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- on GoPictArticle
- global gChapters, gTitles, gArticles, gDates, gCaptions, gCurCutting, gCurChap, gCurArticle, gName, mytext, gArticlePage, gFullCuttings, gFormattedText, gTextPages, gMaxLines, gCurIndex, gWorld, gSeenMaps, gPaperLoch, gMakerName, gHeadlocH, gNameLoch, gNameLocv, gMakerNum, gQTpath, gSoundpath, gNuggetTime, gNuggetDelay, gNameCastnum, gCurPic
- set picsprite to 9
- set cuttingsprite to 6
- set titlesprite to 8
- set papersprite to 11
- set datesprite to 12
- set captionsprite to 7
- set forwardbutton to 20
- set backbutton to 19
- set headsprite to 10
- set namesprite to 4
- set headloch to gHeadlocH
- set the locH of sprite headsprite to headloch
- puppetSprite(forwardbutton, 0)
- puppetSprite(backbutton, 0)
- puppetSprite(papersprite, 0)
- set oldframelabel to the frameLabel
- set the text of field "caption-pic" to " "
- set the text of field "caption-pic2" to " "
- if not (the frameLabel contains "pic") then
- unpuppet("4,10")
- else
- puppetSprite(captionsprite, 0)
- end if
- set piccastname to gMakerNum & "-" & gCurChap & "." & gCurArticle
- set piccast to the number of cast piccastname
- put gMakerNum & "-" & gCurChap & "." & gCurArticle
- if value(gMakerNum) = 119 then
- set PictFrame to "pict.MAT"
- set PictFrame2 to "pict2.MAT"
- else
- set PictFrame to "pict"
- set PictFrame2 to "pict2"
- end if
- if piccastname = "96-3.6" then
- go("pict2")
- else
- if ((gWorld = "design") or (gWorld = "senses") or (gWorld = "mind")) and (piccast > 0) then
- if the width of cast piccast >= the height of cast piccast then
- go(PictFrame2)
- else
- go(PictFrame)
- end if
- else
- go(PictFrame)
- end if
- end if
- CleanMem()
- set gCurPic to piccast
- if (gWorld = "Senses") or (gWorld = "Design") then
- set the locH of sprite namesprite to gNameLoch
- set the locV of sprite namesprite to gNameLocv
- end if
- puppetSprite(captionsprite, 1)
- set captionloch to the locH of sprite captionsprite
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to 1000
- puppetSprite(picsprite, 1)
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 1000
- updateStage()
- if ((gWorld = "senses") or (gWorld = "Design")) and (the frameLabel = PictFrame2) then
- set the castNum of sprite captionsprite to the number of cast "caption-pic2"
- else
- set the castNum of sprite captionsprite to the number of cast "caption-pic"
- end if
- set tmpcap to GetCaption()
- if ((gWorld = "senses") or (gWorld = "design")) and (the frameLabel = PictFrame2) then
- set the text of field "caption-pic2" to tmpcap
- set the textHeight of field "caption-pic2" to 18
- else
- set the text of field "caption-pic" to tmpcap
- end if
- set the textHeight of field "caption-pic" to 18
- if gWorld = "Senses" then
- set the textHeight of field "caption-pic2" to 25
- end if
- set the text of field "cutting" to " "
- set the text of field "title" to " "
- if gWorld = "Power" then
- set centerpoint to 265
- else
- if gWorld = "senses" then
- set centerpoint to 275
- else
- if gWorld = "discover" then
- set centerpoint to 250
- else
- set centerpoint to 300
- end if
- end if
- end if
- if (gWorld <> "Senses") and (gWorld <> "Body") then
- set caph to the height of cast "caption-pic"
- if gWorld = "Design" then
- if the frameLabel = "pict2" then
- set caph to the height of cast "caption-pic2"
- set the locV of sprite captionsprite to centerpoint - (caph / 2)
- end if
- else
- set the locV of sprite captionsprite to centerpoint - (caph / 2)
- end if
- else
- if gWorld = "Body" then
- set the locV of sprite captionsprite to 112
- end if
- end if
- if piccast > 0 then
- set the stretch of sprite picsprite to 0
- set the castNum of sprite picsprite to piccast
- set w to 1.0 * the width of cast piccast / 2
- set h to 1.0 * the height of cast piccast / 2
- if gWorld = "design" then
- if the width of cast piccast > the height of cast piccast then
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 98 + w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 131 + h
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to 493
- else
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 275 + w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 480 - h
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to 138
- end if
- else
- if gWorld = "power" then
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to captionloch
- if the width of cast piccast > the height of cast piccast then
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 640 - w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 146 + h
- else
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 256 + w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 72 + h
- end if
- else
- if gWorld = "discover" then
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to captionloch
- if the width of cast piccast > the height of cast piccast then
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 250 + w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 421 - h
- else
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 250 + w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 421 - h
- end if
- else
- if gWorld = "senses" then
- if the width of cast piccast > the height of cast piccast then
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 191 + w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 46 + h
- else
- set caph to the height of cast "caption-pic"
- set the locV of sprite captionsprite to centerpoint - (caph / 2)
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 191 + w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 45 + h
- end if
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to captionloch
- else
- if gWorld = "mind" then
- if piccastname = "96-3.6" then
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 457
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 284
- else
- if piccastname = "96-3.6b" then
