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- ; pForthDict.asm
- ; Pocket Forth version of Flint 7:48:10 PM 1/12/87
- ; put into "DICT" resource 1:27:38 PM 1/23/87
- ; change DP to Dict and CP to DP 4:48:49 PM 1/24/87
- ; add optional base expansion 11:33:21 PM 2/3/87
- ; restructure 8:22:09 AM 2/11/87
- ; version 0.3 12:53:54 PM 1/21/88
- ; Fri Apr 29, 1988 10:17:36 v 0.4
- ; 11:55:00 PM 6/3/91 restructure preamble
- ; Thu Apr 02, 1992 12:00:00 grow return
- ; Fri Jan 22, 1993 19:28:00 0.6.2
- ; Fri Jun 06, 1993 05:13:00 0.6.3
- WHeight EQU 178
- WWidth EQU 384
- CR EQU $0D
- BS EQU 8
- BL EQU 32
- MACRO Counter = D7 | ; Character count
- MACRO Dict = D6 | ; _DICT_ionary last word (rel.addr)
- MACRO RS = A7 | ; _R_eturn (and system) _S_tack
- MACRO PS = A6 | ; _P_arameter _S_tack
- MACRO IS = A4 | ; _I_nput _S_tream
- MACRO BP = A3 | ; _B_ase _P_ointer
- MACRO DP = A2 | ; _D_ictionary _P_ointer
- MACRO Base = Bottom | ; address of the bottom address
- MACRO theLink = Base-6 | ; dictionary search link address
- INCLUDE Traps.txt
- INCLUDE Macros.txt
- .ALIGN 2 ; TYPE ID# Title attribute: locked
- RESOURCE 'DICT' 257 'Pocket' 16
- ; ----- start of code ------
- Bottom: JMP Cold ; first time run
- GRet: LEA Bottom,BP ; reset the base pointer
- LEA 0(BP,D1.W),DP ; abs.addr into register
- LEA 0(BP,D2.W),IS
- JSR toabs-base(BP)
- MOVE.L (PS)+,(RS)
- INCLUDE Interface.txt ; the interface
- INCLUDE Interpreter.txt ; the interpreter
- INCLUDE Dictionary.txt ; the dictionary