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- In the nineteenth
- century, Vietnam
- was part of the
- French colonial
- empire. During
- the second world
- war, it was
- occupied by the
- Japanese. When
- they surrendered
- in 1945 the
- Vietminh began
- an insurrection
- and seized control
- of Vietnam. In
- September 1945,
- Ho declared
- Vietnamese
- independence
- #
- In 1941, Ho Chi
- Minh formed the
- Vietminh to fight
- both France and
- Japan. Ho had
- been a revolu-
- tionary for over
- 20 years, living
- in the USSR
- in the Twenties
- #
- The French
- wanted Vietnam
- back: in 1946
- war broke out
- between the
- Vietminh and the
- French. It lasted
- until 1954, when
- the Vietnamese
- scored a crushing
- victory at Dien
- Bien Phu and the
- French were
- driven out
- #
- Although the
- French had been
- defeated in the
- north, the south
- of the country
- remained under
- the control of a
- regime backed by
- the US. Ho was
- now President of
- North Vietnam,
- with the aim of
- uniting the
- country under
- communist rule
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- In 1964, two
- US destroyers
- were attacked by
- North Vietnamese
- torpedo boats
- in the Bay of
- Tonkin. President
- Johnson ordered
- air strikes against
- the north, and he
- also stepped up
- military support
- for the South
- Vietnamese state
- #
- In March 1965,
- the first US
- combat troops
- arrived in
- Vietnam. Soon,
- over 500,000
- American soldiers
- were fighting for
- South Vietnam
- #
- In 1968 the
- North Vietnamese
- army launched the
- 'Tet Offensive',
- capturing many
- towns, and even
- attacking the US
- embassy in Saigon,
- the capital of South
- Vietnam. When US
- and South Vietnam-
- ese forces resumed
- control, many
- North Vietnamese
- were summarily
- executed
- #
- Every day,
- television and
- the press brought
- the war into
- American homes.
- Evidence of bruta-
- lities committed
- by US and South
- Vietnamese
- forces, including
- napalm attacks,
- ended public
- support for the
- war and led to
- the withdrawal
- of most US
- troops by 1973
- #
- Without the
- military support
- of the US, South
- Vietnam collapsed.
- In April 1975,
- North Vietnamese
- troops captured
- Saigon and
- renamed it Ho
- Chi Minh City
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- Ho died in 1969
- at the height of
- the war against
- the United States.
- He never lived to
- see his dream of
- a united Vietnam
- #
- The war in Vietnam destroyed the career of Ho's opponent, the US President
- Lyndon Johnson. It deflected him from tackling the problems of poverty
- and racism in America
- #
- The communist
- victory ended
- colonial exploit-
- ation, but did not
- bring prosperity.
- Vietnam remains
- one of the poorest
- countries in the
- world, with a
- subsistence
- economy based
- on rice
- #
- In the Sixties
- the massive
- protest movement
- against the war
- in Vietnam helped
- to radicalise
- Western youth.
- Communist North
- Vietnam made
- revolution seem
- glamorous to a
- whole generation
- #
- In 1970 the
- US invaded
- neighbouring
- Cambodia, which
- was used as a
- base by North
- Vietnamese
- forces. This led
- to the rise of
- the Cambodian
- communists, the
- Khmer Rouge, and
- so to the murder
- of millions of
- innocent Cambo-
- dian citizens
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