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 451
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 282
- else
- if (the width of cast piccast > the height of cast piccast) or (the width of cast piccast = the height of cast piccast) then
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 256 + w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 96 + h
- else
- set caph to the height of cast "caption-pic"
- set the locV of sprite captionsprite to centerpoint - (caph / 2)
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 348 + w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 96 + h
- end if
- end if
- end if
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to captionloch
- else
- if gWorld = "body" then
- if the width of cast piccast > the height of cast piccast then
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 298 + w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 68 + h
- else
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 296 + w
- set the locV of sprite picsprite to 68 + h
- end if
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to captionloch
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- else
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to captionloch
- end if
- updateStage()
- if piccastname = "136-2.2" then
- go("136-2.2")
- set the visible of sprite 20 to 1
- else
- if piccastname = "136-2.3" then
- go("136-2.3")
- set the visible of sprite 20 to 1
- else
- if piccastname = "96-3.6" then
- go("jung")
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end
- on GoSoundArticle
- global gChapters, gTitles, gArticles, gDates, gCaptions, gCurCutting, gCurChap, gCurArticle, gName, mytext, gArticlePage, gFullCuttings, gFormattedText, gTextPages, gMaxLines, gCurIndex, gWorld, gSeenMaps, gPaperLoch, gMakerName, gHeadlocH, gNameLoch, gNameLocv, gMakerNum, gQTpath, gSoundpath, gNuggetTime, gNuggetDelay, gNameCastnum
- set picsprite to 9
- set cuttingsprite to 6
- set titlesprite to 8
- set papersprite to 11
- set datesprite to 12
- set captionsprite to 7
- set forwardbutton to 20
- set backbutton to 19
- set headsprite to 10
- set namesprite to 4
- set headloch to gHeadlocH
- set the locH of sprite headsprite to headloch
- puppetSprite(forwardbutton, 0)
- puppetSprite(backbutton, 0)
- puppetSprite(papersprite, 0)
- set the text of field "caption-qt" to " "
- unpuppet("4,10")
- set fname to gSoundpath & "S" & gMakerNum & ".AIF"
- puppetSprite(16, 1)
- set the locH of sprite 16 to 1000
- sound playFile 1, fname
- go("QT")
- if (gWorld = "Senses") or (gWorld = "Design") then
- set the locH of sprite namesprite to gNameLoch
- set the locV of sprite namesprite to gNameLocv
- end if
- if (gWorld = "Senses") or (gWorld = "Design") then
- puppetSprite(25, 1)
- puppetSprite(26, 1)
- puppetSprite(27, 1)
- puppetSprite(28, 1)
- end if
- puppetSprite(captionsprite, 1)
- set captionloch to the locH of sprite captionsprite
- set the castNum of sprite captionsprite to the number of cast "caption-qt"
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to 1000
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 1000
- updateStage()
- set tmpcap to GetCaption()
- set the text of field "caption-qt" to tmpcap
- if gWorld <> "Senses" then
- set the textHeight of field "caption-qt" to 18
- else
- set the textHeight of field "caption-qt" to 25
- end if
- if gWorld = "mind" then
- set centerpoint to 200
- else
- set centerpoint to 280
- end if
- set caph to the height of cast "caption-qt"
- if gWorld <> "Senses" then
- set the locV of sprite captionsprite to centerpoint - (caph / 2)
- end if
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to captionloch
- end
- on GoAnimArticle
- global gChapters, gTitles, gArticles, gDates, gCaptions, gCurCutting, gCurChap, gCurArticle, gName, mytext, gArticlePage, gFullCuttings, gFormattedText, gTextPages, gMaxLines, gCurIndex, gWorld, gSeenMaps, gPaperLoch, gMakerName, gHeadlocH, gNameLoch, gNameLocv, gQTAnimpath, gMakerNum, gQTpath, gSoundpath, gNuggetTime, gNuggetDelay, gNameCastnum
- set picsprite to 9
- set cuttingsprite to 6
- set titlesprite to 8
- set papersprite to 11
- set datesprite to 12
- set captionsprite to 7
- set forwardbutton to 20
- set backbutton to 19
- set headsprite to 10
- set namesprite to 4
- set headloch to gHeadlocH
- if not marker(gMakerNum & ".anim") then
- exit
- end if
- set the locH of sprite headsprite to headloch
- puppetSprite(forwardbutton, 0)
- puppetSprite(backbutton, 0)
- puppetSprite(papersprite, 0)
- set the text of field "caption-qt" to " "
- unpuppet("4,10")
- go(gMakerNum & ".anim")
- CleanMem()
- if (gWorld = "Senses") or (gWorld = "Design") then
- set the locH of sprite namesprite to gNameLoch
- set the locV of sprite namesprite to gNameLocv
- end if
- if (gWorld = "Senses") or (gWorld = "Design") then
- puppetSprite(25, 1)
- puppetSprite(26, 1)
- puppetSprite(27, 1)
- puppetSprite(28, 1)
- end if
- puppetSprite(captionsprite, 1)
- set captionloch to the locH of sprite captionsprite
- set the castNum of sprite captionsprite to the number of cast "caption-qt"
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to 1000
- set the locH of sprite picsprite to 1000
- updateStage()
- set tmpcap to GetCaption()
- set the text of field "caption-qt" to tmpcap
- if gWorld <> "Senses" then
- set the textHeight of field "caption-qt" to 18
- else
- set the textHeight of field "caption-qt" to 25
- end if
- if gWorld = "Discover" then
- set centerpoint to 250
- else
- set centerpoint to 280
- end if
- set caph to the height of cast "caption-qt"
- if (gWorld <> "Senses") and (gWorld <> "Body") then
- set the locV of sprite captionsprite to centerpoint - (caph / 2)
- else
- if gWorld = "Body" then
- set the locV of sprite captionsprite to 112
- end if
- end if
- set the locH of sprite captionsprite to captionloch
- set the movieRate of sprite 3 to 1
- puppetSprite(11, 1)
- end