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Text File | 1994-05-27 | 5.9 KB | 217 lines | [TEXT/Imag] |
- var {Global variables}
- RoiLeft,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight:integer;
- GelPid,MarkedPid,nLanes,count,ppv:integer;
- SaveRoiLeft,SaveRoiTop,hOffset,vOffset:integer;
- MinY,MaxY,xscale,yscale:real;
- VerticalLanes,Uncalibrated:boolean;
- procedure MarkLane;
- var
- left,top,width,height:integer;
- GelNotCalibrated:boolean;
- min,max:real;
- begin
- GetRoi(left,top,width,height);
- if width=0 then begin
- PutMessage('Please outline the next lane.');
- exit;
- end;
- if (VerticalLanes and (left=RoiLeft))
- or (not VerticalLanes and (top=RoiTop)) then begin
- PutMessage('This lane has already been marked.');
- exit;
- end;
- nLanes:=nLanes+1;
- ChoosePic(GelPid);
- if VerticalLanes then begin
- MakeRoi(left+hOffset,RoiTop+vOffset,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- RoiLeft:=left;
- rUser1[nLanes]:=left;
- end else begin
- MakeRoi(RoiLeft+hOffset,top+vOffset,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- RoiTop:=top;
- rUser1[nLanes]:=top;
- end;
- GetPlotData(count,ppv,min,max);
- if min<MinY then MinY:=min;
- if max>MaxY then MaxY:=max;
- SelectPic(MarkedPid);
- if VerticalLanes
- then MakeRoi(left,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight)
- else MakeRoi(RoiLeft,top,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- DrawBoundary;
- SetFontSize(9);
- if VerticalLanes then begin
- SetText('Centered, No Background');
- MoveTo(RoiLeft+RoiWidth/2,RoiTop-6);
- end else begin
- SetText('Right Justified, No Background');
- MoveTo(RoiLeft-2,RoiTop+RoiHeight/2);
- end;
- Write(nLanes:1);
- RestoreRoi;
- SelectPic(MarkedPid);
- end;
- macro 'Mark First Lane [1]';
- var
- GelWidth,GelHeight,left,width:integer;
- margin,leftm,rightm,topm,bottomm:integer;
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.54);
- if WindowTitle='Temp' then begin
- PutMessage('To restart, select the first lane in the gel.');
- exit;
- end;
- GetRoi(RoiLeft,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- if RoiWidth=0 then begin
- PutMessage('The Setup macro expects the Gel to be displayed and the first lane outlined.');
- exit;
- end;
- VerticalLanes:=RoiHeight>RoiWidth;
- Uncalibrated:=not Calibrated;
- GelPid:=PidNumber;
- SetForegroundColor(255);
- SetBackgroundColor(0);
- MinY:=999999;
- MaxY:=-999999;
- nLanes:=0;
- margin:=20;
- GetPicSize(GelWidth,GelHeight);
- leftm:=RoiLeft;
- if leftm>margin then leftm:=margin;
- rightm:=GelWidth-(RoiWidth+RoiLeft);
- if rightm>margin then rightm:=margin;
- bottomm:=GelHeight-(RoiHeight+RoiTop);
- if bottomm>margin then bottomm:=margin;
- topm:=RoiTop;
- if topm>margin then topm:=margin;
- if VerticalLanes
- then MakeRoi(RoiLeft-leftm,RoiTop-topm,
- GelWidth-RoiLeft+leftm,RoiHeight+topm+bottomm)
- else MakeRoi(RoiLeft-leftm,RoiTop-topm,
- RoiWidth+leftm+rightm,GelHeight-RoiTop+topm);
- Duplicate('Temp');
- MarkedPid:=PidNumber;
- SaveRoiLeft:=RoiLeft;
- SaveRoiTop:=RoiTop;
- hOffset:=RoiLeft-leftm;
- vOffset:=RoiTop-topm;
- RoiLeft:=leftm;
- RoiTop:=topm;
- SelectPic(GelPid);
- KillRoi;
- SelectPic(MarkedPid);
