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- on retrieverec record, fileName, index
- global gPath, gBit, gHDpath
- set myfile to FileIO(mnew, "read", gHDpath & fileName)
- if not objectp(myfile) then
- alert("Problem opening database")
- return 0
- end if
- if item record of field index <> EMPTY then
- set tmp to integer(item record of field index)
- else
- alert("Error loading record: " & record & " from the database")
- end if
- set err to myfile(mSetPosition, tmp)
- if err then
- alert("Problem retrieving record " & record, " using fileio")
- else
- set tmp to myfile(mReadToken, "@", EMPTY)
- myfile(mdispose)
- return tmp
- end if
- end
- on retrieve record, fieldnum, fileName, index
- global gPath, gBit, gHDpath
- set myfile to FileIO(mnew, "read", gHDpath & fileName)
- if not objectp(myfile) then
- alert("Problem opening database")
- return 0
- end if
- set tmp to integer(item record of field index)
- set err to myfile(mSetPosition, tmp)
- if err then
- alert("problem retrieving record")
- else
- repeat with i = 1 to fieldnum
- set tmp to myfile(mReadLine)
- end repeat
- set tmp to char 1 to the number of chars in tmp - 1 of tmp
- myfile(mdispose)
- return tmp
- end if
- end
- on search str, indextmp
- set tmp to Bsearch(str, indextmp)
- if tmp then
- return item 2 to the number of items in line tmp of field indextmp of line tmp of field indextmp
- else
- return 0
- end if
- end
- on LogicalAnd listA, listB
- set tmplist to EMPTY
- if (listA = EMPTY) or (listA = 0) then
- return EMPTY
- end if
- if (listB = EMPTY) or (listB = 0) then
- return EMPTY
- end if
- set numA to the number of items in listA
- set numB to the number of items in listB
- set posA to 1
- set posB to 1
- repeat while (posA <= numA) and (posB <= numB)
- if integer(item posA of listA) = integer(item posB of listB) then
- put item posA of listA & "," after tmplist
- set posA to posA + 1
- set posB to posB + 1
- next repeat
- end if
- if integer(item posA of listA) < integer(item posB of listB) then
- set posA to posA + 1
- next repeat
- end if
- set posB to posB + 1
- end repeat
- set tmplist to item 1 to the number of items in tmplist - 1 of tmplist
- return tmplist
- end
- on LogicalOr listA, listB
- set tmplist to EMPTY
- set numA to the number of items in listA
- set numB to the number of items in listB
- set posA to 1
- set posB to 1
- if (listA <> EMPTY) and (listB <> EMPTY) then
- repeat while (posA <= numA) and (posB <= numB)
- if integer(item posA of listA) = integer(item posB of listB) then
- put item posA of listA & "," after tmplist
- set posA to posA + 1
- set posB to posB + 1
- next repeat
- end if
- if integer(item posA of listA) < integer(item posB of listB) then
- put item posA of listA & "," after tmplist
- set posA to posA + 1
- next repeat
- end if
- put item posB of listB & "," after tmplist
- set posB to posB + 1
- end repeat
- end if
- if (posA <= numA) and (listA <> EMPTY) then
- put item posA to numA of listA & "," after tmplist
- else
- if posB <= numB then
- put item posB to numB of listB & "," after tmplist
- end if
- end if
- set tmplist to item 1 to the number of items in tmplist - 1 of tmplist
- return tmplist
- end
- on Bsearch str, txt
- set txt to the number of cast txt
- set start to 1
- set end to the number of lines in field txt
- set middle to (start + end) / 2
- repeat while str <> item 1 of line middle of field txt
- if str = item 1 of line end of field txt then
- return end
- end if
- if start = middle then
- return 0
- end if
- if str < item 1 of line middle of field txt then
- set end to middle
- else
- set start to middle
- end if
- set middle to (start + end) / 2
- end repeat
- if str = item 1 of line middle of field txt then
- return middle
- else
- return 0
- end if
- end
- on iBsearch str, txt
- set start to 1
- set end to the number of items in field txt
- set middle to (start + end) / 2
- repeat while str <> integer(item middle of txt)
- put start && middle && end
- if str = integer(item end of txt) then
- return end
- end if
- if start = integer(middle) then
- return 0
- end if
- if str < integer(item middle of txt) then
- set end to middle
- else
- set start to middle
- end if
- set middle to (start + end) / 2
- end repeat
- if str = integer(item middle of txt) then
- put "found " && str && " in list"
- return middle
- else
- put "didn't find " && str
- return 0
- end if
- end
- on sortlines txt
- set num to the number of lines in field txt
- set tmp2 to the number of cast txt
- repeat with i = 1 to num
- set flag to 0
- repeat with j = 2 to num
- if item 1 of line j of field tmp2 < item 1 of line j - 1 of field tmp2 then
- set flag to 1
- set tmp to line j - 1 of field tmp2
- put line j of field txt into line j - 1 of field tmp2
- put tmp into line j of field tmp2
- end if
- end repeat
- if flag = 0 then
- exit repeat
- end if
- end repeat
- end
- on sortitems txt
- if txt = EMPTY then
- return EMPTY
- end if
- set num to the number of items in txt
- repeat with i = 1 to num
- set flag to 0
- repeat with j = 2 to num
- if item j of txt < item j - 1 of txt then
- set flag to 1
- set tmp to item j - 1 of txt
- put item j of txt into item j - 1 of txt
- put tmp into item j of txt
- end if
- end repeat
- if flag = 0 then
- exit repeat
- end if
- end repeat
- return txt
- end
- on merge listA, listB
- if listA = EMPTY then
- return listB
- end if
- if listB = EMPTY then
- return listA
- end if
- set listNew to EMPTY
- set posA to 1
- set posB to 1
- set posNew to 1
- set numA to the number of items in listA
- set numB to the number of items in listB
- repeat while (posA <= numA) and (posB <= numB)
- if integer(item posA of listA) = integer(item posB of listB) then
- put item posA of listA & "," after listNew
- set posA to posA + 1
- set posB to posB + 1
- else
- if integer(item posA of listA) < integer(item posB of listB) then
- put item posA of listA & "," after listNew
- set posA to posA + 1
- else
- put item posB of listB & "," after listNew
- set posB to posB + 1
- end if
- end if
- set posNew to posNew + 1
- end repeat
- if posA <= numA then
- repeat while posA <= numA
- put item posA of listA & "," after listNew
- set posA to posA + 1
- end repeat
- else
- repeat while posB <= numB
- put item posB of listB & "," after listNew
- set posB to posB + 1
- end repeat
- end if
- return listNew
- end
- on siBsearch str, txt
- set start to 1
- set end to the number of items in field txt
- set middle to (start + end) / 2
- repeat while str <> item middle of txt
- put start && middle && end
- if str = item end of txt then
- return end
- end if
- if start = middle then
- return 0
- end if
- if str < item middle of txt then
- set end to middle
- else
- set start to middle
- end if
- set middle to (start + end) / 2
- end repeat
- if str = item middle of txt then
- put "found " && str && " in list"
- return middle
- else
- put "didn't find " && str
- return 0
- end if
- end
- on find str, txt
- repeat with i = 1 to the number of items in field txt
- if str = item i of field txt then
- put i
- exit repeat
- end if
- end repeat
- return -1
- end