Digital Oscilloscope enables you to use your Macintosh as an oscilloscope and a frequency meter. All you need for this application to work is a sound input device, and a sound source connected to your Mac. Systems software 7.0 or later is required.
Digital Oscilloscope 2.1 should replace any previous version.
What Is New?
- supports two-channel and 16-bit sound input
- includes a frequency meter
- enhanced control of the traces
- color traces
- additional output options
- Oscilloscope 2.1 (application program)
- Documentation (Word document)
- Oscillograms (Word document)
- Read Me (Simple Text document)
Version History
2.0.2: Problem with MacRecorder driver fixed. (Thank to Mike Hejjas)
More Information
For more information read the enclosed Word document.
This application is freeware. Please send me a note about your use of the oscilloscope.
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions feel free to contact me: