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- Nixon was a
- disaster at home,
- a success abroad.
- The Watergate
- scandal brought
- him down, and
- did immeasurable
- damage to the
- institution of the
- presidency. But
- before this cata-
- strophe Nixon put
- an end to the war in
- Vietnam, and he
- put the west on a
- much friendlier
- footing with the
- communist world
- #
- Richard Nixon. later to be the champion of detente with communist countries, rose
- rapidly in the Republican party on the McCarthyite wave of anti-communist feeling
- #
- Nixon's career
- was dogged by
- accusations of
- dishonesty. As the
- candidate for vice
- president in 1952
- he had to go on TV
- to deny allegations
- of corruption. The
- event later became
- known as the
- "Checkers broad-
- cast", as Nixon
- placed his dog
- Checkers in shot
- to help him pose
- convincingly as
- a home-loving
- family man
- #
- Nixon and the
- Republicans began
- to distance them-
- selves from Joe
- McCarthy in 1954,
- when the senator
- suggested the US
- army was riddled
- with communists.
- This was too much
- for president
- Eisenhower, a
- former general
- #
- Nixon narrowly
- lost to Kennedy
- in the presidential
- election of 1960.
- In televised one
- on-one debates
- with his opponent,
- Nixon's heavy-
- jowled and often
- shifty appearance
- did him no favours
- against the young
- and dashing JFK
- #
- Nixon finally
- triumphed in the
- 1968 presidential
- campaign against
- Hubert Humphry
- through his ability
- to appeal to dif-
- ferent sections
- of a nation which
- was divided by
- Vietnam, race
- riots and youth
- rebellion
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- When Nixon at
- last made it to
- the White House
- it seemed the
- years of struggle
- and disappoint-
- ment were finally
- over. But greater
- troubles, and the
- worse scandal
- ever to befall an
- American president,
- were not far away
- #
- In 1972 members
- of Richard Nixon's
- re-election team
- were arrested
- breaking into the
- headquarters of
- the democratic
- party at the
- Watergate hotel
- in Washington.
- The Watergate
- scandal was to
- dominate Nixon's
- second term
- #
- A congressional
- enquiry into the
- Watergate break-
- in pointed the
- finger of suspicion
- at Nixon advisers
- Bob Haldeman
- (centre) and John
- Ehrlichman (right).
- Henry Kissinger,
- the secretary of
- state (standing)
- escaped censure,
- but did admit
- bugging colleagues
- and journalists
- #
- Nixon claimed that
- his aides had acted
- without his know-
- ledge or authority.
- But evidence was
- soon forthcoming
- of Nixon's personal
- involvement. It
- slowly transpired
- that there was a
- wide-ranging web
- of intrigue and
- corruption at the
- heart of the Nixon
- presidency, and
- now that web
- began to unravel
- #
- The Watergate
- affair was exposed
- by two newspaper
- reporters, Carl
- Bernstein and Bob
- Woodward (centre
- of picture), of the
- Washington Post.
- Their exploits
- spawned several
- books, television
- programs and films,
- notably All The
- President's Men,
- starring Dustin
- Hoffman and
- Robert Redford
- #
- Facing certain
- impeachment by
- Congress, a beaten
- and bitter Richard
- Nixon resigned in
- August 1974, still
- loudly protesting
- his innocence to an
- unforgiving and
- unbelieving public.
- Gerald Ford contro-
- versially granted
- Nixon a pardon, but
- it would take more
- than that to clear
- Nixon's name
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- Johnson's presidency had been wrecked by the Vietnam war. Nixon was
- determined not to make the same mistake and promised to withdraw
- US troops from Vietnam
- #
- NIxon's secretary
- of state Kissinger
- negotiated an end
- to US involvement
- in Vietnam. But
- the agreement the
- US signed with
- North Vietnam
- only delayed the
- communist triumph
- #
- The biggest
- triumph of Nixon's
- presidency was the
- establishment of
- relations with
- communist China.
- Ironically, it was
- the failure of the
- US to prevent the
- communist take-
- over of China in
- 1949 that led the
- young Nixon to
- suspect that there
- were communist
- agents in the
- US government
- #
- Henry Kissinger was the architect of the foreign policy of the Nixon presidency.
- The two men were politically close but personally competitive: both wanted to
- take the credit for establishing friendly relations with Russia and China
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