- MakeRoi(RoiLeft,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- if VerticalLanes
- then RoiLeft:=-1
- else RoiTop:=-1;
- SetPlotScale(0,0);
- MarkLane;
- end;
- macro 'Mark Next Lane [2]';
- var
- left,top,width,height:integer;
- GelNotCalibrated:boolean;
- min,max:real;
- begin
- if nLanes=0 then begin
- PutMessage('Please use the "Mark First Lane" macro first.');
- Exit;
- end;
- MarkLane;
- end;
- macro 'Plot Lanes [3]';
- var
- left,top,width,height:integer;
- GelNotCalibrated:boolean;
- i,LaneLength:integer;
- xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,min,max:real;
- MaxPlotWindowHeight,NeededSize:integer;
- PlotTop,PlotBottom,PlotWidth,PlotHeight:integer;
- hMargin,vMargin,SavePlotTop,PlotWindowSize:integer;
- PlotWinHeight,PlotWinWidth,PlotsPid:integer;
- begin
- if nLanes=0 then begin
- PutMessage('Please use the Setup and Mark macros first.');
- Exit;
- end;
- if VerticalLanes
- then LaneLength:=RoiHeight
- else LaneLength:=RoiWidth;
- PlotWidth:=LaneLength;
- if PlotWidth<500 then PlotWidth:=500;
- if PlotWidth>(2*LaneLength) then PlotWidth:=2*LaneLength;
- PlotHeight:=PlotWidth/2;
- if PlotHeight<200 then PlotHeight:=200;
- if PlotHeight>400 then PlotHeight:=400;
- MaxPlotWindowHeight:=800;
- hMargin:=5;
- vMargin:=5;
- PlotWinHeight:=nLanes*PlotHeight+2*vMargin;
- if PlotWinHeight>MaxPlotWindowHeight then begin
- PlotWinHeight:=MaxPlotWindowHeight;
- PlotHeight:=(PlotWinHeight-2*vMargin)/nLanes;
- end;
- PlotWinWidth:=PlotWidth+2*hMargin;
- PlotWindowSize:=PlotWinWidth*PlotWinHeight;
- if PlotWindowSize>UndoBufferSize then begin
- NeededSize:=(PlotWindowSize+0.05*PlotWindowSize) div 1024;
- PutMessage('Use Preferences(Options Menu) to increase the Undo buffer size to at least ',NeededSize:1,'K.');
- KillRoi;
- exit;
- end;
- SetForegroundColor(255);
- SetBackgroundColor(0);
- SetNewSize(PlotWinWidth,PlotWinHeight);
- MakeNewWindow('Plots');
- PlotsPid:=PidNumber;
- if UnCalibrated then begin
- SetText('Left Justified');
- SetFontSize(12);
- MoveTo(6,vmargin+1);
- Write('uncalibrated');
- end;
- xmin:=0;
- xmax:=count-1;
- ymin:=MinY;
- ymax:=MaxY;
- xscale:=PlotWidth/(xmax-xmin);
- yscale:=PlotHeight/(ymax-ymin);
- PlotTop:=vMargin;
- SavePlotTop:=PlotTop;
- RoiLeft:=SaveRoiLeft;
- RoiTop:=SaveRoiTop;
- SetLineWidth(1);
- for i:=1 to nLanes do begin
- PlotBottom:=PlotTop+(ymax-ymin)*yscale;
- ChoosePic(GelPid);
- if VerticalLanes
- then MakeRoi(rUser1[i]+hOffset,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight)
- else MakeRoi(RoiLeft,rUser1[i]+vOffset,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- GetPlotData(count,ppv,min,max);
- SelectPic(PlotsPid);
- MoveTo(hMargin,PlotBottom);
- LineTo(PlotWinWidth-hMargin,PlotBottom);
- MoveTo(hMargin,PlotBottom-(PlotData[0]-ymin)*yscale);
- for i:=1 to count-1 do
- LineTo(hMargin+i*xscale,PlotBottom-(PlotData[i]-ymin)*yscale);
- PlotTop:=PlotTop+PlotHeight;
- end;
- nLanes:=0;
- ResetCounter;
- SetOptions('Area');
- WandAutoMeasure(true);
- AdjustAreas(true);
- LabelParticles(false);
- IncludeInteriorHoles(true);
- SetFontSize(9);
- SetText('Centered');
- if Uncalibrated
- then SetScale(0,'pixels')
- else SetScale(sqrt(xscale*yscale/ppv),'unit');
- end;