocket Forth." cr scr
- ." A fractal drawing program." bcr
- ." From Gates" scr
- ." Double click on the Mandelbrot" scr
- ." icon to run the program." cr scr
- ." Two programs, some useful" bcr
- ." From Consuegra" scr
- ." extensions, and a manual" scr
- ." formatted for printing." cr scr lcr
- ." ( continued ... )"
- .arrows ;
- : P19 cls scr
- ." • Contributions cont’d: (Packing list cont.)" cr scr
- ." The manual in Japanese." bcr
- ." From Nagasawa" cr scr
- ." Forth written in Forth." bcr
- ." From Webb" cr scr
- ." Other files from M. Roberts, R. Chuo and others" scr
- ." are included. Thanks to all of you!" cr scr
- ." • Programs folder:" scr
- ." This folder contains two programs I have previously" scr
- ." released. The full source code for Bezier, a DA," scr
- ." and Rhine, an application are included."
- .arrows ;
- : P20 cls scr
- ." If you find a bug, need help, or want to talk" scr
- ." about this, write. I'd like to hear from you and" scr
- ." I'll attempt to answer your mail." afont ." *" sfont cr scr
- ." Do not send any money, Pocket Forth is free!" cr scr
- ." Contact me at any of the following addresses:" scr
- ." Preferred email heilman@pc.maricopa.edu" scr
- ." CompuServe [70566,1474]" scr
- ." AOL cheilman" scr
- ." U.S. Mail PO box 8345" scr
- ." Phoenix AZ 85066-8345" cr lcr
- ." " afont ." * Be patient though, it takes some time "
- ." for me to make up an answer." lcr sfont
- ." " afont ." If you haven't heard from me in 2 weeks, "
- ." write again. Thanks." sfont
- .aarrow ;
- \ page list
- variable PWHICH 0 pwhich ! ( page-1 to be drawn )
- 19 constant PNO ( number of pages-1 )
- create PLIST ( ordered list of routines or "pages" )
- ' p1 , ' p2 , ' p3 , ' p4 ,
- ' p5 , ' p6 , ' p7 , ' p8 ,
- ' p9 , ' p10 , ' p11 , ' p12 ,
- ' p13 , ' p14 , ' p15 , ' p16 ,
- ' p17 , ' p18 , ' p19 , ' p20 ,
- ( update, menu, button and idle handlers )
- : DOUP pwhich @ 2* plist + @ execute ; ( draw the pwhichth page )
- : DON ( n -- ) pwhich ! doup ; ( go to nth page )
- : DOAFT pwhich @ 1 - 0 max don ; ( decrement pwhich )
- : DOFOR pwhich @ 1+ pno min don ; ( increment pwhich )
- : DOFIRST 0 don ; ( go to first page )
- : DOLAST pno don ; ( go to last page )
- : DONEW 4 don ; \ go to "whats new" page
- : DOBUG 10 don ; \ go to "bug fixes" page
- : DONOTE 12 don ; \ go to "notes" page
- : DOPACK 14 don ; \ go to "packing list" page
- : STOP -bird bye ; ( stop animating )
- \ menu list
- create GMENU ' dofirst , ' doaft , ' dofor , ' dolast ,
- ' null , ' donew , ' dobug , ' donote , ' dopack , ' dolast ,
- create FMENU ' stop ,
- create MBAR fmenu , 18 +md @ 2+ @ , gmenu ,
- 2variable GMENUH 0 0 gmenuh 2! ( holder for goMenuHandle )
- ' beep 18 +md @ ( get pointer to menu list )
- 2+ @ ( get pointer to Edit menu from menu list )
- 8 + ! ( set paste handler to beep )
- : +MENU ( -- ) ( Turn the new menu on.)
- 0 0 2>r 4 >r ,$ A9BF ( _GetRMenu )
- 2r> 2dup 2>r 0 >r ,$ A935 ( _InsertMenu )
- gmenuh 2! ,$ A937 ; ( _DrawMenuBar )
- : DOBUTT ( -- ) ( button handler )
- @mouse apoly ?phit IF apoly 2@ 2>r ,$ A8C9 doaft ELSE
- @mouse fpoly ?phit IF fpoly 2@ 2>r ,$ A8C9 dofor
- \ Idle procedure
- variable TLAST 0 tlast ! ( timer )
- 10 constant DELAY
- : TICKS ( -- n ) 364 0 l@ ;
- : ?TIME ( -- flags ) ( true if 1/delay seconds has elapsed )
- ticks tlast @ - abs delay > ;
- : DOIDLE ( do the first page animation )
- pwhich @ 0= IF ( if its the title page )
- ?time IF ticks tlast ! animate
- \ startup procedure
- : START sfont \ Set to 12 point Chicago
- 2 >r ,$ A889 \ SrcXor _TextMode
- +apoly +fpoly \ This is stuff that must
- +menu +bird \ be set up at runtime,
- 128 +icon 129 +icon \ because it uses handles.
- BEGIN ?terminal drop AGAIN ; ( event loop )
- \ This is event handlers and data to set up when this is loaded.
- ' doup 14 +md ! \ set update handler
- ' dobutt 16 +md ! \ set button handler
- mbar 18 +md ! \ set the menu handlers
- ' doidle 20 +md ! \ set idle handler
- ' stop 22 +md ! \ set quit handler
- ' start 26 +md ! \ set startup handler
- ' null 136 +md ! \ disable Apple Events
- 450 250 8 +md 2! \ set window size
- save bye